Package com.avoka.fc.core.service.impl
package com.avoka.fc.core.service.impl
Provides the SmartForm Manager service class implementation.
ClassDescriptionProvides an AGLS implementation of the form meta data rendering service.Provides an authentication service implementation.Provides an ClamAV Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.Provides an ClamAV Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.Provides an implementation class for log purge services.Provides a Data Retention Service that delegates calls the configured purgers for processingProvides an email queue service implementation.Publish transaction history records to a file system directory.Provides a service verifying a Google Authenticator token.Provides a Groovy Script based submission delivery process.Provides a templated Groovy-based implementation of the form security filter.Provides a Groovy Script Render Receipt Service for generating customized PDF receipt documents.Provides a Groovy script based scheduled service.Provide an interface to invoke arbitrary Groovy services.Provides an interface for generating a PDF receipt as a byte array.Provides an implementation class for log purge services.Publish transaction history records to the AWS S3 object store.Provides an Symantec Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.Provides an Symantec Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.Provides an implementation of SubmissionDeliveryController.Provide an Filename Format instance for use in Velocity templates.Provides an implementation for the submission receipt service.Provides a implementation of ISysEventPublisher for the System Event Publisher Used to publish system event messages.Provides Tika Media Type Scan Service.Provides a Transaction History creation service.Provides a simple implementation of a Transaction History Publisher, delegating to a customizable Groovy script.