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Version: 17.10 (EOL)

Transact SDK Change Log


GA = General Access

EA = Eearly Access

Version 17.10

Version 17.10.9 (GA)

Released: 26 September 2018

Changes in this build include:

  • TMR-1436 - Added Maven Imports Folder Support SDK now optionally supports the following folder structures for imported services:

    • src/imports/main/groovy
    • src/imports/main/resources
    • src/imports/test/groovy
    • src/imports/test/resources
  • TMR-1535 - Improved svc-typecheck task error reporting.

Version 17.10.8 (GA)

Released: 8 August 2018

Changes in this build include:

  • Improved AppSvcTest logging
  • TMR-1429 - Add @TypeChecked support
  • TMR-1435 - Fixed issue with Maven version numbers qualifier support (e.g. 3.4.5-RC1-SNAPSHOT)

Version 17.10.7 (GA)

Released: 5 July 2018

Changes in this build include:

  • TMR-1318 - Fixed issue with TPac generated by 17.10.0 SDK cannot be imported into TM
  • TMR-1336 - Fixed issued with Maven Structure Resource files are not resolved on Linux

Version 17.10.0 (GA)

Released: 29 May 2018

Changes in this build include:

  • Added new 'App Test Framework Guide' detailing how to use the App Test Framework included in the SDK
  • Updated 'Object Mapper Guide' to document how to marshal repeating elements correctly
  • Renamed the App Test Framework test-suite JSON definition 'unitTests' attributes to 'testCases'
  • TMR-1166 - Fixed issue with svc-clone task throwing NPE when no clientCode specified
  • TMR-1268 - Fixed issue in service tasks where only first Groovy file include is loaded
  • TMR-1271 - Fixed issue with service delete ant tasks where it fails with "Response: HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed"
  • TMR-1280 - Fixed issue with ObjectMapper doesn't return correct number of repeating items.

Version 17.10.0 (EA No.8)

Released: 4 May 2018

Changes in this build include:

  • added new 'Object Mapper Guide' documentation topic detailing how to marshal data between XML Documents and Groovy Value Objects.
  • TMR-1177 - Fixed issue where version property specified in was being ignored in service packaging. If the version attribute is specified in the service-def.json this value will take precedence, otherwise the version number will be used. New services and functions scaffolded will not include a version number attribute by default.

Version 17.10.0 (EA No.7)

Released: 13 April 2018

Changes in this build include:

  • Improved documentation
  • TMR-1088 - Add '' configuration option
  • TMR-1095 - Add support of imports shared source code folders
  • TMR-1093 - Improved App Test framework including support for Form Open and Form Resume triggers
  • TMR-1109 - Improved AppPackage form configuration validation
  • TMR-1113 - Improved SvcTypeCheck validation of Collaboration Job Definitions
  • TMR-1090 - Fixed SvcPackage file includes does not work correctly when specifying service folder
  • TMR-1110 - Fixed AppPackage not marshaling all connection params

Version 17.10.0 (EA No.6)

Released: 16 March 2018

Changes in this build include:

  • Added new Ant task app-svc-test for improved unit testing of service and connection dependencies
  • Added new Ant task svc-helpdoc for document generation (does not support Maven directory format)
  • Changed app-scaffold task to use Unified App Doc format with new XML Root element
  • Improved documentation, please see 'Unit Testing Guide' and 'JSON Definitions' topics
  • Improved JS App support
  • TMR-618 - Added TAF security white-list support
  • TMR-862 - Added Maven directory support and Maven dependencies pom.xml file
  • TMR-1030 - Add FluentFuncInvoker MockRegister Support
  • TMR-1033 - Fix IDE JUnit execution of TransactSDKUnitTest when using Maven project structure
  • TPD-6449 - Added SCM support for including/excluding tagged design versions
  • TPD-6526 - Changed build files to use Linux/Mac OSX line endings
  • TPD-6439 - Fixed SCM issue to prevent illegal filenames being pushed
  • TPD-6517 - Fixed service unit test not supporting configured service connections
  • TPD-6524 - Fixed MockRegister not supporting GroovyServiceInvoker relying on current service version

Version 17.10.0 (EA No.5)

Released: 19 January 2018

Changes in this build include:

  • Improved documentation
  • Add .gitignore file to project scaffolding
  • TPD-6495 - Improve Ant Task error messages
  • TPD-6496 - Fixed svc-clone error with null fileIncludes
  • TPD-6497 - Fixed T-CLI command bugs on Mac

Version 17.10.0 (EA No.4)

Released: 12 January 2018

Changes in this build include:

  • Removed Ant taskdef libs path for more flexible CI configuration
  • Removed tpac tasks from build.xml file and documentation
  • TPD-6431 - fixed compiler failure when package declared without ;
  • TPD-6440 - fixed Unit Test Crypto Policy Initialization Error
  • TPD-6446 - fixed TCLI prompt closes on command execution
  • TPD-6453 - fixed AppTest failure when result.includeFormData = true

Version 17.10.0 (EA No.3)

Released: 5 January 2018

Changes in this build include:

  • Added file to remove server credentials from
  • Updated 'examples\' to support re-binding FormFuncResult formData into the Maestro form
  • Improved documentation
  • Added support to enable either building single service or all services in "src" folder

Version 17.10.0 (EA No.2)

Released: 15 December 2017

Changes in this build include:

  • Added Eclipse debugger support
  • Improved Eclipse IDE interoperability and Eclipse Groovy Plugin support, can run JUnit tests directly from Eclipse
  • Added automatic service-def.json fileIncludes support
  • Improved documentation

Added new Ant Task:

  • svc-imports

Version 17.10.0 (EA No.1)

Released: 8 December 2017

Added new Ant Tasks:

  • app-scaffold-func
  • app-test
  • svc-test
  • scm-clone
  • scm-diff
  • scm-pull
  • scm-push
  • tpac-delete
  • tpac-deploy

Renamed Ant tasks to use a consistent naming strategy:

  • app-delete - Application Package Delete
  • app-deploy - Application Package Deploy
  • app-get - Application Package Get (download)
  • app-build - Application Package Package (build)
  • app-scaffold - Application Package Scaffold
  • app-test - Application Package Test
  • scm-clone - Maestro Source Code Management Clone
  • scm-diff - Maestro Source Code Management Diff
  • scm-pull - Maestro Source Code Management Pull
  • scm-push - Maestro Source Code Management Push
  • svc-clone - Service Clone
  • svc-delete - Service Delete
  • svc-deploy - Service Deploy
  • svc-package - Service Package
  • svc-scaffold - Service Scaffold
  • svc-test-remote - Service Test Remote
  • svc-typecheck - Service Type Check
  • tpac-delete - TPac Delete
  • tpac-deploy - TPac Deploy

Version 5

Version 5.1.10

Released: 10 November 2017


  • TPD-5801 - Fixed Application Package Maestro Form Version Type error
  • TPD-6177 - Add Collaboration Job Scaffolding Support
  • TPD-6178 - Added Form Def App Package Scaffolding Support

Version 5.1.7

Released: 8 September 2017


  • TPD-5538 - Add support for Legacy Groovy Services.

Added support for legacy Groovy services and legacy Groovy service templates. Update the following Ant tasks to add legacy Groovy support:

  • svcscaffold
  • svctypecheck
  • svcpackage

Version 5.1.6

Released: 11 August 2017


  • TPD-5464 - Ant Task apget cant get package with space in name
  • TPD-5480 - Add CI App Package 'requestParamPrefillMapping'

Version 5.1.5

Released: 25 July 2017


  • TPD-5426 - Type-check ant task fails 'Importing [org.junit.Test] is not allowed'
  • TPD-5431 - Fix Application Package Validation

Version 5.1.4

Released: 11 July 2017


  • TPD-5141 - Add CI Application Package Support
  • TPD-5175 - Add JUnit4 Support
  • TPD-5214 - Add Value Object Test Constructors