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Version: 21.11 (EOL)

Build Project Forms

The Maestro Offline Build (MOB) tool provides the ability to build all forms in a project from one command. The MOB tool must be pointed to the project folder containing all of the cloned assets (to learn more about cloned assets, see Clone Project). This can be done by either specifying the folder directly in an option, or by running the command from the project folder itself.

Where a form has more than one version, only the latest version is built using this command. To build any version other than the latest version, use either Build Form or Build Form List.


maestro build-project-forms [ options ]


All options are optional unless otherwise indicated.


Both short and long options are shown in the table below. When specifying a command, use either a short option or long option but not both.

Library Search Path
A comma-separated list of paths on the local file system to search for release and organization libraries. For more information, see About the Library Search Path below.
Project Path
The path to the Project Folder on the local file system.
If not provided, this defaults to the current working folder.
Output Path
The path on the local file system to place the built files.
If not provided, files are exported to the current working folder.
Target Format
The output format of the built forms.
Supported formats:
  • a: (Default) ZIP format form archive – one per form
  • f: FAR format form archive – one per form
  • e: Expanded FAR format – one folder created per form
To learn more about output formats, see Output formats.
A comma-separated list of brand names to build. If the form uses a multi-branded template, specific brands can be built in a single invocation. Separate assets are produced.
Enclose the value in quotes if any brand names have spaces in them.
(Flag) All Brands
Build all brands (only applicable for forms using a multi-branded template). If this option is set, the Brands option is ignored.
(Flag) Force Overwrite
Indicate that any existing contents in the output folder may be overwritten. Only the build assets will be overwritten/removed. If exporting to the project folder, all of the assets created during the clone are preserved.
If not provided and the folder is not empty, an error is displayed.
--debug(Flag) Debug Mode
Build the forms in un-minified mode for debugging.
Do not set this option for Production forms.

About the Library Search Path

As outlined in Clone Project, the MOB tool can optionally download the relevant release and organization libraries during the clone phase, placing them in the release-libraries and org-libraries sub-folders respectively.

When building forms, the MOB tool looks for release and organization libraries in these folders. However, if you want to manage these libraries separately to the projects, you can instruct the MOB tool to look elsewhere on the file system for them. A single --library-search parameter controls the search for both release and organization libraries. Multiple comma-separated paths may be specified; for example: C:\releases\21.11.0,C:\libraries\org1.


  • Build all forms in the current project folder, using the release and organization libraries that reside within the project folder (default), and creating a zip file for each form (default).

    maestro build-project-forms
  • Build all forms in a specified project folder, outputting to a different specified folder.

    maestro build-project-forms -p C:\org\my-project -o C:\builds\my-project
  • Build all forms in the current project folder, searching for release and organization libraries in another set of folders.

    maestro build-project-forms -l C:\releases\21.11.0,C:\libraries\org1
  • Build all forms in the current project folder, creating a FAR file for each form.

    maestro build-project-forms -t f