Experian Data Quality v1.3

This package provides capabilities that extend the Avoka Transact platform with integration to the Experian Data Quality suite of services for data validation. These include:

  1. Real-time Global address search and auto-complete - demo

The product suite also includes Email and Phone validation but these are not currently supported.

For address auto-complete support, this package includes 3 components:

  1. Experian Short Address Lookup
    This component provides address lookup capabilites for short format addresses and includes a short format address field set for manual address entry if required.
  2. Experian Long Address Lookup
    This component provides address lookup capabilites for long format addresses and includes a long format address field set for manual address entry if required.
  3. Experian Address Autocomplete
    This is a is used in the short and long address lookup components and is a single field address lookup that can be used to populate a custom address block where the short and long formats provided are not suitable.

Address Formats

Avoka provides 2 address format options:

Short format address (sometimes called standard 5 field address) is a very common address format used in systems of record and consists of the following fields:

  1. Address Line 1
  2. Address Line 2
  3. Locality
  4. State
  5. Postal Code

Long format address provides a more explicit breakdown of address components:

  1. Building Name
  2. Subdwelling
  3. Street Number
  4. Street Name
  5. Street Type
  6. Locality
  7. State
  8. Postal Code

Where practical we also provide the following addtional fields:

  1. Country
  2. Country Code
  3. Full Address
  4. Lookup Key
  5. Postal Flag

Address Field Definitions

Address Line 1
(short format only)
This will be the first of 2 address lines. The contents of this element will depend on the existence of a building name or subdwelling where a subdwelling could be a unit/flat/shop/suite number or a level/floor number. If any of these elements exist then this field will contain these sub-location elements in the following order:

[buildingName] [floor/level] [unit/flat/shop/suite]

If none of these sub-location elements exist then this field will contain:

[streetNumber] [streetName] [streetType]

Address Line 2
(short format only)
This will be the second of 2 address lines and will be blank unless addressLine1 contains sub-location elements, in which case the addressLine2 will contain:

[streetNumber] [streetName] [streetType]

Building Name
(long format only)
Occasionally physical addresses include the name of the building they are located within. For example, performing a lookup for 34/267-277 CASTLEREAGH ST will return a building name of MUSEUM TOWERS.
(long format only)
The subdwelling value will contain floor/level identifiers and/or unit/flat/shop/suite identifiers.
Street Number
(long format only)
For physical addresses this value will contain the street number of the address which does not include the unit or flat number, but may be represented as a range (e.g. 267-277). For non-physical addresses this field will contain the PO Box, Locked Bag, or similar data.
Street Name
(long format only)
Where practical, this field will contain the name of the street only, with street type being provided separately (see below).
Street Type
(long format only)
The street type value may be provided as an expanded value (e.g. ROAD) or abbreviation (e.g. RD), depending on the lookup service response data.
Locality The locality information varies from country to country but will usually be either suburb or city.
State The State that the address resides in. For some countries (e.g. New Zealand) this may be blank.
Postal Code The regional postal code, also referred to as Zip Code (US) and Postcode.
Country The Country that the address is located wihin, in its expanded form (e.g. Australia).
Country Code Where practical, the Country code will be provided as represented in the ISO 2 character (e.g. AU) or 3 character (e.g. AUS) standards, depending on the data provided by the lookup service.
Postal Flag The postal flag field indicate whether this address is a non-physical address (e.g. PO Box, Locked Bag etc...). Most address lookup providers support the ability to exclude non-physical addresses from lookup searches if required.
Full Address The intention of this field is to provide the full address with the exclusion of Country, as a single one line string. For example:


Lookup Key This field represents a unique identifier for the address in the 3rd party system and will be different for each provider.


Clients must ensure they are appropriately licenses in order to use this package. Organisations who wish to use this package are required to establish a commercial relationship with Experian directly.


This package has the following compatibility requirements:

Transact Manager5.0 or above
Transact Maestro5.0 or above

Installation Instructions

To install this package please walk through the following proceedure:

  1. Unzip the package to a directory on your computer
  2. Import each zip archive found in the services folder to Transact Manager under the Services >> All Services menu item.
  3. Review the Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required adjustments to service parameters.
  4. Review the Service Connection requirements under the same Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required configurations to the Service Connection. Service Connections can be configured in Transact Manager under the Services >> Service Connections menu item.
  5. Import each archive found in the libraries folder to Maestro. Importing these into the Organisation level libraries folder is recommended as this will make the components available to all projects, however they can be imported at the Project level if required.

Usage Instructions

To configure the 'Experian Long/Short Address Lookup' component, please walk through the following procedure:

  1. Open your form in Maestro and drag and drop the component from the Palette.
  2. Open the properties section of the component block.
  3. Under 'Options' section, setup the properties described below. Note that Country Code is a required option - you must use the 3 character country code.

To use the single field 'Experian Address Autocomplete', please walk through the following procedure:

  1. Open your form in Maestro and drag and drop the field called 'Experian Address Autocomplete' from the Palette.
  2. Open the properties section of the field.
  3. Under 'Second DDS Configuration' section, map the response data fields to your Maestro fields.

Release Notes

Version 1.3 Sep 25, 2017

  • Added the ability to specify extra address attributes for inclusion in the response.

Version 1.2 Aug 30, 2017

  • Resolved defect where PO Box numbers were not being returned to the form upon selection of an address from the search results (AVT-5156).

Version 1.1 Jun 22, 2017

  • Added support for Maestro 5.1 language translation features.

Version 1.0 Feb 7, 2017

  • Baseline release.

Maestro Assets

Experian Address Autocomplete Library: exchange.experian.dataquality Category: Experian Data Quality

Australian address autocomplete service using the Experian Data Quality APIs

Used In

Service Calls

Experian Long Address Lookup Library: exchange.experian.dataquality Category: Experian Data Quality

Address lookup component with long format address block



Property Category Description Type Default
Mandatory Options

Controls the mandatory status of the address capture

boolean false
Include Postal Addresses Options

Controls whether the search results should include non-physical addresses such as PO Boxes and Locked Bags etc...

boolean true
All Capital Letters Options

Controls whether the address label in the auto-complete field is all capitalised

boolean false
Maximum Result Size Options

Controls the maximum number of results to be returned in address searches

Show Address Block Options

Controls whether to always show the address block or not

boolean false
Show Country Field Options

Controls whether to present the Country field in the address block

boolean false
Country Code (Required) Options

Required: you must specify a country code to limit search scope. Expects ISO standard 3 character codes (e.g. AUS, USA)

Experian Short Address Lookup Library: exchange.experian.dataquality Category: Experian Data Quality

Address lookup component with short format address block



Property Category Description Type Default
Mandatory Options

Controls the mandatory status of the address capture

boolean false
All Capital Letters Options

Controls whether the address label in the auto-complete field is all capitalised

boolean false
Maximum Result Size Options

Controls the maximum number of results to be returned in address searches

Include Postal Addresses Options

Controls whether the search results should include non-physical addresses such as PO Boxes and Locked Bags etc...

boolean true
Show Address Block Options

Controls whether to always show the address block or not

boolean false
Show Country Field Options

Controls whether to present the Country field in the address block

boolean false
Country Code (Required) Options

Required: you must specify a country code to limit search scope. Expects ISO standard 3 character codes (e.g. AUS, USA)



Experian Dataquality - Address Details v2
This Dynamic Data service executes a lookup on the Experian Dataquality API to retrieve an address and return a address details in the requested format.

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
extraResultsMap A delimited string containing extra result fields to return with the address, e.g. flatNo|Flat/Unit (Number) No


Name Description Required
lookupKey The moniker lookup key. Yes
allCaps Optionally request that results are returned in all capital letters [ true | false ] (default: false) No
format Optionally specify the format of the address to be returned [ short | long ] (default: short) No


Name Description
fullAddress The full address (excluding Country) of the matched address
lookupKey The unique identifier for the matched address in the source database
Where address format long is requested the address will be broken into these sub-elements
Where address format short is requested the address will be returned with the simple breakdown
locality The suburb
state The Australian state, blank for NZ addresses
postalCode The postcode
country The country name E.g. Australia
countryCode The 3 character country code
executionStatus The status of the service execution [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ].

Successful execution will be denoted by a SUCCESS value. DATA_ERROR will indicate that there was an issue identified with the input data that may be resolved and potentially retried by the user. SYSTEM_ERROR indicates that there was an unrecoverable system fault and the form should fall-back gracefully to an alternative path.

errorMessage When a DATA_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error.
Experian Dataquality - Address Search v1
This service facilitates address searching using the Experian Dataquality API.

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
maxResultSize Default value for maximum number of matching search results returned from the search function (default 10). This value can be overridden as a request parameter if required. Must be between 1 and 20. Yes 10
defaultCountryCode Default country code is ISO standard 3 character code (e.g. AUS, USA). This value can be overridden as a request parameter if required. No


Name Description Required
searchString The address search string. Yes
countryCode specify a country code in three digits format to limit search scope. Yes
maxResultSize Optionally specify a numeric maximum result list size to override the default: 10. Cannot be less than 1 or greater than 20. No
allCaps Optionally request that results are returned in all capital letters [ true | false ] (default: false) No
includePostal Optionally specify whether to include non-physical addresses (PO Boxes, Locked Bags etc) in the results [ true | false ] (default: No


Name Description
[] The results are provided as a JSON array of objects with the following attributes:
[].label The value to display in the result list, will be full address (excluding Country)
[].lookupKey The unique identifier to use when performing a detail lookup
[].countryCode The country code is ISO standard 2 character code (e.g. AU, US)
[].fullAddress The full address (excluding Country)

Service Connections

The following service connections are used by this package.

Experian Dataquality
Property Name Description Required
Type HTTP Endpoint Yes
Endpoint Must point to the Experian endpoint. For example


Username Clients to get their own user credentials from Experian. Yes
Password Clients to get their own user credentials from Experian. Yes
Auth Key Auth Key can be used instead of user/password credentials. No