Package com.avoka.fc.core.service
Provides the SmartForm Manager service classes. Note that this package is designed to be thread safe.
However, creating a new instance of service is recommended.
Interface Summary Interface Description FormPrefillService Provides a service to get the form pre-population data for the given form and request.IAuthenticationService Provides an plug-able Authentication service interface.IComposerHtmlFormRenderService Provides a Composer HTML Form rendering service interface to render both the form and the associated HTML resources.IDataRetentionManagementService Provides an interface for submission data purge service.IDeliveryProcessService Provides a service interface for the submission delivery process.IEmailQueueService Provides an email queue service interface.IEmailService Provides an Email Service interface.IFindDeliveryProcessIDService Provides a service which will find the delivery process ID for the given submission.IFormMetaDataService Provides a form meta data rendering service.IFormPDFPreRenderService Provides an interface for pre-rendering the XFA form templates converting them into a PDF form and updating the TemplateVersion.IFormSecurityFilterService Provides a pluggable filter service than can perform access checks prior to the FormSubmissionAccessController being invokedIFormServer Provides the FormServer Interface.IGroovyService Provide an interface to invoke arbitrary Groovy services.IMediaTypeScanService Provides an interface for scanning file attachments media type.IPaymentsReminderService Provides an interface for payment reminder service.IRemoteAuditService Provides an interface for the remote audit services.IRenderFormService Provides an interface for render form service.IRenderReceiptService Provides an interface to render PDF receipt documents.IScheduledService Provides a service definition interface which can be invoked by the ScheduledServiceJob.IServiceDefinitionAware Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.ISubmissionCompletedProcessor Provides a submission completed processor service interface.ISubmissionDataExtractionService Provides a service to extract the XML data document from the form submission.ISubmissionDataStorageService Provides a submission data storage interface.ISubmissionDataValidator Provides a submission data validation service.ISubmissionDeliveryController Provides an interface for Submission delivery service.ISubmissionPreprocessorService Provides a service that is called before a submission is stored.ISubmissionReceiptService Provide an interface for the background submission PDF receipt service.ISubmissionService Provides a submission service.ITaskExpiryProcessService The Interface ITaskExpiryProcessService.ITestSuiteService Provides a services test suite to run a set of unit tests.ITransactionAbandonmentService Provides the interface for services who abandon submissions.ITransactionHistoryCreationService Provides the interface for services who create transaction history records.ITransactionHistoryPublisher Provides a Transaction History Publisher service interface which is used to publish transaction history data to customer's data warehouse.ITransactionHistoryPublisherService Provides a Transaction History Publisher service interface which is used to publish transaction history data to customer's data warehouse.ITransactionProcessor Provides a transaction processor service interface.ITwoFactorAuthenticationService Provides a service to verify additional authentication factors (excluding the password) and enrol users for additional authentication factors securely via email.IUnitTestableService Provides a Unit Testable Service interfaceIVirusScanService Provides an interface for scanning file attachments. -
Class Summary Class Description AbandonmentService Provides utility methods for submission abandonment.AbstractGroovyService Provides an abstract Groovy service which implement common properties.AbstractRenderReceiptService Provides an abstract PDF receipt rendering service for subclasses to implement.ApplicationPackageService Provides service methods for theApplicationPackage
entity.AttachmentService Provides user document service for managing uploaded file attachments.AuditLogService Provides an audit log service.BaseService Provides the base service for service classes to extend.CayenneService Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.ClientService Provides a client service which handles client creation and deletion.CloneService Deprecated. DatabaseConfigService Provides a utility to load database configurations from specified XML.DeliveryResult Provides a Submission Delivery Process Service result class, which can be returned by theIDeliveryProcessService
.EmailService Provides an SMTP Email Service for backwards compatibility.EmailService.EmailFormat Provide an Email Format instance for use in Velocity templates.EmbeddedAttachment Provides a Embedded Attachment value object that can be serialised via the network.ErrorLoggerSvc Provides an ErrorLog Service.ErrorLogService Provides an ErrorLog Service.ErrorLogService.JsonLog Provides an ErrorLog JSON message.EventLogService Provides event log service including error, warning and info events.FormDataService Provides a service to create the form XML model to render with the form.GroovyLogService Provides a Groovy Service Logging service.ImportActionService Provides a service for import action objects.ITestSuiteService.TestResult Provides a unit test result class.JobAndTrigger Defines the Job and Trigger object for quartz.LocalProcessRenderReceiptService Provides a receipt render service executing a local executable ( omJS, Chromium Puppeteer)LocalProcessRenderReceiptService.ProcessParams MetaData Provides a meta data element bean.MetadataService Provides a meta data service.ReceiptDataService Provides receipt data handling services.RequestLogService Provides a request log service.ScheduledJobHistoryService Provides a Scheduled Job History logging service.SchedulerService Provides a schedule service.ServiceFactory Provides a service factory which creates all kinds of service objects.ServiceLocator Provides a Service Locator for looking up service classes.SubmissionAcknowledgementService Provides a service to confirm to Submission Authentication required status.SubmissionDataBean Provides a holder for extracted form submission data from LiveCycle ES.SubmissionDataService Provides a service to modify submission data.SubmissionService Provides a submission service.SubmissionStatusService Provides submission status service which is responsible for managing submission state changes.SubmissionTaskService Provide service for creating Saved Submissions and Tasks.SubmissionTaskService.FormTaskParam Provides a form task parameter object.SubmissionTaskService.ReviewTask Provides a review task parameter object.SubmissionTaskService.SavedFormParam Provides an anonymous saved form parameter object.SystemAlertService Provides a System Alerting service to notify administrators when significant errors occur.TaskService Provides a task service.TestSuiteResultsTable Provides a Test Suite Results table for use in emails.TestSuiteService Provides a services test suite to run a set of unit tests.TransactionProcessor Provides the default service of type "Transaction Processor".UserAuthEventService Provides methods related to UserAuthEvent instances.UserService Provides service methods involving UserAccount and related entities.XmlPrefillService Provides a XML prefill service. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AbandonmentService.AbandonMode DeliveryResult.Status The delivery status values.SubmissionStatusService.StatusChange The submission status change. -
Exception Summary Exception Description VirusScanException Provides a VirusScanning exception.