Interface IStreamProducer<V>

All Known Implementing Classes:
KafkaStreamProducer, MockKafkaStreamProducer

public interface IStreamProducer<V>
Provide a producer interface.
  • Method Details

    • sendToStream

      void sendToStream(ServiceConnection serviceConnection, String streamName, String key, String content, StreamCallback<V> callback)
      Asynchronously send content to the streamName.
      serviceConnection - the service connection
      streamName - the stream name
      key - the key
      content - the content which should be sent
      callback - the callback method which the user can implement to provide asynchronous handling of request completion
    • sendToStream

      void sendToStream(ServiceConnection serviceConnection, String streamName, String partitionKey, String key, String content, StreamCallback<V> callback)
      Asynchronously send content to the streamName.
      serviceConnection - the service connection
      streamName - the stream name
      partitionKey - the partitionKey
      key - the key
      content - the content which should be sent
      callback - the callback method which the user can implement to provide asynchronous handling of request completion