Yodlee v1.0

This package provides capabilities that extend the Avoka Transact platform for users wishing to include Envestnet Yodlee services in their forms. Package capabilities include:

  1. Account Linking

    Linking accounts to transactions using Yodlee Fastlink.

  2. Account Retrieval

    Retrieving details on accounts linked using Yodlee Fastlink.

  3. Transaction Summaries

    Retrieving user transaction summaries for accounts linked using Yodlee Fastlink.

  4. Networth Summaries

    Retrieving user networth for accounts linked using Yodlee Fastlink.

Quick Start

The Quick Account Link component is provided to give a one button integration experience, for Yodlee Fastlink. Data required as part of the submission can be configured on the block. The start button provided in the component will also need to be configured see Starting a Fastlink Session.

Displaying results in the form

The following components are provided to surface results to the form user :

  1. Account Summaries
  2. Transaction Summary
  3. Net Worth Summary
See their respective properties for linking data for display.


Clients must ensure they are appropriately licensed in order to use this package. Organisations who wish to use this package are required to establish a commercial relationship with Envestnet Yodlee directly.


This package has the following compatibility requirements:

Module Compatibility Notes
Transact Manager 5.0.0 or above
Transact Maestro 5.0.0 or above

Installation Instructions

To install this package please walk through the following procedure:

  1. Unzip the package to a directory on your computer
  2. Import each zip archive found in the services folder to Transact Manager under the Services >> All Services menu item.
  3. Review the Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required adjustments to service parameters.
  4. Review the Service Connection requirements under the same Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required configurations to the Service Connection. Service Connections can be configured in Transact Manager under the Services >> Service Connections menu item.
  5. Import each archive found in the libraries folder to Maestro. Importing these into the Organisation level libraries folder is recommended as this will make the components available to all projects, however they can be imported at the Project level if required.

Maestro Assets

Yodlee Account Summaries Library: exchange.yodlee Category: Yodlee

Block for displaying summary information for accounts linked to a transaction using Fastlink


Property Category Description Type Default
Account Summaries Data

Data item containing account summary data

Display Accounts Configuration

Display account details on the form

boolean true
Yodlee Get Account Details Library: exchange.yodlee Category: Yodlee

For retrieving accounts linked to this transaction using Fastlink

Used In

Service Calls

Rule Templates

You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

  • On Success : a script to run on success of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response
  • On Failure : a script to run on failure of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response

Yodlee Get Net Worth Library: exchange.yodlee Category: Yodlee

A DDS Button for retrieving networth financial data using the Yodlee APIs

Used In

Service Calls

Rule Templates

You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

  • On Success : a script to run on success of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response
  • On Failure : a script to run on failure of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response

Yodlee Get Transaction Summaries Library: exchange.yodlee Category: Yodlee

A Dynamic Data Service Button for retrieving transaction summaries for accounts linked to this transaction using Yodlee Fastlink

Used In

Service Calls

Rule Templates

You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

  • On Success : a script to run on success of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response
  • On Failure : a script to run on failure of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response

Yodlee Net Worth Summary Library: exchange.yodlee Category: Yodlee

Yodlee Net Worth Summary


Property Category Description Type Default
Net Worth Summary Reference Data

A field reference to the results of a net worth summary dynamic data call

Display Networth Summary Configuration

Display the networth summary on the form

boolean true
Yodlee Transaction Summary Library: exchange.yodlee Category: Yodlee

Block for displaying transaction summaries


Property Category Description Type Default
Transaction Summaries Data

Field Reference storing summary transaction data

Transaction Category Data

Category to display summary data for

Display Category Summary Configuration

Display lower level category summaries

boolean true
Display Transaction Summaries Configuration

Display Transaction Summaries on the form

boolean true

Shared Styles

  • Category Summary Block Library: exchange.yodlee
  • Summary Detail Container Library: exchange.yodlee


Yodlee - Fastlink Callback v1
Provides a callback point for Yodlee Fastlink, and logic for linking results of the callback to the transaction


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.0

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
responseContentType The return type of the callback page (Always text/html) Yes text/html
Page Template The template of the callback page Yes null
Yodlee - Get Account Details v1
Provides a dynamic data service for retrieving accounts linked to the calling transaction through Yodlee Fastlink

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.0


Name Description
status The status of the DDS call
accounts A list[] of {account} objects

{account}.status The status of the account
{account}.CONTAINER The type of container this account has e.g.
{account}.providerAccountId The unique id for
{account}.accountName The name of the account
{account}.accountNumber The number of the account
{account}.providerId The id of the account provider, known by Yodlee
{account}.providerName The name of the account provider
{account}.refreshInfo A {refreshInfo} object representing the state of this accounts last refresh
{account}.availableBalance A {balance} object representing the available balance of the
{account}.balance A {balance} object representing the current balance of the account

{balance}.amount The amount of the balance
{balance}.currency The currency of the balance

{refreshInfo}.statusCode The status code of the refresh
{refreshInfo}.statusMessage The status message of the refresh
{refreshInfo}.lastRefreshed A date time stamp for the last successful
{refreshInfo}.lastRefreshAttempt A date time stamp of the last request for a refresh of this account
{refreshInfo}.nextRefreshScheduled A date time stamp of for the next time this account will be refreshed
Yodlee - Get Net Worth v1
Provides a dynamic data service for retrieving The networth of the Yodlee user linked to this transaction

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.0


Name Description Required
accountIds A comma separated list of accountIds No
include Set as 'details' to include a list of historical balance with results No
fromDate The date to retrieve balances from YYYY-MM-DD No
toDate The date to retrieve balances to YYYY-MM-DD No
interval The interval to group results to D-Daily, W-Weekly, M-Monthly No
skip The starting index of the results (skip results before this index) (Min No
top Exclude results after this index (Max 500) No


Name Description
networth a list of {worth} objects

{worth}.date The date of the summary (YYYY-MM-DD)
{worth}.asset a {balance} object representing assets
{worth}.liability a {balance} object representing liabilities
{worth}.networth a {balance} object representing networth

{balance}.amount The amount of the amount
{balance}.currency The currency of the amount
Yodlee - Get Transaction Summaries v1
Provides a dynamic data service for retrieving Transaction Summaries for accounts linked to this transaction using Yodlee Fastlink

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.0


Name Description Required
groupBy Logical grouping of results - Valid values are CATEGORY_TYPE, CATEGORY or HIGH_LEVEL_CATEGORY Yes
accountId Account Id to retrieve transaction summaries for No
categoryType Category types to retrieve transaction summaries for, required if groupBy is CATEGORY or HIGH_LEVEL_CATEGORY is a comma delimited list of types. Valid values are INCOME, EXPENSE, TRANSER, UNCATEGORIZE, DEFERRED_COMPENSATION No
categoryId Category ids to retrieve transaction summaries for normally used for user defined categories No
fromDate The start date to retrieve summaries from No
toDate The end date to retrieve summaries to No
interval The interval by which results will be grouped, valid values are D-Daily, W-Weekly, M-Monthly No
include Set as details to include details of the transactions with the summaries No


Name Description
status The status of the DDS call
transactionSummaries A map of transactions summaries organised by category
transactionSummaries.INCOME Contains a list of {transactionSummary} objects (may not be present in response)
transactionSummaries.EXPENSE Contains a list of {transactionSummary} objects (may not be present in response)
transactionSummaries.TRANSFER Contains a list of {transactionSummary} objects (may not be present in response)
transactionSummaries.UNCATEGORIZE Contains a list of {transactionSummary} objects (may not be present in response)
transactionSummaries.DEFERRED_COMPENSATION Contains a list of {transactionSummary} objects (may not be present in response)

{transactionSummary}.creditTotal A {balance} containing details of the credit of the category
{transactionSummary}.debitTotal A {balance} containing details of the debit of the category
{transactionSummary}.links A link object containing a URI reference to transaction details resource
{transactionSummary}.categorySummary A list of {categorySummary} for this transaction category

{categorySummary}.categoryId The id of the category
{categorySummary}.categoryName The name of the category
{categorySummary}.debitTotal A {balance} containing details of the debit of this category
{categorySummary}.creditTotal A {balance} containing details of the credit of this category

{balance}.amount The amount of the balance
{balance}.currency The currency of the balance
Yodlee - Get User Session v1
Provides a dynamic data service for retrieving tokens necessary for starting a Yodlee Fastlink session

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.0

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
Fastlink API Connection Endpoint The URL of your fastlink connection node Yes https://node.developer.yodlee.com/authenticate/restserver/


Name Description Required
email The email of the user No
mode The mode to launch Fastlink in - AGGREGATION or VERIFICATION No

Service Connections

The following service connections are used by this package.

Property Name Description Required
Type HTTP Endpoint Yes
Endpoint Should point to Yodlee APIs Yes
Username Should contain your cobrand login username for the Yodlee APIs Yes
Password Should contain your cobrand login password for the Yodlee APIs Yes