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Version: 21.11 (EOL)

Loading Reference Data using the Groovy Service Invoke REST API

The example Groovy Service below loads a product catalog CSV file into a client property named "Product Catalog" belonging to the "Maguire" organization.

Fluent Groovy Script

The REST client makes a multipart post request with the CSV file uploaded using the request parameter name products. The script gets the request FileItem object params.products, and converts it's byte data into text using the UTF-8 charset.

The script then loads the products CSV data into the database using a PropertyBuilder. This service creates or updates any existing property value with the same name.

import com.avoka.core.groovy.GroovyLogger as logger
import javax.servlet.http.*
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem

class FluentGroovyService {

* Perform a groovy service invocation
* return: the result object
Object invoke(SvcDef svcDef, HttpServletRequest request, User user, Map params) {

// Get the products file upload file item
FileItem fileItem = (FileItem) params.products "loading file: " +

// Convert the fileItem binary data to CSV text
String productsCSV = new String(fileItem.get(), "UTF-8")

// Create or update the Organizations "Product Catalog" property
new PropertyBuilder()
.setName("Product Catalog")

String msg = "Imported '" + + "' file into 'Product Catalog' organization property" msg

return msg


When the script executes, it returns a 200 OK response like this:

Imported 'product-catalog-q1.csv' file into 'Product Catalog' organization property