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Populating Data Driven Components using JSON with a Prefill Data Service

By Knowledge in Maestro 9th Jun, 2021

Here David shows you how to extend the state list dropdown. In addition to the states dropdown, any time a state is selected its related capital city and population is displayed. This is achieved by the JSON array holding the capital city and population along with each state. General steps are: - Add two additional fields for capital city and population. - Create a Groovy service in TM which defines prefill using a JSON array of states plus their corresponding capital city and population. - Create a form Load rule in Maestro which defines a data field, states list, and at start, loads the states using the new Groovy service. - From the state dropdown, reference the data field to obtain the states list. - Create a Change rule for the State dropdown to obtain the chosen state's capital city and population whenever the user chooses another state.

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