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Version: 22.04


The actions attribute is used to whitelist user actions on the List and Details screens. They appear at the top right of the Details screen, either as a button if there is only one available action, or in a dropdown list if multiple actions are available.

There are two types of action:

  • jobActions: Actions that are on a job level. Supported actions: Receipt.
  • txnActions: Actions specific to their associated Txn. Supported actions: Recover, View Form (Resume), Withdraw.

Available actions are displayed in the following order:

  • Receipt
  • View Form (Resume)
  • Recover
  • Withdraw

Job Actions


The Receipt action opens a modal displaying the current Txn formReceipt. If there is more than one receipt attached to the Txn, the modal includes a dropdown list allowing the user to select a receipt to view.

Display rules

txn.job || txn.receiptUrl;

Txn Actions


The Recover action re-opens an abandoned Txn.

Display rules

txn.taskType !== 'Review' &&
txn.availableActions.includes('reopen') &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
txn.formStatus === 'Abandoned';

View Form (Resume)

The View Form action opens a modal displaying the form with the current Txn formUrl and &pageId='' appended to it.


We send a message using a postMessage API with the following schema:

pageId: '';

Display rules

txn.taskType !== 'Review' &&
!['Completed', 'Abandoned', 'Expired', 'Submitted'].includes(txn.formStatus);


The Withdraw action is used to abandon a saved Txn.

Display rules

txn.taskType === 'Review' &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
!['Completed', 'Abandoned', 'Expired', 'Submitted'].includes(txn.formStatus);

Actions config

txnActions: {
ViewForm: {
label: 'Resume',
Withdraw: {
label: 'Withdraw',
Recover: {
label: 'Recover',

jobActions: {
Receipt: {
label: 'Receipt',
permissions: {
type: 'group',
value: ['Manual Review'],


To review the list of supported attributes, see CurrentSpaceTxnActions and CurrentSpaceJobActions.