Adobe Sign v1.0

This package provides capabilities that extend the Avoka Transact platform for users wishing to include eSignature services in their forms using the Adobe Sign services. Signing experiences available include:

  1. Embedded Signing

    Signing will occur within the form before final submission of the form.

  2. Remote Signing

    Signing will occur after the form has been submitted, with signing invitations being sent to signatories via email.

To support signing capability this package provides the following components:

  1. Adobe Sign Tab

    Adobe Sign Tab, supports the placement of the Adobe Sign signature anywhere on the form.

  2. Adobe Sign Signing Ceremony

    The embedded signing ceremony component uses an iframe to create an embedded (in-form) signing experience for users.

  3. Adobe Sign Agreement Definition

    This component is used to capture agreement definition properties for the whole form.

Process Flow

Below are the process flow diagrams for remote and embedded signing. This gives an insight into the design of the Adobe Exchange Component.

Embedded Signing

Remote Signing

Using the Tabs

The tab is placed on the intended location on the form by dragging it from the Palette. The signature block must then be configured with its signers details. At minimum a tab will require a signer's:

  • Email Address

IMPORTANT: All tabs belonging to the same signer MUST contain the same field references and the property values, not doing so may create additional signers due to a mismatch in signer details.

Embedding the Adobe Sign signing ceremony

The embedded signing ceremony can be placed on the intended location on the form. The ceremony will require the signer's Email Address as a minimum. The following rules are provided on the form to allow customization of the signing experience:

  1. On Complete

    Allows the form designer to specify a script to run when the signing ceremony has been completed.

  2. On Reject

    Allows the form designer to specify a script to run if the signing ceremony fails (usually due to a signer opting out or declining to sign).

  3. On Failure

    Allows the form designer to specify a script to run if the signing ceremony fails due to a system error.

In those rules, there is an info object below which encapsulates the status and error message for this signing ceremony:

        "executionStatus": "SUCCESS/SYSTEM_ERROR/DATA_ERROR",
        "errorMessage": "an error message in the case of data error."

And you can use those information to guide your form logic in the rule script. For example,

    if (info.executionStatus=='DATA_ERROR') {
        // show an error text with info.errorMessage

NOTE: The signing ceremony will begin as soon as the signing ceremony is visible. Hence the signer's information should be available before the signing ceremony begins.

WARNING: Once the Signing Ceremony has been created it cannot be changed, as changing the contents of the documents would void the signing package.

Using the Adobe Sign Agreement Definition

The Adobe Sign Agreement Definition should be placed on the form, however this component will not be visible on the form. The following parameters are mandatory:

  • Agreement Name
  • Signature Flow

Delivering the Signed Documents

The Adobe Sign - Delivery Process is provided so the completed Adobe Sign agreement will be attached to its respective transaction once all signers have completed their signing. The delivery process may be customized by configuring this service to set the final delivery channel of the transaction to a new delivery channel once it has finished.


Clients must ensure they are appropriately licensed to use this package. Organisations who wish to use this package are required to establish a commercial relationship with Adobe Sign directly.


This package has the following compatibility requirements:

Transact Manager5.1.4 or above
Transact Maestro5.1.5 or above
Adobe Sign REST APIVersion 5

Installation Instructions

To complete installing this package please walk through the following procedure:

  1. Install the package from the Exchange Browser.
  2. Review the Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required adjustments to service parameters.
  3. Review the Service Connection requirements under the same Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required configurations to the Service Connection. Service Connections can be configured in Transact Manager under the Services >> Service Connections menu item.
  4. Download Maestro library from the Exchange Browser. Import each archive found in the libraries folder to Maestro. Importing these into the Organization level libraries folder is recommended as this will make the components available to all projects, however they can be imported at the Project level if required.

Usage Instructions

To configure Adobe Sign please walk through the following procedure:

  1. Open your form in Maestro and add the Adobe Sign Tab component from the Adobe Sign category in the Palette. Place the Adobe Sign Tab at the desired place on the form.

    NOTE: The Adobe Sign Tab component must be placed on a visible page/container, so it can be rendered and used to create the Adobe Sign transient document.

  2. Open the Signer Details section, found on the Properties tab of the Adobe Sign Tab component. Set the field reference of your Email, Country Code and Mobile fields. Select the Authentication type and Recipient Role. Enter the Signing Order. Remember to set the field reference for Country code and Mobile if Authentication Type is selected as SMS.

    NOTE : You can add more than one Adobe Sign Tab. Follow the same instructions as before. To prevent duplicate XML binding rename the component from Adobe Sign Tab to Adobe Sign Tab initial for example.

  3. Place on your form the Adobe Sign Signing Ceremony component from the Adobe Sign category in the Palette. This is where the Adobe Sign iframe is displayed.

    NOTE: It is recommended to hide the navigators and headers on the Maestro page which hosts the Document Signing Ceremony. This would avoid change of information after the agreement has been generated. Also, the Signing Order in the Adobe Sign Tab should be set to 1 for the applicant signing on the form if the Signature Flow is set to Sequential.

  4. Open the Configuration section, found on the Properties tab of the Adobe Sign Signing Ceremony component. Set the field reference of your Email and set the height of the Adobe Sign iframe.
  5. By default, the component Adobe Sign Signing Ceremony is triggered when you enter the page. To trigger it based on some condition, add a Visibility rule.
    For example:
    data.areYouAbleToSignNow === true
  6. Open the Properties tab of the Adobe Sign Signing Ceremony component, and create a new rule called On Complete which gets triggered when the signing ceremony is completed.
  7. Open the Properties tab of the Adobe Sign Signing Ceremony component, and create a new rule called On Failure (to display the error message for example) which gets triggered when the signing ceremony has failed.
  8. Open the Properties tab of the Adobe Sign Signing Ceremony component, and create a new rule called On Reject which gets triggered when the user has declined to sign the agreement.
  9. Place on your form the Adobe Sign Agreement Definition. Enter the Agreement Name, Signing Deadline and Message. Select the Signature Flow and Reminder Frequency.

    NOTE: It is compulsory to specify the Signing Order in the Adobe Sign Tab if the Signature Flow is set to Sequential.

    WARNING: The Adobe Sign Agreement Definition component must be placed on the form only ONCE.

  10. To configure the Adobe Sign - Delivery Process to attach the signed receipt to the transaction, please walk through the following procedure:
    1. Create a new Delivery channel for Adobe Sign in Transact Manager, found under Forms >> Organization >> Delivery Channels. Update the Delivery Method field to 'Delivery Process'
      Update the Delivery Process field to 'Adobe Sign - Delivery Process'. Update the Delivery Process Name and Name fields to 'Adobe Sign'.
    2. Open your form under Forms menu in Transact Manager and set the Production Delivery channel under the details tab to 'Adobe Sign'.
    3. Create a new scheduled job in Transact Manager found under System >> Scheduled Job. Update the Service Definition to 'Adobe Sign - Agreement Status Poller'. Set the 'trigger type' to simple, and set the 'Repeat' and 'Repeat Interval' as required.

Release Notes

Version 1.0 Apr 20, 2018

  • Baseline release.

Maestro Assets

AdobeSign Agreement Definition Library: exchange.adobe.sign Category: Adobe Sign

A component for Adobe Sign Agreement configuration


Property Category Description Type Default
Agreement Name Details

Name of the agreement. This is a mandatory field.

Specify the agreement name

text Agreement
Signature Flow Details

Select signature flow for the agreement


Signing Deadline (Days) Details

Set the expiry date for the agreement

Range: 1-180

integer 7
Reminder Frequency Details

Reminder frequency for recipients.


  • :
Message Details

Optional message that appears when signing on the form.

Adobe Sign Signing Ceremony Library: exchange.adobe.sign Category: Adobe Sign

A widget for embedding the Adobe Sign signing ceremony inside the form

Rule Templates

You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

  • On Complete : A script to run when the current signer has completed the signing
  • On Reject : A script to run when the current signer has declined to sign
  • On Failure : A script to run when error occurs during the signing ceremony


Property Category Description Type Default
Email Field Signer Details

Form element that contains the signer's email address.

Height Configuration

The height of the ceremony iFrame

integer 600
Progress Message Configuration

The message to display while the agreement is generated for signing

text Please wait while we prepare your agreement
Adobe Sign Tab Library: exchange.adobe.sign Category: Adobe Sign

A component for placing Adobe Sign tabs onto the form


Property Category Description Type Default
Email Field Signer Details

Form element that contains the signer's email address

Mobile Country Code Field (Optional) Signer Details

Form element that contains the signer's mobile country code (required when using SMS authentication)

Mobile Number Field (Optional) Signer Details

Form element that contains the signer's mobile number (required when using SMS authentication)

Authentication Type (Optional) Signer Details

Select your static authentication preference.


  • NONE :
option NONE
Recipient Role Signer Details

Select recipient role


option SIGNER
Signing Order Signer Details

Enter the Signing Order



Adobe Sign - Agreement Status Poller v1
A scheduled service for polling Adobe Sign services to check the status of Adobe Sign agreement related to pending transactions

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.1.4

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
recordResponse Record response text as submission properties. No false
Adobe Sign - Create Agreement v1
This dynamic data service is designed for use when creating an embedded Adobe Sign signing experience. This service always uses the current saved form data to generate a receipt, which will then be used to create the Adobe Sign agreement. It also requires the signer's email address to ensure the correct signing url is returned and embedded in the form for the signing ceremony. Please note that this service should be called once in a single session, otherwise any previously created agreement will be lost.

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.1.4

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
numberOfAttemptsForSigningURL Number of times to retry when the signing URL is not available. Yes 2


Name Description Required
signerEmail The signer email Yes


Name Description
signingUrl The signing ceremony url for the current signer
executionStatus The status of the service execution [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ].

Successful execution will be denoted by a SUCCESS value. DATA_ERROR will indicate that there was an issue identified with the input data that may be resolved and potentially retried by the user. SYSTEM_ERROR indicates that there was an unrecoverable system fault and the form should fall-back gracefully to an alternative path.

errorMessage When a DATA_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error.
Adobe Sign - Delivery Process v1
A delivery service for delivery of transactions with attached Adobe Sign agreement details

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.1.4

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
Final Delivery Channel The delivery channel to perform final delivery on No

Service Connections

The following service connections are used by this package.

Adobe Sign
Property Name Description Required
Type HTTP Endpoint Yes
Endpoint Should point to Adobe Sign End Point, this value will be updated to api access point which varies based on account location.
  • Test & Production:
Auth Key Should contain your Adobe Sign Integration Key Yes