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Version: 21.11 (EOL)

POST Query Extract Name

Return a list of distinct Data Extract Names associated with the portal, filtered on the specified criteria.

The result will be ordered alphabetically by extract name.


HTTP request

POST https://<JM_SERVER>/workspaces/secure/api/v1/extract-name/query

Request body

The POST request must contain a JSON structure describing the extract name query. To support multiple parameters this API uses HTTP Content Type: application/json.

The set of query JSON attributes is listed below. All attributes are optional except where otherwise indicated.

Filter the list of returned extract names to just those associated with this clientCode.
fetchLimitInteger (Default: 10000)
Required. Specify the query fetch limit; that is, the maximum number of results returned.
Values: In the range 1 - 10,000. Values greater than 10,000 are reduced to 10,000.
Note: This attribute is used in conjunction with fetchOffset to determine which results are returned.
fetchOffsetInteger (Default: 0)
Specify the query fetch offset.
Note: This attribute is used in conjunction with fetchLimit to determine which results are returned.
Filter categories by forms with the form codes specified in this set.


If successful, this operation returns a response with a HTTP 200 OK status code.

Error messages

Error keyErrorHTTP status code
illegalArgumentPlease see Error Log ID {number}400 Bad Request
internalErrorPlease see Error Log ID {number}500 Internal Server Error
unableToResolvePortalUnable to resolve portal from request400 Bad Request

Error responses

HTTP status codeDescription
400 Bad RequestBad request or request parameter. Check error message for details.
404 Not FoundEnsure the URL endpoint is entered correctly.
500 Internal Server ErrorException occurred in extract name query. Contact administrator.


Ensure you specify Content-Type: application/json.

Example request
POST /workspaces/secure/api/v1/extract-name/query HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

"fetchLimit": 100,
"formCodes": ["loanapplicationwithr"],
"clientCode": "workspace"
Example successful response
"fetchLimit": 100,
"fetchOffset": 0,
"durationMs": 12,
"result": [
"Phone Number (AU)",
"State (Codes) (US)",