Class Txn

  • public class Txn
    extends Object
    Provide a Transaction value object class.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String DELIVERY_SENT_EMAIL
        The delivery "Sent Email" status.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String DELIVERY_IN_PROGRESS
        The delivery "In Progress" status.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String DELIVERY_UNDELIVERABLE
        The delivery "Undeliverable" status.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String DELIVERY_NOT_REQUIRED
        The delivery "Not Required" status.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • id

        public final Long id
        The transaction id (PK).
      • attachmentsStatus

        public final String attachmentsStatus
        The attachment status [ Required | Optional | Completed ].
      • orgId

        public final Long orgId
        The organization id (PK).
      • clientCode

        public final String clientCode
        The organization code.
      • orgName

        public final String orgName
        The organization name.
      • deliveryStatus

        public final String deliveryStatus
        The delivery status [ Not Ready | Ready | Sent Email | In Progress | Pending | Completed | Error | Undeliverable | Not Required ].
      • deliveryChannel

        public final String deliveryChannel
        The organization delivery channel name.
      • deliveryMaxAttempts

        public final Integer deliveryMaxAttempts
        The delivery max attempts.
      • deliveryMessage

        public final String deliveryMessage
        The delivery message.
      • deliveryMethod

        public final String deliveryMethod
        The delivery method [ Email | Email Secure | Delivery Process | REST Service | Web Service ].
      • deliveryProcessAttempts

        public final Integer deliveryProcessAttempts
        The delivery process attempts.
      • emailAddress

        public final String emailAddress
        The contact email address.
      • emailVerificationStatus

        public final String emailVerificationStatus
        The email verification status for forms configured with anonymous email verification.
      • formId

        public final Long formId
        The form id (PK).
      • formCode

        public final String formCode
        The form code, globally unique identifier.
      • formName

        public final String formName
        The form name.
      • formStatus

        public final String formStatus
        The transaction form status [ Assigned | Opened | Saved | Submitted | Completed | Expired | Abandoned ].
      • groupNames

        public final Set<String> groupNames
        The transaction group names.
      • paymentStatus

        public final String paymentStatus
        The transaction payment status [ Required | Completed | Error | Pending ].
      • paymentTotal

        public final Double paymentTotal
        The transaction payment total.
      • jobId

        public final Long jobId
        The job id.
      • jobActionId

        public final Long jobActionId
        The job action id.
      • jobRefNumber

        public final String jobRefNumber
        The job reference number.
      • spaceId

        public final Long spaceId
        The form space id (PK).
      • spaceName

        public final String spaceName
        The form space name.
      • receiptNumber

        public final String receiptNumber
        The transaction receipt number.
      • receiptStatus

        public final String receiptStatus
        The transaction PDF receipt generation status [ Ready | In Progress | Completed | Error | Error No Data ].
      • saveChallengeHash

        public final String saveChallengeHash
        The save challenge hash
      • saveChallengeTimeout

        public final Date saveChallengeTimeout
        The save challenge timeout
      • timeCreated

        public final Date timeCreated
        The time the transaction was created.
      • timeAbandoned

        public final Date timeAbandoned
        The time the transaction was abandoned.
      • timeAbandonmentScheduled

        public final Date timeAbandonmentScheduled
        The time the transaction was scheduled for abandonment.
      • timeUserLastModified

        public final Date timeUserLastModified
        The time the user last viewed the form or performed any activity.
      • timeSubmitted

        public final Date timeSubmitted
        The time the transaction was submitted and also for time transaction initially saved.
      • timeCompleted

        public final Date timeCompleted
        The time the transaction was completed.
      • timeDelivered

        public final Date timeDelivered
        The time the transaction was delivered.
      • timeProcessUpdated

        public final Date timeProcessUpdated
        The time the processing status was last updated.
      • timePurgeDataScheduled

        public final Date timePurgeDataScheduled
        The time the transaction PII data is scheduled to be purged.
      • timePurgeDataActual

        public final Date timePurgeDataActual
        The actual time the transaction PII data was purged.
      • timePurgeRecordScheduled

        public final Date timePurgeRecordScheduled
        The time the transaction record is scheduled to be purged.
      • timeRequested

        public final Date timeRequested
        The time the transaction was requested.
      • timeSubmissionExpiry

        public final Date timeSubmissionExpiry
        use timeTxnExpiry instead
        The time the submission will expire.
      • timeTaskExpiry

        public final Date timeTaskExpiry
        The time the task will expiry.
      • timeTaskScheduled

        public final Date timeTaskScheduled
        The time the task was scheduled to be completed.
      • timeTxnExpiry

        public final Date timeTxnExpiry
        The time the txn will expire.
      • dataDeleted

        public final boolean dataDeleted
        The transaction user PII data has been deleted.
      • submitKey

        public final String submitKey
        The transaction submit key, globally unique id (GUID).
      • trackingCode

        public final String trackingCode
        The transaction tracking code.
      • transRefNumber

        public final String transRefNumber
        The transaction ref number.
      • userLoginName

        public final String userLoginName
        The transaction users login name (username).
      • userSaved

        public final boolean userSaved
        The transaction is user saved.
      • externalUserId

        public final String externalUserId
        The transaction external user id.
      • paymentGatewayTimestamp

        public final Date paymentGatewayTimestamp
        The payment gateway timestamp.
      • paymentGatewayReceiptNo

        public final String paymentGatewayReceiptNo
        The payment gateway receipt number.
      • paymentGatewayTxnNo

        public final Long paymentGatewayTxnNo
        The payment gateway transaction number.
      • processStatus

        public final String processStatus
        The transaction processing status.
      • formVersionId

        public final Long formVersionId
        The form version id (PK).
      • formVersionNumber

        public final String formVersionNumber
        The form version number.
      • txnScore

        public final Integer txnScore
        The transaction score.
      • userAgent

        public final String userAgent
        The HTTP user agent header.
      • userAgentDeviceType

        public final String userAgentDeviceType
        The HTTP user agent device type [ Phone | Tablet | Desktop | Game Console | Unknown ].
      • formAbandonmentType

        public final String formAbandonmentType
        The type of form abandonment [ Bounced | Started | Cancelled | Submitted | Saved ].
      • formUrl

        public final String formUrl
        The form URL if the transaction has not been completed.
      • receiptUrl

        public final String receiptUrl
        The receipt URL if the transaction has not been completed.
      • checkpoints

        public final List<TxnCheckpoint> checkpoints
        The list of transaction delivery checkpoints.
      • formDataMap

        public final Map<String,​String> formDataMap
        The form data map (data extracts).
      • propertyMap

        public final Map<String,​String> propertyMap
        The property map (transaction properties).
      • milestones

        public final List<String> milestones
        The list of transaction milestones.
      • formXml

        public final String formXml
        The form XML data.
      • receiptPdf

        public final byte[] receiptPdf
        The receipt PDF bytes.
      • fileAttachList

        public final List<FileAttach> fileAttachList
        The file attachments list.
      • deliveryFuncs

        public final List<TxnDeliveryFunc> deliveryFuncs
        The transaction delivery functions list.
      • comments

        public final List<Map<String,​String>> comments
        The Workspaces comments
    • Constructor Detail

      • Txn

        public Txn​(com.avoka.fc.core.entity.Submission sub,
                   Map<String,​String> formDataMap,
                   String formXml,
                   Set<String> groupNames,
                   Map<String,​String> propertyMap,
                   byte[] receiptPdf,
                   List<FileAttach> fileAttachList,
                   List<TxnDeliveryFunc> deliveryFuncs,
                   List<Map<String,​String>> comments)
        Create a Txn value object with the given parameters.
        sub - the submission entity (required)
        formDataMap - the form data map
        formXml - the form XML data
        groupNames - the submission group names
        propertyMap - the submission property
        receiptPdf - the receipt PDF bytes
        fileAttachList - the file attachments list
        deliveryFuncs - the transaction delivery functions
      • Txn

        public Txn​(Map fields)
        Create a unit testing Txn value object with the given fields.
        fields - the submission entity fields (required)
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of the object.