Class SvcDef

  • public class SvcDef
    extends java.lang.Object
    Provide a Service Definition value object class.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      java.lang.String className
      The service definition class name.
      java.lang.String clientCode
      The organization client code.
      java.util.Date createdAt
      The time the service definition was created.
      java.lang.String createdBy
      The user who created the service definition.
      java.lang.String description
      The service description.
      java.lang.Long id
      The service definition id (PK).
      boolean isCurrentVersion
      The service is the current active version for the service name.
      boolean isJobTemplate
      The service definition is a job template.
      boolean isUnitTestEnabled
      The unit testing is enable for the service.
      java.util.Date lastModifiedAt
      The time the service definition was last modified.
      java.lang.String lastModifiedBy
      The user who created the service definition.
      java.lang.String name
      The service definition name.
      java.lang.Long orgId
      The organization client id (PK).
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> paramsMap
      The service parameters map.
      SvcConn svcConn
      The associated service connection.
      java.lang.String type
      The service type.
      java.lang.String version
      The service definition version.
      java.lang.Integer versionNumber
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      SvcDef​(com.avoka.fc.core.entity.ServiceDefinition sd)
      Create a service definition value object from the given entity.
      SvcDef​(SvcDef svcDef, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> params)
      Create a service definition value object from the given entity and put additional parameters to the service definition's parameters map.
      SvcDef​(java.util.Map fields)
      Create a unit testing SvcDef value object with the given fields.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String toString()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • id

        public final java.lang.Long id
        The service definition id (PK).
      • name

        public final java.lang.String name
        The service definition name.
      • versionNumber

        public final java.lang.Integer versionNumber
        The service definition version number.
      • version

        public final java.lang.String version
        The service definition version.
      • orgId

        public final java.lang.Long orgId
        The organization client id (PK).
      • clientCode

        public final java.lang.String clientCode
        The organization client code.
      • type

        public final java.lang.String type
        The service type.
      • description

        public final java.lang.String description
        The service description.
      • isCurrentVersion

        public final boolean isCurrentVersion
        The service is the current active version for the service name.
      • isJobTemplate

        public final boolean isJobTemplate
        The service definition is a job template.
      • isUnitTestEnabled

        public final boolean isUnitTestEnabled
        The unit testing is enable for the service.
      • className

        public final java.lang.String className
        The service definition class name.
      • createdAt

        public final java.util.Date createdAt
        The time the service definition was created.
      • createdBy

        public final java.lang.String createdBy
        The user who created the service definition.
      • lastModifiedAt

        public final java.util.Date lastModifiedAt
        The time the service definition was last modified.
      • lastModifiedBy

        public final java.lang.String lastModifiedBy
        The user who created the service definition.
      • svcConn

        public final SvcConn svcConn
        The associated service connection.
      • paramsMap

        public final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> paramsMap
        The service parameters map.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SvcDef

        public SvcDef​(com.avoka.fc.core.entity.ServiceDefinition sd)
        Create a service definition value object from the given entity.
        sd - the service definition entity (required)
      • SvcDef

        public SvcDef​(SvcDef svcDef,
                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> params)
        Create a service definition value object from the given entity and put additional parameters to the service definition's parameters map.
        svcDef - the service definition entity (required)
        params - additional parameters to put to service definition parameters (required)
      • SvcDef

        public SvcDef​(java.util.Map fields)
        Create a unit testing SvcDef value object with the given fields.
        fields - the submission entity fields (required)
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        a string representation of the object.