Equifax BusinessLookup v1.2
This package provides capabilities that extend the Avoka Transact platform for users wishing to provides company and business information using Equifax Organisation Identification and Company Beneficial Ownership API.
Process Flow
Below are the process flow diagrams for the Equifax Organisation Identification and Company Beneficial Ownership services which give an insight into the design of the Exchange components.Equifax BusinessLookup OrgID
Equifax BusinessLookup CBO
Clients must ensure they are appropriately licenses in order to use this package. Organisations who wish to use this package are required to establish a commercial relationship with Equifax directly.
This package has the following compatibility requirements:
Module | Compatibility | Notes |
Transact Manager | 5.1.4 or above | |
Transact Maestro | 5.1.2 or above | |
Equifax OrgID API Version | 2.0 | |
Equifax CBO API Version | 1.2 |
Installation Instructions
To install this package please walk through the following proceedure:
- Unzip the package to a directory on your computer
- Import each zip archive found in the
folder to Transact Manager under the Services >> All Services menu item. - Review the Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required adjustments to service parameters.
- Configure any required Service Connections. These requirements can be found at the bottom of this document or in the Help Doc for each of the imported services.
Service Connections can be configured in Transact Manager under the Services >> Service Connections menu item.
- Import each archive found in the
folder to Maestro.Importing these into the Organisation level libraries folder is recommended as this will make the components available to all projects, however they can be imported at the Project level if required.
Usage Instructions
This package provides 2 Maestro components
- Equifax BusinessLookup OrgID: provides Orgnisation Identity (OrgID) information based on Australian Business Number (ABN) or Organisation number (ACN, ARBN or ARSN).
- Equifax BusinessLookup CBO: provides Company Beneficial Ownership (CBO) information based on ACN number.
Using Equifax BusinessLookup OrgID block
Drag an Equifax BusinessLookup OrgID block and place it on the form. Click on the "Get OrgID Result" Dynamic Data Button in the block, in the "Configuration" section, configure "Input Field Mapping" through field references. Then configure "Response Field Mapping" to map the result fields in the form.
Using Equifax BusinessLookup CBO block
Drag a Equifax BusinessLookup CBO block and place it on the form. In the "Options" section, configure the type of the block. You can use this block in three modes for different purpose as follows.
Check CBO Report: This is the default type, it uses ACN number to get CBO report by calling Equifax CBO service.
Please note that if company file cannot be returned within the timeout period (60 seconds), a
executionStatus will be returned without any CBO information. In this case, user needs to check the report at a later time using another type below. - Recheck Pending CBO Report: If Check CBO Report end up returning
state above, you can use this type to recheck the previous pending CBO report.You don't need to configure input fields for this type. It uses the previous CBO enquiryId recorded in current session to call the service.
If the CBO report is returned successfully, the result json structure will be exactly the same as "Check CBO Report" type would return.
- Retrieve CBO PDF Report: Once you get CBO report successfully using previous two modes. You can use this mode to request the PDF version of the CBO report and record it as current submission property.
You don't need to configure input fields for this type. It uses the previous CBO enquiryId recorded in current session to call the service.
Due to the limitation of current TM, the PDF report content will be encoded as based64 string and write to submission property named "EquifaxCbo.pdfReportBased64". You can use external tool to decode this string and get the binary PDF data.
Release Notes
Version 1.2 Jul 01, 2019
- Fix Recheck Pending CBO Report bug in Equifax - CBO service.
- Enhance validation and error handling of Equifax - CBO service.
- Enhance error handling of service parameters bugs in Equifax - OrgID service.
Version 1.1 May 03, 2018
- Supported OrgID v2 and multiple business names.
- Added individual name for solo traders.
Version 1.0 Sep 18, 2017
- Baseline release.
Maestro Assets
Get CBO report
Service Calls
Rule Templates
You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:
- on CBO Data Error : Gets executed upon CBO data error
- On CBO System Error : Gets executed upon CBO system error
Property | Category | Description | Type | Default |
Type | Options | You can choose three types of this button. It would either initiate a new report check, recheck pending report or retrieve PDF report and attached to current submission.
option |
Retrieve basic ASIC Organisation detail from supplied ABN or ACN
Service Calls
Rule Templates
You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:
- on OrgID Data Error : Gets executed upon OrgID data error
- On OrgID System Error : Gets executed upon OrgID system error
Service Connection
Module | Compatibility |
Manager | 5.1.4 |
Equifax CBO API | Version 1.2 |
Name | Description | Required |
task | Task to perform. Valid value: [ new | recheck | pdf ]new : Initiate a new CBO search by ACN Number. recheck : Recheck CBO report based on previous enquiry Id. pdf : Retrieve CBO PDF report based on previous enquiry Id. |
Yes |
acn | Organisation ACN number. Only required for new task |
Yes |
Name | Description |
registeredAddress | Registered business address with children fields startDate, careOfText, street, addressLine2, locality, state, postcode, country |
principalPlaceAddress | Principal place of business or trading address with children fields startDate, careOfText, street, addressLine2, locality, state, postcode, country |
directors | List of Directors |
secretaries | List of Secretaries |
shareholders | List of shareholders |
ownerShipResolvedFlag | A flag that Equifax returns about if they have fully resolved shareholder information |
includesNonBeneficiallyHeldFlag | Includes non-beneficially held shares flag |
executionStatus | The status of the service execution [ SUCCESS | PENDING | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ]. Successful execution will be denoted by a SUCCESS value if backend returns CBO report. If company file cannot be returned within the timeout period (60 seconds), a PENDING executionStatus will be returned. In this case, client needs to check the report at a later time. SYSTEM_ERROR indicates that there was an unrecoverable system fault and the form should fall-back gracefully to an alternative path. |
errorMessage | When a DATA_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error. |
Service Connection
Module | Compatibility |
Manager | 5.1.4 |
Equifax CBO API | Version 1.2 |
Service Connection
Module | Compatibility |
Manager | 5.1.4 |
Equifax OrgID API | Version 2.0 |
Service Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default |
orgIdMode | production/test depending on the environment. Please update this value to 'production' when in production. | Yes |
orgIdSubscriberIdentifier | Subscriber identifier. This value is provided by Equifax. | Yes |
orgIdSecurityCode | Security Code. This value is provided by Equifax. | Yes |
Name | Description | Required |
abn | Australian Business Number. The number must be eleven digits and pass the ASIC ABN check digit algorithm. |
No |
orgNumber | Organisation number ACN, ARBN or ARSN. Mandatory if ABN isn't available. The number must be nine digits long and pass the ASIC ACN check digit algorithm. |
No |
Name | Description |
abn | - ABN number |
acn | - ACN number |
abnStatus | - ABN status. [ ACT (active) | CAN (cancelled) | REP (replaced) ] |
businessType | - Business Type |
businessRegistrationState | - Business registration state |
businessRegistrationPostcode | - Business registration post code |
businessName | - Business name (if multiple names are returned from backend, will be joined by pipe character | ). |
individualName | - Individual name for sole trader. |
matchName | - Full company description |
orgNumber | - Organisation Number |
orgType | - Organisation Type |
asicName | - Asic's company description |
asicOrgNumber | - Asic's Organisation Number |
asicType | - Asic's Organistation Type |
asicStatus | - Asic Organisation Status |
asicJuristiction | - Asic Juristiction |
asicLocality | - Asic Loacality |
gstStatus | - Organisation GST status |
gstStatusFromDate | - GST start date |
addrStreetNumber | - Registered [Unit Number /] Street Number |
addrStreetName | - Registered Street Name |
addrStreetType | - ST/RD/AVE etc |
addrSuburb | - Registered Suburb |
addrState | - State |
addrPostcode | - Post Code |
executionStatus | The status of the service execution [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ]. Successful execution will be denoted by a |
errorMessage | When a DATA_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error. |
Service Connections
The following service connections are used by this package.
Property Name | Description | Required |
Type | HTTP Endpoint | Yes |
Endpoint |
Must point to the Equifax CBO endpoint
Yes |
User Name | The username provided by Equifax | Yes |
Password | The password provided by Equifax | Yes |
Property Name | Description | Required |
Type | HTTP Endpoint | Yes |
Endpoint |
Must point to the Veda OrgID base endpoint
Yes |
User Name | The username provided by Equifax | Yes |
Password | The password provided by Equifax | Yes |