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Version: 21.11

Application Structure

Each Transact Framework Application project contains a single Application Package, represented by a file called app-package-def.json.

The application package file contains links to other files that constitute the application package contents.

Ant tasks

The SDK includes Ant tasks that will scaffold new content into an application package and create definition files in the project directory structure, updating the app-package-def.json file appropriately.

These scaffolding tasks are:

  • app-scaffold-connect - Scaffold into the connections folder.
  • app-scaffold-form - Scaffold into the forms folder.
  • app-scaffold-func - Prompt for a Java package name and scaffold a Transaction Function into the named package folder structure. Only one Transact Function can be scaffolded into a package. Use other package names if more functions are needed.

Example project

A simple example project application package structure is shown below.

  • src
    • com
      • avoka
        • func
          • service-def.json
          • service-help.html
          • HelloWorld.groovy
          • HelloWorldTest.groovy
          • test-data.xml
  • connections
    • my-connection.json
  • forms
    • my-form
      • form-def.json
      • formdata.xml
  • app-package-def.json

This example project contains one Transact Function in package com.avoka.func, one connection, and one form.

The corresponding app-package-def.json file for this example application package structure is shown below.

"name": "Transact Framework Form Development",
"description": "IDE Development example",
"clientCode": "idedev",
"connections": [
"delivery": [],
"forms": [
"properties": [],
"services": [