Wrap the core $http service to return normal promises, plus provide extra capabilities around parameter encoding (e.g. multipart form)
Http.delete(url [, hideAlertError])
Wrapper around `$http.delete`.
Name Type Argument Description url
string The URL of the HTTP request. hideAlertError
boolean <optional>
If `true`, an alert box will *not* appear when a HTTP error occurs. Returns:
Returns the response body.- Type
- Promise.<data>
Send a DELETE request.
Http.delete("http://example.com") .then(function(data) { // Do something... }) .catch(function(error) { // Handle errors });
Don't display an error if a HTTP error occurs .
Http.delete("http://example.com" true) .then(function(data) { // Do something... }) .catch(function(error) { // Handle errors });
Http.get(url [, hideAlertError])
Wrapper around `$http.get`.
Name Type Argument Description url
string The URL of the HTTP request. hideAlertError
boolean <optional>
If `true`, an alert box will *not* appear when a HTTP error occurs. Returns:
Returns the response body.- Type
- Promise.<data>
Send a GET request.
Http.get("http://example.com") .then(function(data) { // Do something... }) .catch(function(error) { // Handle errors });
Don't display an error if a HTTP error occurs .
Http.get("http://example.com" true) .then(function(data) { // Do something... }) .catch(function(error) { // Handle errors });
Http.post(url, data [, format], cancelPromise [, disableErrorAlert])
Wrapper around HTTP POST, with optional format - defaults to form URL encoding of parameters for compatibility with TM API methods.
Name Type Argument Default Description url
string The URL of the HTTP request. data
Object Params for the call. format
string <optional>
"form" See `sendWithFormat`. For most TM APIs, leave blank. cancelPromise
Promise A promise that should abort the request when resolved. disableErrorAlert
boolean <optional>
If `true`, an alert box will *not* appear when an error occurs. Returns:
Returns the response body.- Type
- Promise.<data>
Send a POST request.
Http.post("http://example.com", { firstName: data.firstName, lastName: data.lastName }) .then(function(data) { // Do something... }) .catch(function(error) { // Handle errors });
Http.put(url, data [, format])
Wrapper around HTTP PUT, with optional format - defaults to form URL encoding of parameters for compatibility with TM API methods.
Name Type Argument Default Description url
string data
Object format
string <optional>
"form" Format for encoding parameters: 'form' (default, as this is used often in TM) 'query' or 'body' Returns:
Returns the response body.- Type
- Promise.<data>
Send a PUT request.
Http.put("http://example.com", { firstName: data.firstName, lastName: data.lastName }) .then(function(data) { // Do something... }) .catch(function(error) { // Handle errors });
Http.sendMultipart(method, url, data [, hideAlertError])
Perform multipart-form http send with the specified method, url and data
Name Type Argument Description method
string url
string data
Object hideAlertError
boolean <optional>
If `true`, an alert box will *not* appear when a HTTP error occurs. Returns:
Returns the response body.- Type
- Promise.<data>