Util.addRepeatContent(repeatItem, dataArray)
Adds repeated content as a new row via an array of data or an object of data. The keys must match the item ids of the repeat content.
Name Type Description repeatItem
Object | Array The repeat item to add the data to. dataArray
Array The array of objects to add to the repeat as a new row. The object keys must be the same as the ids in the repeat. -
Util.append(target, newItems)
Appends one array to another array.
Name Type Description target
Array The first array. newItems
Array The second array. Returns:
Returns the modified array.- Type
- Array
var firstArray = [1, 2, 3]; var secondArray = [4, 5, 6]; Util.append(firstArray, secondArray); console.log(firstArray); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Util.assert(assertion, message)
Throws an error message if the assertion is `false`.
Name Type Description assertion
* message
string Examples
An assertion that returns `true`.
this.assert(1 != 2, "These aren't equal numbers.")
An assertion that returns `false`.
this.assert(1 === 2, "These are equal numbers.")
Util.base64ToFile(base64Data, tempfilename [, contentType])
Convert a base64 string to a `File` object.
Name Type Argument Default Description base64Data
string tempfilename
string contentType
string <optional>
'' Returns:
Returns a `File` object.- Type
- File
Capitalizes the first letter of a string.
Name Type Description str
string The string to capitalize. Returns:
Returns a string with the first character capitalized.- Type
- string
Util.capitalizeFirstLetter("hello world") // => Hello world
Get direct children of a single item or array of items.
Name Type Description items
The item or array of items to check. Returns:
Returns an array of the item's direct children.- Type
- Array
Get the direct children of a single component.
Get the direct children of multiple components.
Util.children([Form.items.page_one, Form.items.page_two, Form.items.page_three]);
Get all direct child components that are marked as mandatory.
Util.children(Form.items.address_global, function(parent) { return parent.mandatory; });
Util.contains(val, item)
Checks if an item is in an array or string.
Name Type Description val
Array | string An array or a string to test against. item
The item to check. Returns:
Returns `true` if the supplied `item` is contained within `val`.Examples
Util.contains([[1, 2, 3], 3]) // => true
Util.contains(["Hello World", "Hello"]) // => true
Util.contains([[1, 2, 3], 4]) // => false
Util.contains(["Hello World", "Earth"]) // => false
Performs a JSON-based copy of the provided parameter.
Name Type Description source
Returns a copy of the provided parameter *without* dollar properties. -
Util.descendants(item [, includeTest])
Gets all descendants of an item.
Name Type Argument Description item
The item to check. includeTest
function <optional>
A function that takes an item and determines whether that item and its children should be included. Returns:
Returns all descendants of the specified item.- Type
- Array
Get all descendants of a single component.
Get all descendants of multiple components.
Util.descendants([Form.items.page_one, Form.items.page_two, Form.items.page_three]);
Get all descendant components that are marked as mandatory.
Util.descendants(Form.items.address_global, function(parent) { return parent.mandatory; });
Util.endsWith(stringToSearch, searchString [, position])
Checks if a string ends with another string.
Name Type Argument Description stringToSearch
string The string to test against. searchString
string The string to use for the search. position
integer <optional>
The position to start from. Returns:
Returns `true` if the string ends with the search string.- Type
- boolean
Util.endsWidth("Hello World", "World") // => true
Util.endsWidth("Hello World", "Hello") // => false
Util.equals(a, b)
Checks if two values are equal. If the values are objects (or arrays of objects), dollar properties will be ignored. Similar to `angular.equals`, but usable in Node.
Name Type Description a
* The first value. b
* The second value. Returns:
Returns `true` if the provided values are equal.- Type
- boolean
Util.find(array, name, value [, fetchMultiple])
Finds the first array item with the specified value for the named property.
Name Type Argument Description array
Array The array to search. name
The key to test against. value
The value to test against. fetchMultiple
boolean <optional>
If `true`, an array of results will be returned. Returns:
Returns the first array item with the specified value for the named property or an array of values if `fetchMultiple` is `true`. If there are no matches, `null` will be returned.- Type
- Object | Array
Without `fetchMultiple`.
Util.find([{ name: "David", age: 28 }, { name: "Ken", age: 45 }, { name: "David", age: 31 }], "name", "David") // => { name: "David", age: 28 }
With `fetchMultiple`.
Util.find([{ name: "David", age: 28 }, { name: "Ken", age: 45 }, { name: "David", age: 31 }], "name", "David", true) // => [{ name: "David", age: 28 }, { name: "David", age: 31 }]
Recursively flattens the provided array.
Name Type Description array
Array The array to flatten. Returns:
Returns a flattened array.- Type
- Array
Util.flatten([1, 2, 3, [1, 2, 3, [1, 2, 3]]]) // => [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
Get's the user's coordinates, including latitude and longitude. The user will have to allow the form to access their location.
- Type
- Promise.<result>
Util.getGeoLocation().then(function(result) { console.log(result) }); // => { // accuracy: 41 // altitude: null // altitudeAccuracy: null // heading: null // latitude: -33.7981214 // longitude: 151.2869892 // speed: null // }
Gets the MIME type for the provided file extension. The following extensions are supported: PNG, JPG, SVG, JSON, LESS, JS, and CSV.
Name Type Description ext
string An extension or a complete file name. Returns:
Returns a MIME type for the provided file extension or `undefined` if not found.- Type
- string
Util.getMimeType("jpg") // => "image/jpeg"
Util.getMimeType("example.png") // => "image/png"
Gets the value of a URL parameter.
Name Type Description key
string The name of the URL parameter. Returns:
Returns the value of the provided URL parameter. If the parameter doesn't exist, `null` is returned.- Type
- string | null
If the form code is "myexampleform".
Util.getUrlQueryParam("formCode") // => myexampleform
If the query parameter doesn't exist.
Util.getUrlQueryParam("aFakeParameter") // => null
Gets the current URL's parameters.
Returns an object of the current URL parameters. The keys are the parameter names.- Type
- Object
If the form code parameter is "myexampleform".
Util.getUrlQueryParams(); // => { formCode: "myexampleform" }
Returns a getter function for the specified property name on any given object.
Name Type Description name
- Type
- function
Checks if an item is a container with children.
Name Type Description item
Returns `true` if the item is a container with children or `false` if it's not.- Type
- boolean
Checking if the "Address Block (Global)" component has descendants.
Util.hasDescendants(Form.items.address_global); // => true
Checking if the "Text Field" component has descendants.
Util.hasDescendants(Form.items.textField); // => false
Checks if the supplied value is considered blank.
Name Type Description value
* The value to test. Returns:
Returns `true` if the supplied value is a blank string, `null`, or `undefined`.Examples
Util.isBlank(); // => true
Util.isBlank(""); // => true
Util.isBlank(null); // => true
Util.isBlank("Hello World"); // => false
Util.isBlank(123456); // => false
Util.isBlank(false); // => false
Checks if the provided year is a leap year
Name Type Description year
number | string The 4 digit year to test. Returns:
Returns `true` if the provided year is a leap year.- Type
- boolean
Util.isLeapYear(2020); // => true
Util.isLeapYear("2020"); // => true
Util.isLeapYear(2019); // => false
Util.isLeapYear("2019"); // => false
Util.jsonify(item [, exclusions] [, uglify] [, transform] [, sortByKeys])
Converts the provided data into JSON. By default, all dollar attributes are excluded.
Name Type Argument Description item
Array | Object exclusions
Array | string <optional>
An array of properties to exclude from serialisation. If you pass through an empty array, dollar attributes will be included in the returned data. By default, the following properties are excluded: `data`, `propDefs`, `ruleTemplates`, `ruleHelpers`, `validChildren`, `validParents`, `html`. uglify
boolean <optional>
If `true`, the JSON will be minified. transform
function <optional>
A function to transform the object prior to other processing. sortByKeys
boolean <optional>
If `true`, objects will be sorted by their keys in alphabetical order. Returns:
Returns data in the JSON format.- Type
- Object
Converting a simple object to JSON.
var object = { name: "David", location: "Australia" } Util.jsonify(object) // => { // "name": "David", // "location": "Australia" // }
With "uglify" enabled.
var object = { name: "David", location: "Australia" } Util.jsonify(object, null, true); // => {"name":"David","location":"Australia"}
Sorting the keys in alphabetical order.
var object = { name: "David", location: "Australia" } Util.jsonify(object, null, null, null, true); // => { // "location": "Australia", // "name": "David" // }
Like `Object.keys` but includes properties from prototype chain
Name Type Description object
Object Returns:
Returns an array of an object's keys, including properties from prototype chain- Type
- Array
Util.keys({ name: "David", age: 28, location: "Australia" }) // => ["name", "age", "location"]
Gets the last item from an array.
Name Type Description array
Array The array to get the last item from. Returns:
Returns the last item in the array.- Type
- *
Util.lastItem(["Nicole", "Ken", "David"]); // => "David"
Util.lastItem([1, 2, 3]); // => 3
Gets the position of an item within its parent.
Name Type Description item
Returns an object with "row" and "col" keys, which provide the position of the item within its parent.- Type
- Object
Util.locate(Form.items.firstName); // => { // col: 0, // row: 0 // }
Logs an error to the JavaScript Console. Equivalent to the `console.error` method.
Name Type Description error
The error message to log to the console. Example
Util.logError("Something went terribly wrong.");
Util.logItem(item [, renderer] [, indent])
Prettifies an item's structure
Name Type Argument Description item
function <optional>
Can provide a custom function which takes an item and returns a string to render for that item, otherwise just shows ID indent
integer <optional>
Don't pass anything to this parameter. It's used for internal recursion. Returns:
Returns a prettified version of an item's structure.Example
The structure of the "Address Block (Global)" component.
Util.logItem(First.items.address_global) // => address_global // ─ address_line_1 // ─ address_line_2 // ┌ suburb_city // │ state_province // └ postcode_zipcode // ─ country
Util.merge(fromObj, toObj [, trim] [, handler])
Add nodes to toObj that are in fromObj but missing from toObj. This is recursive for plain objects but not arrays - for special array handling use handler parameter. If trim is set, any nodes that exist in the structure of toObj that do not have an equivalent node in fromObj will be removed. If handler is provided, it will be called for each node (other then trimmed nodes in toObj), following any value assignment but before any child-node processing, with the parameters (fromObj, toObj, key), allowing use-case-specific post processing of node values.
Name Type Argument Description fromObj
Object The first object. Keys from this object that are not in the second object will be added to the second object. toObj
Object The second object. trim
boolean <optional>
If `true`, any nodes that exist in the structure of `toObj` that do not have an equivalent node in `fromObj` will be removed. handler
function <optional>
Returns the modified `toObj` object- Type
- Object
Merging two simple objects.
var firstObject = { name: "David", location: "Australia" }; var secondObject = { name: "David", age: 28 }; Util.merge(firstObject, secondObject); // => { name: "David", location: "Australia", age: 28 }
With `trim` set to `true`.
var firstObject = { name: "David", location: "Australia" } var secondObject = { name: "David", age: 28 } Util.merge(firstObject, secondObject, true); // => { name: "David", location: "Australia" }
Finds the next form item, either the first leaf node of the specified item or recursively up its path until a subsequent sibling is found and then back down to its first leaf node.
Name Type Description item
- Type
- Object
Util.objectPaths(obj [, renderer] [, parentKey])
Return an array containing entries for each path within the given object. If a renderer function is provided, the entry will be the result of calling renderer passing the path and the value at that path as the two parameters. Otherwise the entry will be the path.
Name Type Argument Description obj
Object renderer
function <optional>
string <optional>
Used for internal recursion, this key is appended to the start of all paths Returns:
Returns an array of entries for each path within the given object.- Type
- Array
Util.objectPaths({ name: "David", location: { suburb: "Manly", postcode: 2095, country: "Australia" } }) // => ["name", "location.suburb", "location.postcode", ""]
Util.objectsToMap(objects, keyGetter, valueGetter)
Returns a map with a key value pair derived from each of the provided objects.
Name Type Description objects
Array keyGetter
string | function Can be a property name within the object containing the map key, or a function which takes that object and returns a map key valueGetter
string | function Can be a property name within the object containing the value, or a function which takes the object and returns the value, or null / undefined, in which case the whole object is the value (i.e. same as specifying the identity function for valueGetter) Returns:
Returns a map with a key value pair derived from the provided objects.- Type
- Object
Opens a URL in a new window.
Name Type Description url
string The URL of the page to open. Example
Open a valid URL.
Util.openWithPopupBlockerCheck(url, id)
Opens the specified URL (with an ID if specified) in a new tab. (Use the same tab if running in homescreen mode on iOS.) Checks for a popup blocker and warns the user.
Name Type Description url
string id
string Examples
Util.openWithPopupBlockerCheck("", "myNewTab");
Util.parents(item [, includeTest], reverse)
Gets all parents of an item.
Name Type Argument Description item
The item to check. includeTest
function <optional>
A function that takes an item and determines whether that item and its parents should be included. reverse
boolean If `true`, the parents will be in the order of lowest to highest level of nesting. Returns:
Returns all parents of the specified item.- Type
- Array
Get all ancestors of a component.
Get all ancestors of a component that are marked as mandatory.
Util.parents(Form.items.firstName, function(parent) { return parent.mandatory; });
Reverse the order of the returned array.
Util.parents(Form.items.firstName, null, true);
Util.range(from, to)
Creates an array of numbers.
Name Type Description from
number The number to begin the range with. to
number The number to end the range with. Returns:
Returns an array of numbers.- Type
- Array
Util.range(1, 7); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
Util.removeItem(array, item)
Removes an item from an array. If the item appears more than once in the array, all instances are removed.
Name Type Description array
Array The array to remove the item from. item
The item to remove from the array. Returns:
Returns an array with the specified item(s) removed.- Type
- Array
Util.removeItem(["Nicole", "Ken", "David"], "Nicole"); // => ["Ken", "David"]
Util.removeItem(["Nicole", "Nicole", "Nicole", "Ken", "David"], "Nicole"); // => ["Ken", "David"]
Util.replace(array, remove, add)
Replaces an item in an array with a different item. The original array is modified, rather than a new array being created.
Name Type Description array
Array The array to modify. remove
* The item to remove from the array. add
* The item to add into the array. Example
var array = ["David", "Nicole", "Simone"]; Util.replace(array, "Nicole", "Ken"); console.log(array); // => ["David", "Ken", "Simone"];
Util.resizeImage(img, width, height [, quality])
Resize an image using step-down technique.
Name Type Argument Default Description img
number height
number quality
number <optional>
1.0 Returns:
Returns an image. -
Util.sendAll(item, handler, childrenOnly, includeDialogsModals, checkExcluded)
Apply the given handler to the given form view item (unless childrenOnly is specified) and all its sub-items, including the sub-items of dialogs and modals if the provided item is a base form view. If the handler function returns the boolean value _false_ then the handler function will not be called for its children.
Name Type Description item
function childrenOnly
boolean Do not apply the handler to the item itself, only its children includeDialogsModals
boolean will check modals and dialogs checkExcluded
boolean -
Util.slot(array, object, key [, reverse])
Slots an object into an array in the correct position to maintain existing alphabetical ordering on a given key.
Name Type Argument Description array
Array The array to modify. object
Object The object to insert into the array. key
string The key in the object to maintain existing ordering. reverse
Array <optional>
If `true`, operates from last element backwards. Returns:
Returns an array that contains the new object.- Type
- Array
Util.sortBy(property [, ignoreCase])
Creates an array `sort` function for sorting on the specified property name.
Name Type Argument Description property
The property to sort the array by. ignoreCase
boolean <optional>
If `true`, the case of the property name will not affect the sorting. Returns:
Returns a `sort` function for the specified property name.- Type
- function
Create a case-sensitive `sort` function.
var mySortFunction = Util.sortBy("name"); var object = [{ name: "Nicole" }, { name: "David" }, { name: "Ken" }]; object.sort(mySortFunction) // => [{ name: "David" }, { name: "Ken" }, { name: "Nicole" }]
Create a case-insensitive `sort` function.
Util.sortBy("name", true);
Util.sortItems(items, context)
Given a set of items and a context which contains all those items somewhere within it, return an array of the items sorted into the order in which they appear.
Name Type Description items
Array context
Returns an array of the items, sorted in the order they appear.- Type
- Array
Util.startsWith(stringToSearch, searchString [, position])
Checks if a string starts with another string
Name Type Argument Description stringToSearch
string The string to test against. searchString
string The string to use for the search. position
integer <optional>
The position to start from. Returns:
Retuns `true` if the string starts with the search string.- Type
- boolean
Util.startsWith("Hello World", "World"); // => false
Util.startsWith("Hello World", "Hello"); // => true
Util.startsWith("Hello World", "World", 6); // => true
Sums the values in an array.
Name Type Description array
Array The array of values to sum. Returns:
Returns a sum of the values in an array. If the array is empty, `0` will be returned.- Type
- integer
Util.sum([]) // => 0
Util.sum([1, 2, 3]) // => 6
Gets the keys of truthy values from an object.
Name Type Description object
Object Returns:
Returns an array of keys.- Type
- Array
Util.testKeys({ name: "David", age: 28, location: null }); // => ["name", "age"]
Converts the supplied string to camel case.
Name Type Description str
string Returns:
Returns the provided string in camel case.- Type
- string
Util.toCamelCase("Hello World"); // => "helloWorld"
Util.unique(array [, key])
Removes duplicate values from an array. For values that aren't primitive types, the test for duplication uses referential equality, not value equality.
Name Type Argument Description array
Array The array with duplicate values. key
string <optional>
If specified, use this key to check. Useful of arrays of objects. Returns:
Returns an array without duplicate values.- Type
- Array
Util.unique([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]); // => [1, 2, 3]
Util.unique(["David", "John", "David"]); // => ["David", "John"]
Util.values(object [, renderer])
Gets all of the values from an object.
Name Type Argument Description object
Object The object to get the values from. renderer
function <optional>
A function to render each key-value entry. Returns:
Returns an array of the object's values. This method doesn't define an order for the returned values, but they will generally be ordered alphabetically based on their key.- Type
- Array
Util.values({ name: "David", age: 28, location: "Australia" }) // => [28, "David", "Australia"]
Util.xray(object [, preprocessor] [, includeCheck])
Return an object with all key values of the given object (including those in the prototype chain) promoted to top-level keys. The process is recursive through nested objects. If preprocessor is provided, it will be called with (key, value) and can return either a {key, value} object that specifies both the key and its value in the resulting object, or any other type of value, in which case that value is associated with the original key in the resulting object. If includeCheck is provided, it will be called with (key, value) after preprocessing and if it returns a falsey value then the key/value will be excluded from the resulting object.
Name Type Argument Description object
Object preprocessor
function <optional>
function <optional>
Returns an object with all key values of the provided object, including those in the prototype chain.- Type
- Object