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Version: 21.11 (EOL)

POST Delivery Completed

Set the submission delivery to be completed, and optionally specify whether the transaction data should be deleted once delivery has been completed.


The Delivery REST API Overview provides an introduction to this REST API, including information about:

  • Security (authentication and authorization)
  • Delivery channel
  • Testing
  • Delivery call sequence (POST Next, GET Data, POST Confirmation)
  • Client failure recovery


HTTP request

POST https://<JM_SERVER>/manager/secure/rest/delivery/v1/<ORG_CODE>/<DELIVERY_CHANNEL>/<SUBMISSION_ID>/


This request takes no parameters.

Request body

The JSON request message must specify the hex-encoded transaction data SHA-256 hash values for the form XML data and the file upload attachment data.

Example request body
"xmlSHA256": "bd2f85644beffdd101be4137c68269627bbb935d8cd231ab2e5c505eabff72c6",
"attachments": [
"id": 41,
"fileSHA256": "3b80d18bc78aad01c50efbad9355a48a6907bdb850b96fc919570209e8cfc4c4"
"id": 42,
"fileSHA256": "553a417def543b52bcc786f1e2b79dbfd958348c94f689e8d85181aacd039a61"
"deleteData": true,
"processingStatus": "Your application is being processed"

Delete Data option

If the "deleteData": true attribute is set in the JSON confirmation message then the transaction user data will be deleted immediately from the server. The deleted data includes the form XML data, PDF receipt and any file attachments, but does not include the transaction metadata.


Only do this if you have pressing security requirements that requiring immedate transaction data purging after delivery. Deleted data is not recoverable from the server. Ensure any delivered transaction data is written to HA storage systems.

Processing Status option

If the "processingStatus" attribute is set then a processing status message is added to the transaction. This message can be used to display transaction processing status updates to the end user. The maximum length for this text value is 100 characters; longer values are truncated.




If successful, this operation returns a response with a HTTP 200 OK status code. Otherwise, it returns an error response.

Error responses

HTTP status codeDescription
400 Bad RequestBad request or request parameter. Check error message for details.
401 UnauthorizedUser not authorized to perform this operation.
404 Not FoundThe organization code, delivery channel or submission id may not exist. Ensure the HTTP method is POST and not GET.
503 Service UnavailableThe JM System Deployment property Enable REST/Web Service Delivery has been set to false.


An example successful response is shown below.

"id": 69,
"processingStatus": "Your application is being processed",
"processingStatusTime": "2015-01-27T14:53:00+11:00",
"deliveryStatus": "Completed",
"deliveryMethod": "REST Service",
"deliveryMessage": "Delivered via \u0027REST Service\u0027 REST Service to administrator",
"deliveryChannel": "REST Service",
"deliveryTime": "2015-01-27T14:53:00+11:00"