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Version: 19.11 (EOL)


There are two types of expressions that can be used within a Workspaces configuration: env variables and helper functions.

Expressions are denoted by double braces; that is {{ ... }}.

Env variables

An env variable is an expression, embedded within a JSON element of a Workspaces configuration, that represents a dynamic value unknown to the Workspaces portal until runtime. Env variables are evaluated as soon as the JSON response is received on the client.


{{ ENV_VAR }}

ENV_VAR is one of the following:

  • currentUser: The login name of the current Workspaces user.
"filterBy": {
"$assigned": "{{ currentUser }}",

Helper functions

A helper function is an expression, embedded within a JSON element of a Workspaces configuration, that is evaluated to generate a dynamic value. Helper functions are evaluated when the JSON response is received.


The date function is useful when a developer needs to define a date. By using natural language we can easily define relative dates.


{{ date('FORMAT') }}

FORMAT is a natural language string representing a specific day and/or time. Below are some example formats.

  • A specific day: 'today', 'Sunday, January 15th 2012', '8/25/1978', '8-25-1978', '8.25.1978', '2012-12-31', '2016-Mar-18', 'June 3rd, 2005', '1 Dec. 2016'
  • A relative day: 'in half a year', 'two weeks from today', 'the end of next week', 'four days after Monday', 'two days after tomorrow', 'March 15th of last year', 'next Tuesday', 'next week Thursday'
  • A specific day in a month or year: 'the 4th of July', 'the 15th', 'the end of February', 'the last day of February', 'the beginning of this month', 'the 2nd Tuesday of November', '22 August', 'the first day of 2013'
  • A specific or relative week, month or year: 'next week', 'April 2012', '5-2002', 'last year', 'five years ago'
  • A relative time: 'in 30 minutes', 'half an hour ago', 'an hour from now'
  • A specific or relative day and time: '3pm Wednesday', 'yesterday at 4pm', '6:30pm in three days', 'next Saturday at 10am'
  • A timestamp: 'now', '17760523T024508+0830', '1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00', '08-25-1978 11:42:32.488am', 'Wed, 03 Jul 2008 08:00:00 EST'
"filterBy": {
"$stepAge": ["{{ date('1 week ago') }}", "{{ date('today') }}"]