By Simone Polisano on Thursday, 10 January 2019
Category: All

Maestro 18.11 introduces new features & bug fixes

The main themes of the Transact Maestro v18.11 release are:

Maestro SCM Feature Branching

This feature provides Maestro UI and SCM command line tooling to support a project branching development workflow. This will assist customers to integrate with their source code management (SCM) systems when developing Maestro forms, allowing them to adopt modern software practices such SCM based branching and merging workflows such as GitFlow.

To achieve this improved integration, the Maestro dashboard has been enhanced with the following:

The SCM command line tooling has been enhanced to allow:

Library Version Tagging


Maestro Resource Summary

  • Summarizes the size of form resources
  • Identify potential hot spots in the form

  • Pie chart allows drill down to selected resource types

Maestro Form Dependency

  • Ability to see where components have originated from

  • Especially useful for shared components to find published library and source

Additional information on Maestro 18.11: