ESignLive v1.0

This package provides capabilities that extend the Avoka Transact platform for users wishing to include eSignature services in their forms using the VASCO eSignLive service. Signing experiences available include:

  1. Embedded Signing

    Signing will occur within the form, before final submission of the form.

  2. Remote Signing

    Signing will occur after the form has been submitted, with signing invitations being sent to signatories via email.

To support signing capability this package provides the following components

  1. E-Signature

    A single E-Signature, this will be used as an anchor on the file form receipt to indicate to eSignLive where to place signatures onto the document.

  2. Date Stamp

    A date stamp to be linked to signatures to indicate when a signatory has completed that signature

  3. Embedded Signing Ceremony

    Used when providing an embedded signing experience, it is recommended that this component is placed onto the last page of the form.

Using Signatures

Placing a signature block is as simple a placing it on the form. The signature block must then be configured with its signers details. Signer details are provided through field references available on the E-Signature widget. Date Stamps can be placed in the same way as E-Signatures and are configured by linking the signature they will display the timestamp for.

NOTE : Currently E-Signatures may only have a single date stamp.

Positioning Signatures & Date Stamps

Positioning the Signature & Date Stamp widgets can be done one of two ways :

  1. Relative

    The block will be placed onto the pdf receipt where the tab was placed onto the form

  2. Absolute

    The block will be placed onto the pdf receipt at the pixel location of the page number specified by the parameters "Page Number", "Position X" and "Position Y"

Embedding the signing ceremony

The embedded signing ceremony required minimal configuration, and can simply be placed on the form. The following rules are provided on the form to allow customisation of the signing experience :

  1. On Complete

    Allows the form designer to specify a script to run when the signing ceremony has been completed.

  2. On Failure

    Allows the form designer to specify a script to run if the signing ceremony fails (usually due to a signer opting out or declining to sign)

NOTE : The signing ceremony will begin as soon as the signing ceremony is visible

WARNING : Once the Signing Ceremony has been created it cannot be changed, as changing the contents of the documents would void the signing package.

Delivering the Signed Documents

The EsignLive - Delivery Process is provided so completed eSignLive Packages will be attached to their respective transactions once all signers have completed their signing. The delivery process may be customised by configuring this service to call another delivery service once it has finished see the service help documentation for details.


Clients must ensure they are appropriately licenses in order to use this package. Organisations who wish to use this package are required to establish a commercial relationship with eSignLive directly.


This package has the following compatibility requirements:

Transact Manager5.0.2 or above
Transact Maestro5.0.2 or above

Installation Instructions

To install this package please walk through the following proceedure:

  1. Unzip the package to a directory on your computer
  2. Import each zip archive found in the services folder to Transact Manager under the Services >> All Services menu item.
  3. Review the Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required adjustments to service parameters.
  4. Review the Service Connection requirements under the same Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required configurations to the Service Connection. Service Connections can be configured in Transact Manager under the Services >> Service Connections menu item.
  5. Import each archive found in the libraries folder to Maestro. Importing these into the Organisation level libraries folder is recommended as this will make the components available to all projects, however they can be imported at the Project level if required.

Maestro Assets

Date Stamp Library: exchange.esignlive Category: ESignLive

A datestamp for displaying the date a given signature field was signed


Property Category Description Type Default
Signature Field Configuration

Signature field that this date stamp will be connected to

Position Position

How the signature block will be placed on the form


  • RELATIVE : Relative
  • ABSOLUTE : Absolute
Page Number (Absolute) Position

The receipt page number to place the signature

Position X (Absolute) Position

Absolute X position of the signature (pixels)

Position Y (Absolute) Position

Absolute Y position of the signature (pixels)

Width Position

The width of the signature block

integer 100
Height Position

The height of the signature block

integer 50
Embedded Signing Ceremony Library: exchange.esignlive Category: ESignLive

A widget for embedding the eSignLive signing ceremony into the form

Rule Templates

You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

  • On Complete : A script to run when all signers have completed their signing
  • On Failure : A script to run when the signing ceremony has failed and cannot be complete


Property Category Description Type Default
Height Configuration

The height of the signing ceremony

integer 300
Progress Message Configuration

Message to show while waiting on eSignLive response

text Please wait while we prepare your agreement
E-Signature Library: exchange.esignlive Category: ESignLive

An eSignature widget for placing a eSignLive signature field on the receipt of the form


Property Category Description Type Default
Signature Type Signature

Select the Signature type


  • CAPTURE : Capture Signature
  • FULLNAME : Click for Name
  • INITIAL : Click for Initials
  • MOBILE : Sign on Mobile
option CAPTURE
First Name Field Signer Details

Form element that contains the signer's first name

Last Name Field Signer Details

Form element that contains the signer's last name

Email Field Signer Details

Form element that contains the signer's email address

Mobile Field (Optional) Signer Details

Form element that contains the signer's mobile number (optional)

Auth Field (Optional) Signer Details

Field Reference for signers authentication preference

Position Position

How the signature block will be placed on the form


  • RELATIVE : Relative
  • ABSOLUTE : Absolute
Page Number (Absolute) Position

The receipt page number to place the signature

Position X (Absolute) Position

Absolute X position of the signature (pixels)

Position Y (Absolute) Position

Absolute Y position of the signature (pixels)

Width Position

The width of the signature block

integer 250
Height Position

The height of the signature block

integer 50


ESignLive - Create Package v1
Creates an eSignLive Package by reading the form XML of the transaction to find eSignLive Signature widgets on the form. The DDS is designed to be used when creating an embedded signing experience

Service Connection

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
Access Code Email From The email address access codes for secure signing sessions will appear from No
Access Code Email Subject The email address access codes for secure signing sessions will appear from Yes Your passcode for signing $formName
Access Code Email Template The email template for access codes sent for secure signing sessions Yes

Hi $firstName $lastName

Your passcode for signing is : $passcode

ESignLive - Delivery Process v1
Creates and delivers an eSignLive package. To be used for forms using the eSignLive exchange package to ensure signed documents are attached to transactions. An additional delivery step is available to configure for this delivery process (See Help Doc for details)

Service Connection

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
Access Code Email From The email address access codes for secure signing sessions will appear from No
Access Code Email Subject The email address access codes for secure signing sessions will appear from Yes Your passcode for signing $formName
Access Code Email Template The email template for access codes sent for secure signing sessions Yes

Hi $firstName $lastName

Your passcode for signing is : $passcode

Final Delivery Process The name of the final delivery process to run after the Docusign delivery process No
ESignLive - Package Status Poller v1
A scheduled service that will poll eSignLive services and check on the status of pending transactions.

Service Connection

ESignLive - Signing Ceremony Callback v1
Service used to provide a callback point for embedded signing ceremonies.

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
responseContentType The type of the returned content (Read-Only) Yes text/html
Page Template The template of the callback page Yes null

Service Connections

The following service connections are used by this package.

Property Name Description Required
Type HTTP Endpoint Yes
Endpoint Must point to the eSignLive API endpoint Yes
Auth Key Should contain your API key to access the service Yes