Version: 21.11 (EOL)
Open UX API Overview
Form-initiated Transact Functions use a new Open UX API introduced in Transact Manager 17.10. This new API provides an improved application logic programming model and improved security.
The Open UX API consists of a set of commands, based on a standard HTTP request and response.
- Form Error: Record information about an unexpected JavaScript application error in the TM Error Log.
- Form Function: Form-initiated execution of a Fluent Function service to perform server-side logic.
- Form Ineligible: Form-initiated abandonment of a transaction related to an ineligible user.
- Form Init: Report, for analytics, that the form application is fully initialized and ready for user interaction.
- Form Load: A form-initiated operation to load the form prefill data at page load time.
- Form New: A form-initiated operation to create a new form transaction.
- Form Start: Make a form-initiated record of the moment the user starts filling out a form.
- Form Update: A form-initiated background save.
- User Cancel: A user-initiated form abandonment.
- User Save: A user-initiated form save and close.
- User Submit: A user-initiated form submission.
Sequence Diagrams
The following sequence diagrams illustrate how applications use the Open UX API.