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Version: 21.11 (EOL)

POST Assign Txn

The transaction assign operation reassigns a submission task to the user specified in the query.

To assign a task, the following requirements must be met.

  • The form status is not "completed" or "abandoned".
  • The transaction is a task, and the taskKey is not empty.
  • The task is accessible by the user calling the API.
  • The task is not currently associated with a user. (To reassign a task, unassign it first.)

If any of these conditions are not met, a 400 Bad Request HTTP status code is returned.


HTTP request

POST https://<JM_SERVER>/workspaces/secure/api/v1/txn/assign

Request body

The POST request must contain a JSON structure describing the task assignment. To support multiple parameters, this API uses HTTP Content Type: application/json.

The available query attributes are listed below. All attributes are optional except where otherwise indicated.


If you specify an invalid request attribute, a 400 Bad Request HTTP status code is returned.

Required. A map containing the assign attributes.

Supported assign attributes

The supported assign attributes are listed below.


If you specify an invalid assign attribute, a 400 Bad Request HTTP status code is returned.

Required. The submit key property of the task to assign.
Required. The user key property of the user account to assign the task to.


If successful (that is, the task is assigned to the user and no errors occurred during the execution of this API), this operation returns a response with a HTTP 200 OK status code.

Error messages

Error keyErrorHTTP status code
accessDeniedThe user does not have access to transaction specified by the submitKey400 Bad Request
internalErrorPlease see Error Log ID {number}500 Internal Server Error
submitKeyNotSpecifiedsubmitKey not specified400 Bad Request
txnAlreadyAssignedThe task is currently assigned to a user. To reassign it, unassign it first, then assign it to the new user.400 Bad Request
txnAlreadyFinishedThe transaction specified by the submitKey has already been finished (Completed or Abandoned)400 Bad Request
txnNotFoundThe transaction specified by the submitKey was not found400 Bad Request
txnNotTaskThe transaction specified by the submitKey is not a task400 Bad Request
userKeyNotSpecifieduserKey not specified400 Bad Request
userNotFoundThe user account specified by the userKey was not found400 Bad Request

Error responses

HTTP status codeDescription
400 Bad RequestBad request or request parameter. Check error message for details.
404 Not FoundEnsure the URL endpoint is entered correctly.
500 Internal Server ErrorException occurred in txn assign. Contact administrator.


Ensure you specify Content-Type: application/json.

Example request
POST /workspaces/secure/api/v1/txn/assign HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"params": {
"submitKey": "15d071280b92c867f86975b9cd2e8765",
"userKey": "378595572a1bd63ff9b5972b7a1c91dd"