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Version: 24.10

Using Txn attributes

You can display Txn information in the Workspaces UI by defining mappings in the dataIndex attribute which is a Txn attribute in the underlying configuration that can be used as the value for a field.


mappings: {
$primaryApplicant: {
label: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'properties["PrimaryName"]',
type: 'text',

Fallback dataIndex

In some cases, you may want to define a fallback dataindex. Let's say you want to display a value in the table that is not available for all Txn statuses. You can define dataIndex as a list, and the second value is checked if the first value is not there. For example:

mappings: {
$primaryApplicant: {
label: 'Name',
dataIndex: ['properties["PrimaryName"]', 'formDataMap["PrimaryName"]'],
type: 'text',


Below is a list of attributes and the supported operations that they can be used for in the Workspaces configuration.

Filter transactions based on the authStatus of the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the clientCode.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the emailAddress associated with the submission.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the form template version's association to the category specified.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the form code of the submitted form.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on an entry in the formDataMap. Supports exact match of value but not extract name. For example:
  • "formDataMap[*] = 'Jane'"
  • "formDataMap['firstName'] = 'Jane'"
  • "formDataMap['firstName'] IN ('Jane', 'Doe')"
Supported operations: Selection, Filter
Filter transactions based on the form name of the submitted form.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on transaction form status.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the association with submission groups with names specified.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on submission milestones.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on submission properties. Supports exact match of both name and value for a single property per search. For example:
  • "properties[*] = 'prop1Value'"
  • "properties['property1'] = 'prop1Value'"
  • "properties['property1'] IN ('prop1Value', 'prop2Value')"
Supported operations: Selection, Filter
Filter transactions based on the association with spaces with name(s) specified.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the submission submitKey. Will match to one transaction record.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the time abandoned timestamp. Specify the timestamp using the format "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", or "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format). For example:
  • "timeAbandoned > '2018-01-01'"
  • "timeAbandoned < '2019-01-01 09:00:00'"
  • "timeAbandoned >= '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the time completed timestamp. Specify the timestamp using the format "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", or "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format). For example:
  • "timeCompleted < '2018-01-01'"
  • "timeCompleted = '2018-01-01 23:17:29'"
  • "timeCompleted > '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the time created timestamp. Specify the timestamp using the format "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", or "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format). For example:
  • "timeCreated > '2018-01-01'"
  • "timeCreated >= '2018-01-01 15:17:29'"
  • "timeCreated <= '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the time request timestamp. Specify the timestamp using the format "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", or "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format). For example:
  • "timeRequest >= '2018-01-01'"
  • "timeRequest = '2018-01-01 15:17:29'"
  • "timeRequest >= '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the time submitted timestamp. Specify the timestamp using the format "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", or "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format). For example:
  • "timeSubmitted < '2018-01-01'"
  • "timeSubmitted = '2018-01-01 15:17:29'"
  • "timeSubmitted >= '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the time user last modified timestamp. Specify the timestamp using the format "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", or "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format). For example:
  • "timeUserLastModified <= '2018-01-01'"
  • "timeUserLastModified = '2019-01-01 23:17:29'"
  • "timeUserLastModified > '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the tracking code. Will match to one transaction record.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the user login name.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the user saved property.
  • True: "userSaved = 1"
  • False: "userSaved = 0", "userSaved = null"
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on job reference number.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on job creation time.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Select job time value for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Select job key value for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Select job name value for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Select job's current action for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Select job's current step for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Select job's status for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Select job's completion schedule time for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Filter transactions based on job properties. Supports exact match of both name and value for a single property per search. For example:
  • "[*] = 'prop1Value'"
  • "['property1'] = 'prop1Value'"
  • "['property1'] IN ('prop1Value', 'prop2Value')"
Supported operations: Selection, Filter