Version: 21.11 (EOL)
- Project Build Files: Journey SDK provides an Ant-based project build system, designed to work in both developer IDEs and on CI servers.
- Ant Tasks: Groovy Ant tasks help you create and maintain your Journey Manager projects.
- JSON Definitions: A handy reference describing the JSON definition files in a Journey Manager project.
- Fluent Security Configuration: Transact Fluent Groovy services are compiled and executed using a security configuration to protect the integrity and data security of the system.
- Transact CLI Reference: Transact CLI (T-CLI) is a Git-like command-line interface to a Maestro server for managing the files in individual forms or entire projects.
- Transact Fluent API: Transact Fluent API documentation (Javadoc).
- Maestro API: Maestro API documentation (JSdoc).
- Open UX API: An improved application logic programming model and improved security for form- and user-initiated Transact functions.
- Transact Client SDK: Transact Client SDK Javadoc developer documentation.