This version is now End of Life.
Version Date Released Features and Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
5.0.23 April 2, 2017
5.0.22 March 27, 2017
5.0.21 March 22, 2017
5.0.20 March 12, 2017
5.0.19 February 26, 2017
5.0.18 February 3, 2017
5.0.17 January 17, 2017
5.0.16 January 6, 2017
5.0.14 December 13, 2016

Transact Maestro 5.0.14 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and small enhancements.

Release Details


Resolved Issues

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Features and Enhancements

Reference Summary Description
TPD-2725 Send broadcast message to Maestro users

This provides the ability to send an unsolicited message to all users currently logged into a Maestro environment. This is especially useful for maintenance windows.

The message is set up in the parent TM by administrators. Maestro will poll TM to look for the message and display when one exists.

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Features and Enhancements

Transact Maestro 5.0.20 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and small enhancements.

Reference Summary Description
TPD-2459 Ability to preview and import prefill submission XML data Ability to preview and import prefill submission XML data. This is possible via file upload or pasting in some xml text. The functionality is accessed in the design view using the "cog" menu on the right hand side.
TPD-4147 Soften red font on excluded libraries Excluded libraries won't blare out at you any more
TPD-4360 Add clientCode to the Maestro clients API JSON response Currently the 'clients' API in Maestro returns JSON containing 'clientName'

{"id":1682,"clientName":"AU Presales","projects":[

This change will add the clientCode to this JSON. This will allow matching based on code, not name.

The result will look like this:

{"id":1682,"clientName":"AU Presales","clientCode":"AUP","projects":[
TPD-4512 Scroll.scrollTo() to accept either data path or id if the param is a string Both of these are accepted:

Scroll.scrollTo("givenNames", false, 0) // is currently accepted
Scroll.scrollTo("data.givenNames", false, 0) // is not accepted and causes JS issues
TPD-4525 Ability to add extension point at dialog/modal level You can only add extension points at the child level of dialogs/modals.
Having the ability to add at the parent node level will allow a template dev to set these quicker.
TPD-4527 Remove hard-coded error message from resumeForm This was hard-coded, but now is specified in the Click script for the Confirm button on the Save Resume dialog.

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Features and Enhancements

Transact Maestro 5.0.19 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and small enhancements.

Reference Summary Description
TPD-4459 Add 'Save & Continue' feature to forms Added a new save feature to the product, which allows the user to Save their current work, but continue working on the form. This is the same as selecting Save in a MS Word document or most other applications.
The current save feature makes you leave the form and have to re-open, where you get positioned back at the beginning of the form.
TPD-4441 Unable to specify the Version Number in a Maestro DDS call Require the version number of the DDS call to be passed in from the form so that we can control what version of the service is called.

Currently the method signature doesn't seem to provide a version paramater, params, cancelPromise, disableValidate)

Parameter has been added as an optional field
TPD-4418 Change Maestro component copy to two options to either override a component or not Component copy now offers the option to copy and override the existing component or copy and not override.
TPD-4384 Fix error handling of Less compile Fix error handling of Less compile.

When an error that isn't handled in the callback occurs, catch it and handle appropriately
TPD-4383 Add properties to the nav-errors block to allow changing of text  
TPD-4256 Ability to add, edit and remove style variable overrides for the theme editor Ability to add, edit and remove style variables for the theme editor.

At the moment people are exporting the core library and changing the variables in the JSON. This could cause issues if they make mistakes, doing it in the tool would improve the theme editor.
TPD-4357 Maestro - Submitted form does not redirect to session expired page Submitted forms do not redirect to the session expired page after the session times out. 
TPD-4361 Support for Save/Cancel button for dialog boxes Added two methods to Form, called cacheData and loadCachedData. To use them for your scenario, in the button where you open the dialog you would use:

data.$dialogCache = Form.cacheData("myDialog");

And in the cancel button use:


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Features and Enhancements

Transact Maestro 5.0.18 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and small enhancements.

Reference Summary Description
TPD-4273 Method to determine if a field is visible Add a convenience method which returns the current visibility of a field based on visibility rules for the field and its ancestors.
TPD-413 Function specific user privileges As a: System Administrator

I wish to: Grant or deny rights to perform specific actions to individual users

So that: People have access to some features and not others based on the needs of their organisational role

Details: Application should hide unauthorised features. REST API should check user access to perform various functions. User access will be specified at an organisation level, and will apply to all projects across that organisation to which that user has access.
TPD-4346 Allow Attachment field to have the ability to add more than 10 attachments in queue Currently the attachment field supports maximum of 10 files to be uploaded. Good Shepherd Microfinance(GSM) has a requirement on their loan form for the applicant to be able to attach 25 documents.
TPD-4287 Data values fixed via script do not immediately resolve validation errors Fields with valid values in them should not present validation errors, even when the valid value was entered via script.
TPD-3541 Remove the option to change the logo using the Logo properties in the Form Header Remove the option to change the logo using the Logo properties in the Form Header.
TPD-4327 Request for on load rules for Dialogs and Modals This extends the current Form on load rule to include both a Dialog and Modal on load rule.

This will allow rules to be triggered at the time the dialog is loaded.
TPD-4247 Introduce ability to suppress copy/paste in fields This function is especially useful when 2 email fields need to be typed rather than copy/pasted

A new property has been introduced to surface this functionality
TPD-3882 Add project option to disable auto release upgrade  

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Features and Enhancements

Transact Maestro 5.0.17 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and small enhancements.

Reference Summary Description
TPD-4219 Maestro - The JavaScript API Form.validateFieldRefMap() alert message should be optional The Form.validateFieldRefMap() shows an alert. This method needs to be optional?
TPD-4207 Add Bundle StepTasks to Design XML Data Add Bundle StepTasks to Design XML Data
This will make it easier for users to style the bundle tasks widget in the submit confirmation page
TPD-4181 design-info.xml is not formatted Currently when maestro creates the design-info.xml the xml content is all on a single line (no indenting / line separation). While this works for test center processing of the xml its not ideal for debugging purposes
TPD-4176 Ability to add custom currency icon to currency field In Maestro there is a currency field that allows you to select the currency icon for a few different currencies but unfortunately not for all of them.
TPD-4007 Provide Export button when viewing a library, form or component Open a library, form or component in the dashboard and note you have no export button. You have to click on the containing folder, then select it from the list.

Please add export button to the item details pages.
TPD-4212 Create a bundle dialog and bundle dialog open button Create a bundle dialog and bundle dialog open button
TPD-3822 Add Dynamic Data Validation option to all Maestro field types Example - Email Field

1. User enters email address and exits field.
2. Format validation via Regex is performed.
3. If valid format, Dynamic Data service is called to verify domain and mailbox. Autocomplete style spinner in right side of field during validation.
4. If dds returns error message, field is set to error state and error message shown.

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Features and Enhancements

Transact Maestro 5.0.16 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and small enhancements.

Reference Summary Description
TPD-4156 Ability to skip validation in the goToPage method Ability to skip validation in the goToPage method

Add another parameter.
TPD-4155 Add target page id to the Page Change info object A new page load event type was created that uses the info object to store the id of the page navigating from.

The page change event would benefit from having the info object store the page being navigated to, and potentially from.
TPD-4152 Ability to copy/duplicate an existing component into a new component design Ability to copy/duplicate an existing component into a new design.

This allows the user to create a new component design from the component dashboard screen,
which has the same type, properties and content as the original component (does not include native HTML content).

If the user publishes this new copied component into a library and moves this library up the inheritance hierarchy it will override the existing original component.
This is useful for template design if the user would like to make a new form header and footer without changing the template/forms manually
TPD-4148 Replace color picker component New color picker component will provide:

* more compact, saving screen real estate (actual picker expands out of color tile on input field)
* the ability to set colors in different formats such as rgb or hsl and have them transalted automatically
* better licensing terms
TPD-4143 Change behaviour of nested editability rules We have agreed to change the behaviour so that if a parent is non-editable, all descendants will also be non-editable - i.e. similar to the cascading of a visibility rule.
TPD-4138 Mastersoft address not preforming look up on data change. Use Case is prefill of a Mastersoft address field with another address and then on a user hitting a radio button having that look up fire on that mastersoft address.

It seems that this change isnt making the mastersoft address rule fire.
TPD-4099 Easy way to hide individual radio buttons Use Case: want to hide a radio button option for the first instance in a repeat but make it available for subsequent instances in the repeat.

The individual radio button options are not exposed in Maestro like they are in Composer, exposing them would allow us to vary the available options available for situations like the above, or when different entities are filling out the form and require different options.
TPD-3593 Script Editor right-click support for graphical radio buttons In the script editor, there is currently no support for right clicking graphical radio buttons to create an expression such as:
data.rbgname == "value";

It is currently up to the form author to close the script, inspect the form structure, and return to the script to get possible values, and then of course be well versed in JavaScript to know how to type out the line of code.

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Features and Enhancements

Transact Maestro 5.0.14 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and small enhancements.

Reference Summary Description
TPD-4106 Date Picker MomentJS Support The Date Picker library has been changed to use MomentJS. This resolves several date related issues that have been reported
TPD-4083 Hide Deprecated components from palette search results This enhancement hides the "Deprecated" Palette folder from form authors.
This change should reduce the likelihood of accidentally using a deprecated component. This is especially a problem when the component search mechanism is used, and the result exists in a folder beginning with a letter after D (It ends up being listed after "Deprecated").
TPD-4063 Page Change rule on the Page component scope Introduced the ability to define a rule on the page-level of the page where it should be executed. This was previously done using code.
TPD-3844 Addition of external JavaScript references. Provided a way to add an external JS link in the Component Editor because providers like LinkedIn and Facebook do not allow you to use local copies of JS libraries.
TPD-4096 Include MomentJS Date Library in Forms To be used by date picker to make parsing of dates much easier as well as adding many other features.
TPD-3987 Support for un-minified Maestro JavaScript files in hosted instances Added support for unminified core JavaScript libraries in hosted environments, based on the existing publish flag.
TPD-3828 New Rule type 'Page load...' for Page component Support the ability to perform a certain action when a user navigates to a specific page either via the navigation buttons, chevrons or menu. The product now supports the ability to click on the Page component in question and add a 'Page load...' rule.

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