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Version: 18.05 (EOL)

User Cancel

The User Cancel command performs a user-initiated cancel abandonment operation.


User Cancel is supported in Transact Manager 17.10 and later releases.


All options are optional unless otherwise indicated.

milestonestring (Maximum length 100 characters)

A transaction milestone event to record with the transaction. For example, "User:Cancelled".

Milestones are used to store transaction analytics information only. Do not store sensitive or PII data in milestones.

These milestones are recorded in the transaction history table for business reporting, and are also published to the Transact licensing service to support custom licensing agreements.


"type": "userCancel",
"requestKey": "96b45311175fc320d875483950b2847c"


200 OK

On a successful response, the server returns the following JSON response message. The form should display the Cancel Success modal page. Generally, the form will not be required to perform any further operations, however, the server may instruct the form to redirect the user to another location.

"formStatus": "Abandoned",
"redirectUrl": ""