Provides classes related to security and authentication.
Interface Summary Interface Description IAuthenticationProviderAware Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their AuthenticationProvider configuration.IFormSubmissionAccessController Provide a submission access controller service.IPortalAware Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their Portal.ISecurityManagerAware Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their SecurityManager.ISecurityManagerService Provides a Security Manager service interface.IUserQuery Provides an interface to determine whether a user exists with the implementing AuthenticationProvider.ManagementConsolePermissions Provides the permission names used in the TM management console.PortalPermissions Provides the permission names used in the Web Portal. -
Class Summary Class Description AccountUserDetails Provides an AccountUser UserDetails adaptor.AccountUserDetailsChecker Provides pre-authentication checks for a SmartForm Manager user record stored in the local database.AccountUserDetailsService Provides a service class to access user details.FluentUserAuthenticationProvider Provides a Fluent script based User Authentication Provider class.FormSubmissionAccessController Provide a submission access controller service.GroovyUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider Provides a Groovy script based UserDetails Authentication Provider class.GroupGrantedAuthority Provides an Group GrantedAuthority adaptor.LdapUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider Provides a configurable LDAP Local UserDetails Authentication Provider.LocalUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider Provides a Local User Account Authentication Provider.LoginEntryPoint Extends Spring security to handle session timeout requests differently for AJAX.LoginFailureHandler Provides a custom failure handler based on SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler that will increase failed login attempts, do locking, and finally redirect.LoginListener Provides a listener that reacts to login events.OAuth2Authenticator Provides an oAuth2 authenticator client that can be used by a transact security Manager to authenticate against an oAuth2 provider like Google.OpenSAMLInitContextListener Deals with OpenSAML - initialization during start, etc.OpenSAMLInitializator Initialize OpenSAML framework.PasswordChangeUtils Provides change password page utility methods.PortalAccessor Provides an access path to the current SmartForm Manager portal.PortalAuthenticationProvider Provides a Spring Security Authentication Provider which integrates with TxM Security Manager.SAML2AttributesParser Provides a SAML2 (Security Assertion Markup Language) attribute parser helper class for SSO Filter authentication token scripts.SecurityManagerService Provides a Security Manager service which is associated with a Security Manager configuration entity.ShaPasswordEncoder Provides a password encoder using Argon2 hashing algorithms.SSOAuthenticationFilter Provides an SSO Filter to perform pre-authentication processing.SSOAuthenticationToken Provides an authentication token used for single-sign on (SSO) authentication.TwoFactorAuthenticationUserDetailsChecker Provides a user details checker that checks additional authentication factors if configured.UserAccountFilter UserBulkImportParser Provides parsing of a user bulk import file in XLS format.UserBulkImportService Provides methods around user bulk import.WSTrustSAMLAuthenticator Provides a WS-Trust SAML2 Authenticator parser class for delegated user authentication. -
Enum Summary Enum Description IFormSubmissionAccessController.AccessPermission The form access permission.IFormSubmissionAccessController.AccessStatus The security access status to the submission.IFormSubmissionAccessController.JsAppAccessStatus The JsApp security access status to the submission. -
Exception Summary Exception Description AccountNotActiveException Provides an exception used to denote that a user account is inactive.NotPortalAccountException Provides an exception used to denote an authenticated user account is not associated with the portal.