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Version: 20.05 (EOL)

Form Development


While you can deploy the Workspaces 19.11 application in a TJM 20.05 instance, we don't recommend this mixed-release deployment. For more information, see Can I deploy the Workspaces 19.11 portal in a TJM 20.05, 20.11 or 21.05 environment?.


Workspaces is a production-ready solution and component library for creating awesome application review processes that enhance the customer support experience, and provide valuable workgroup management capabilities. The new Workspaces introduces templates and components that follow the Temenos Design System, designed to improve the user and development experiences. Workspaces applications are built with React and the Temenos Journey Manager platform.

Your feedback is welcome and much appreciated. With your help, we can progress towards more elegant and better-designed components that will provide you with a better Workspaces experience.


As a Workspaces developer, you need Node and Git installed on your computer, as well as the Open UX Command Line tool (Open UX CLI).

Workspaces is based on ES2015+, React, Redux, and Material UI. Familiarity with these technologies is recommended but not required.

Install the Open UX CLI

To install the Open UX CLI, simply run the following command:

npm install -g @transact-open-ux/cli

If you want to learn more about getting started with Open UX, there's a Quick Start guide in the Open UX documentation.

Create a template project

Once the prerequisites are met, you're ready to create an Open UX project for your Workspaces client form. The easiest way to do this is to install one of our templates.

To install the template, run the following command.

transact create --clone --template https://gitlab+deploy-token-6:[email protected]/workspaces/workspaces-template.git new-workspaces-project

The command above creates a new project called new-workspaces-project but you can call your project whatever you like.


If you don't have access to the client services GitLab server, you can download the hosted content as a ZIP file from our resources website.


If your project uses a client services CI/CD pipeline for the build and deploy process, Workspaces 20.05 supports an automated build and deployment process. For details, refer to the README that comes packaged with your setup.


A scaffold is provided which includes common configs for development, testing and springboard, and demonstrates the component library. The project layout is as follows.

├── public                  # Public files
├── src
│ ├── configs # Space configurations
│ ├── ├── default # Config for default
│ ├── ├── development # Config for development
│ ├── ├── testing # Config for testing
│ ├── ├── springboard # Config for springboard
│ ├── ├── custom # Custom config
│ ├── fixtures # Mock data/fixtures
│ ├── ├── default # Fixtures for default
│ ├── ├── development # Fixtures for development
│ ├── ├── testing # Fixtures for testing
│ ├── ├── springboard # Fixtures for springboard
│ ├── ├── custom # Custom fixtures
│ ├── locales # i18n Messages
│ ├── index.jsx # App entry
│ ├── react-app-env.d.ts # TypeScript reference for react-scripts
├── # Getting Started
└── .transact-auth # Auth credentials
└── transact-config.json # Transact configuration
└── transact-schema.json # Transact Schema
└── package.json # Dependencies


To start the project using the mock data provided in the repo, run the following command.

$ npm run start

Your form starts in the console, and you can see it on http://localhost:5000.


Once your form is ready, you need to configure JM to use your form as the default Workspaces Client. For more information, see Form Deployment and Security.