Uses of Package
Packages that use com.avoka.fc.core.dao
Provides the Data Access Objects used by SmartForm Manager.
Provides the SmartForm Manager service class implementation.
Provides execution thread request context utility class.
Provides REST Service API servlet classes.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.dao used by com.avoka.fc.core.daoClassDescriptionProvides an abstract Data Access Object (DAO) for entity DAO classes to extend.Provides a DAO for the ApplicationForm entity.Provides a DAO for the ApplicationPackage entity.Provides a DAO for the ApplicationService entity.Provides a DAO for the Attachment entity.Provides a DAO for the AuditLog entity.Provides a Security Authentication Provider Data Access Object (DAO) class.Provides a DAO for the
entity.Provides a DAO for the Client entity.Provides a DAO for the ClientMetadataValue entity.Provides a DAO for the ClientPortal entity.Provides a DAO for the ClientProperty entity.Provides a DAO for the Client Reconciliation File entity.Provides a Dao for the ClientRefData entity.Provides a ComposerImportAction Data Access Object.Provides a DAO for the ComposerPackageQueue entity.Provides a Database Integrity Checker DAO.Provides a Data Retention Info DAO.Provides a Data Retention Info class.Provides a job status aggregation group info reporting classProvides a submission status aggregation group info reporting classProvides a Table Size class.Provides a DAO for the DbVersionUpdate entity.Provides a DAO for the DeliveryDetails entity.Provides a DAO for the DeploymentProperty entity.Provides a DAO for the DocumentType entity.Provides a DAO for the EmailQueue entity.Provides a DAO for the ErrorLog entity.Provides a DAO for the EventInbox entity.Provides a DAO for the EventLog entity.Provides a DAO for the EventOutbox entity.Provides a DAO for the FileUpload entity.Provides a DAO for theFolder
entity.Provides a DAO for the Form entity.Provides a DAO for theFormDesign
entity.Provides a DAO for theFormDesignVersion
entity.Provides a DAO for theFormDesignVersionProperty
entity.Provides a DAO for the FormReceiptSequence entity.Provides a Groovy Service Log DAO class.The Class ServerHealthStatusMetricsDao.Provides a DAO for the Group entity.Provides an ImportAction Data Access Object.Provides a DAO for the IntegrityCheckerLog entity.Provides a Collaboration Job Action DAO class.Provides a DAO for the Collaboration Job entity.Provides a DAO for theJobEventLog
entity.Provides a DAO for theJobProperty
entityProvides a DAO for theJobPropertySearch
entityProvides a DAO for the Collaboration Job Status History entity.Provides a DAO for theJobStep
entity.Provides a DAO for theLibrary
entity.Provides a Library Resource Data Access Object class.Provides a Library Resource History Data Access Object class.Provides a DAO for the MetadataListValue entity.Provides a DAO for the MetadataTag entity.Provides a DAO for the Notification entity.Provides a DAO for the PaymentLog entity.Provides a DAO for the Permission entity.Provides a DAO for the Portal entity.Provides a DAO for the PortalPage entity.Provides a DAO for the PortalPageHistory entity.Provides a DAO for the PortalProperty entity.Provides a DAO for the PortalResource entity.Provides a DAO for the PortalResourceHistory entity.Provides a DAO for the PrefillParamXpathMap entity.Provides a DAO for the ProcessingStatus entity.Provides a DAO for theProject
entity.Provides a DAO for theProjectFormTag
entity.Provides a DAO for the PromotionLog entity.Provides a DAO for the PropertyPrefillMap entity.Provides a DAO for the PropertyType entity.Provides property value lookup support Data Access Object (DAO).Provides a DAO for theReleaseVersion
entity.Provides a DAO for the RequestLog entity.Provides a DAO for the RequiredAttachmen entity.Provides a DAO for the Role entity.Provides a DAO for the RolePermission entity.Provides a Scheduled Job History DAO class.Provides a SchemaExtractMap DAO class.Provides a DAO for the SchemaSeed entity.Provides a DAO for the SecurityManager entity.Provides a DAO for the SecurityManagerLog entity.The Class ServerHealthStatusMetricsDao.Provides a DAO for the ServerNode entity.The server node type enumProvides a DAO for the ServiceConnection entity.Provides a DAO for the ServiceDefinition entity.Provides a ServiceParameter DAO class.Provides a DAO for the ServiceParameterHistory entity.Provides a DAO for the SubmissionAsyncMsg entity.Provides a DAO for the Submission entity.Provides a Submission Data DAO to provide safe read only access to submission data.Provides a DAO for theSubmissionDeliveryCheckpoint
entity.Provides a DAO for the SubmissionDeliveryFunc entities.Provides a DAO for the SubmissionExtractData.Provides a DAO for the SubmissionHistory entity.Provides a DAO for the SubmissionMilestone entity.Provides a Dao for the SubmissionProperty entity.Provides a DAO for the SubmissionServiceLog entity.Provides a DAO for the SystemHealth entity.Provides a DAO for the Client entity.Provides a TIInstance enumeration.Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersion entity.Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersionData entity.Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersionDeployment entity.Provides a DAO for the TPac entity.Provides a DAO for the TransactionHistory entity.Provides a Browser count summary class.Provides a device count summary class.Form Code and Name value object classProvides a Operating System count summary class.Provides a DAO for the TransactionLookup entity.Provides a DAO for the UserAccount entity.Provides a UserAuthEvent Data Access Object (DAO).Provides a DAO for the UserGroup entity.Provides a User Portal Preferences Data Access Object (DAO).Provides a DAO for the UserProfile entity.Provides a DAO for the UserProperty entity.Provides a DAO for the UserRole entity.Provides a template VersionAttachment data access object.Provides a DAO for the VersionMetadataValue entity.Provides a DAO for the VersionMetadataValue entity.Job search criteria.Submission search criteria.Provides a DAO for the XmlInputMap entity. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.dao used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.impl
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.dao used by com.avoka.fc.core.servletClassDescriptionProvides a DAO for the DeploymentProperty entity.Provides a DAO for the Form entity.Provides a DAO for the PortalProperty entity.Provides a DAO for the Submission entity.Provides a DAO for the UserAccount entity.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.dao used by