Class TxnCheckpoint

  • public class TxnCheckpoint
    extends Object
    Provides a Transaction Delivery Checkpoint value object.
    • Field Detail

      • name

        public final String name
        The transaction delivery checkpoint name.
      • description

        public final String description
        The transaction delivery checkpoint description.
      • status

        public final String status
        The transaction delivery checkpoint status [ Registered | Completed | Error ].
      • time

        public final Date time
        The transaction delivery checkpoint time.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TxnCheckpoint

        public TxnCheckpoint​(String name,
                             String description,
                             String status,
                             Date time)
        Create a transaction delivery checkpoint value object.
        name - the checkpoint name
        description - the checkpoint description
        status - the checkpoint status
        time - the checkpoint time
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of the object.