Class TrackingCodeBuilder

  • public class TrackingCodeBuilder
    extends Object

    Provides a unique random tracking code builder.

    The build method will ensure the tracking number is globally unique across both transaction and transaction history tables. If an existing tracking code is found, the build method will continue to generate a new tracking codes until it has created a globally unique value. If a unique value has not been generated after 100 attempts a IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.


    Please find the tracking code builder examples below.

    Create Transaction Tracking Code

    The example below is creating an unique transaction tracking code and prefixing it with the form code and postfixing it with a test environment indicator.

     class FluentTrackingNumberService {
         String invoke(SvcDef svcDef, Form form, HttpServletRequest request, User user) {
             return new TrackingCodeBuilder()
                 .setPrefix(form.formCode + "-")
    • Constructor Detail

      • TrackingCodeBuilder

        public TrackingCodeBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • setPrefix

        public TrackingCodeBuilder setPrefix​(String prefix)
        Set the tracking code value to prefix random component.
        prefix - the tracking code prefix
        the tracking code builder
      • setPostfix

        public TrackingCodeBuilder setPostfix​(String postfix)
        Set the tracking code value to postfix random component.
        postfix - the tracking code post
        the tracking code builder
      • setRandomLength

        public TrackingCodeBuilder setRandomLength​(int randomLength)
        Set the random component character length. The default length is 7.
        randomLength - the random component character length
        the tracking code builder
      • setRandomChars

        public TrackingCodeBuilder setRandomChars​(String randomChars)
        Set the character values to be used in the random component. The default values include: BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ23456789
        randomChars - the character values to be used in the random component.
        the tracking code builder
      • trackingCodeExists

        public boolean trackingCodeExists​(String trackingCode)
        Return true if the specified tracking code is already used.
        trackingCode - the tracking code value to check (must not be null or an empty string)
        true if the tracking code value is already in use or there was an error during lookup
      • build

        public String build()

        Return a new random transaction tracking code (tracking number) for the specified properties.

        This method will ensure the tracking number is globally unique across both transaction and transaction history tables. If an existing tracking code is found, this method will continue to generate a new tracking codes until a globally unique value is found. If this method cannot generate a unique value after 10 attempts it will throw an IllegalArgumentException

        If a unique tracking code is found, the code is also stored in the tracking_number table that records all unique codes.

        new random transaction tracking code (tracking number) for the specified properties.