Danal Mobile Identity v1.1

This package provides capabilities that extend the Avoka Transact platform for users wishing to include Danal - Mobile Identity services in their forms using the Danal services.

To support the autofill capability this package provides the following components:

  1. Danal Mobile Identity

    A component that can determine which cellular carrier's data network is in use, and then triggers the appropriate calls within the Form and to Transact Services. The component's properties allow mapping data from the calls to Danal's servers to Form fields.

  2. Danal Mobile Identity Dialog

    A dialog box that asks the handset owner to confirm their consent to Danal's accessing their PII. Should be customized to reflect the correct company names, Terms of Use summary text, and URL to full text.

    The Mobile ID Confirmation Dialog must be included on the Form.

To support fraud prevention capabilities this package provides the following components:

  1. Danal Phone Attributes

    This component is a single dynamic data button that calls the Danal - Phone Attributes service, to get the phone attributes and store them in TM submission property. The submission property is called 'Danal.phoneAttributes' and it stored in JSON format.
    By default the dynamic data button is hidden and can be triggered where needed (for example the continue button).

  2. Danal Consumer Data Match

    This component is a single dynamic data button that calls the Danal - Consumer Data Match service, to get the phone attributes and store them in TM submission property. The submission property is called 'Danal.matchScore' and it stored in JSON format.
    By default the dynamic data button is hidden and can be triggered where needed (for example the continue button).


Clients must ensure they are appropriately licenses in order to use this package. Organisations who wish to use this package are required to establish a commercial relationship with Danal directly.

NOTE : It's within the client responsibility to ensure that the user has provided consent via the form according the Danal's Terms and conditions before initiating the validation process with Danal. This consent should be applied to all type of Danal API services that are supported in The Avoka Exchange package.


This package has the following compatibility requirements:

Transact Manager5.0.2 or above
Transact Maestro5.0.2 or above

Installation Instructions

To install this package please walk through the following proceedure:

  1. Unzip the package to a directory on your computer
  2. Import each zip archive found in the services folder to Transact Manager under the Services >> All Services menu item.
  3. Review the Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required adjustments to service parameters.
  4. Review the Service Connection requirements under the same Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required configurations to the Service Connection. Service Connections can be configured in Transact Manager under the Services >> Service Connections menu item.
  5. Import each archive found in the libraries folder to Maestro. Importing these into the Organisation level libraries folder is recommended as this will make the components available to all projects, however they can be imported at the Project level if required.

Using Danal MobileIdentity Autofill

Place the Danal Mobile Identity component on the Form where you'd like it to appear. Then configure the Output Data Properties, building the Field References that point to the Fields to be autofilled.

NOTE : Danal Mobile Identity Dialog must be included in the Form.

The Mobile ID Confirmation Dialog is placed in the Dialogs section of the Form Structure. The Mobile ID Confirmation Dialog text would then be modified to replace "Acme," "[Merchant]" and the url for the "Terms of Use" link with appropriate values.

Using Danal MobileIdentity fraud prevention capabilities

Place the invisible Danal Phone Attributes component on the Form. On the Properties tab of the field under Configuration section, click on Input Field Mapping to map the key mobileNumber to the mobile number field on your form.
Add code to trigger the button click event. For example: The code below can be placed on the continue button.
Form.fireRule("click", "danalGetPhoneAttributes", data);

Place the invisible Danal Consumer Data Match component on the Form. On the Properties tab of the field under Configuration section, click on Input Field Mapping to map the keys to the fields on your form.
Add code to trigger the button click event. For example: The code below can be placed on the continue button.
Form.fireRule("click", "danalConsumerDataMatch", data);

Release Notes

Version 1.1

  • Added support for language translation
  • Added the services phone attributes and consumer data match

Maestro Assets

Danal Consumer Data Match Library: exchange.danal.mobileid Category: Danal Mobile Identity

Invoke danal customer data match dynamic data service.

Service Calls

Rule Templates

You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

  • On Success : a script to run on success of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response
  • On Failure : a script to run on failure of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response


Property Category Description Type Default
Role Identifier Options

Optionally specify a Role Identifier if more than one individual is being verified in a single transaction - typical example is Applicant1 and Applicant2

Danal Get Phone Attributes Library: exchange.danal.mobileid Category: Danal Mobile Identity

Invoke danal get phone attributes dynamic data service.

Service Calls

Rule Templates

You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

  • On Success : a script to run on success of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response
  • On Failure : a script to run on failure of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response


Property Category Description Type Default
Role Identifier Options

Optionally specify a Role Identifier if more than one individual is being verified in a single transaction - typical example is Applicant1 and Applicant2

e.g. Applicant1 / Applicant2

Danal Mobile Identity Library: exchange.danal.mobileid Category: Danal Mobile Identity

Core widget for processing Danal Mobile Identity


Property Category Description Type Default
Danal Output Data for Mobile Identity Output Data

Field Refs:

  • First Name Field : First Name
  • Last Name Field : Last Name
  • Phone Number Field : Phone
  • Email Field : Email
  • Address Line 1 Field : Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2 Field : Address Line 2
  • City Field : City
  • State Field : State
  • Zip Code Field : Zip Code
  • Country Field : Country
Role Identifier Options

Optionally specify a Role Identifier if more than one individual is being used in a single transaction - typical example is Applicant1 and Applicant2

e.g. Applicant1 / Applicant2

Danal Mobile Identity Dialog Library: exchange.danal.mobileid Category: Danal Mobile Identity

Dialog displaying legal text and accepting user authorization

Shared Styles

  • Autofill Button Style Library: exchange.danal.mobileid
  • Danal AT&T Logo Style Library: exchange.danal.mobileid
  • Danal Sprint Logo Style Library: exchange.danal.mobileid
  • Danal T-Mobile Logo Style Library: exchange.danal.mobileid
  • Danal Verizon Logo Style Library: exchange.danal.mobileid


Danal - Consumer Data Match v1
Match the consumer provided data such as name and address against Danal sourced data originating from carriers and other sources. The match score results can be used to reduce fraudulent transactions.

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.0


Name Description Required
roleKey Optionally specify a Role Identifier if more than one individual is being verified in a single transaction. A typical example would be Applicant1 and Applicant2. No
authenticationKey Danal's Authentication identifier, acting as an identifier for the mobile device for subsequent API calls. . Either the authenticationKey or the mobileNumber must be passed. Yes
mobileNumber The consumer’s mobile number to be used in E.164 international format. Either the authenticationKey or the mobileNumber must be passed. Yes
firstName The consumer’s first name. No
lastName The consumer’s last name. No
emailAddress The consumer’s email address. No
address1 The consumer’s address line 1. No
address2 The consumer’s address line 2. No
city The consumer’s city. No
state The consumer’s state. No
postalCode The consumer’s billing postal zip code. No
countryCode The consumer’s 2 letter ISO country code. No


Name Description
executionStatus The status of the service execution [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ].

Successful execution will be denoted by a SUCCESS value. DATA_ERROR will indicate that there was an issue identified with the input data that may be resolved and potentially retried by the user. SYSTEM_ERROR indicates that there was an unrecoverable system fault and the form should fall-back gracefully to an alternative path.

errorMessage When a DATA_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error.
Danal GetConsumerInfo v2
Danal Mobile Identification call to retrieve identifying information about a consumer.

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.0


Name Description Required
roleKey Optionally specify a Role Identifier if more than one individual is being used in a single transaction. A typical example would be Applicant1 and Applicant2. No
correlationId The ID provided by Danal to tie the co-related calls to their API into a specific sequence. Yes
authenticationKey Danal's Authentication identifier, acting as an identifier for the mobile device for subsequent API calls. Yes
consumerAuth Value provided by user to confirm their account and consent. Yes
consumerAuthType Consumer Auth Type string returned by a call to IsAuthRequired. Yes


Name Description
errorCode Error Code number -- 0 on success.
errorDescription Short description of the error that occurred, or null.
consumerMDN Consumer's cellular telephone number for the device in use.
consumerFirstName Consumers First Name.
consumerLastName Consumers Last Name.
consumerEmail Consumers Email Address.
consumerAddress1 Consumers Address line 1.
consumerAddress2 Consumers Address line 2.
consumerCity Consumers City.
consumerState Consumers State.
consumerPostalCode Consumers Postal ZIP Code.
consumerCountryCode Consumers Country Code.
Danal IsAuthRequired v2
Danal Mobile Identification call made to determine if authorization is required to retrieve consumer information.

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.0


Name Description Required
correlationId The ID provided by Danal to tie the co-related calls to their API into a specific sequence. Yes
authenticationKey Danal's Authentication identifier, acting as an identifier for the mobile device for subsequent API calls. Yes


Name Description
userAuthRequired A true/false flag indicating if the carrier requires explicit confirmation from the consumer to release identifying information.
userAuthDescription Field or data element name used for ConsumerAuthType parameter for GetConsumerInfo API call. Currently always PostalCode, or "null" if UserAuthRequired is "false".
carrier Short code identifying the Carrier that the consumer uses: ATT, VZW, SPR, TMO
Danal - Phone Attributes v1
Danal Get Phone Attributes can be used to obtain certain phone attributes that act as risk signals to enhance fraud management systems. These attributes may include account tenure, account type, account status, device and sim tokens and carrier-network based location.

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.0

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
attributeGroups Comma separated list that indicates which attribute groups the merchant would like to receive. Possible values supported today are TokenInfo, ServiceInfo, AccountInfo, DeviceInfo Yes TokenInfo,ServiceInfo,AccountInfo,DeviceInfo


Name Description Required
roleKey Optionally specify a Role Identifier if more than one individual is being verified in a single transaction. A typical example would be Applicant1 and Applicant2. No
authenticationKey Danal's Authentication identifier, acting as an identifier for the mobile device for subsequent API calls. Either the authenticationKey or the mobileNumber must be passed. Yes
mobileNumber The consumer’s mobile number to be used in E.164 international format. Either the authenticationKey or the mobileNumber must be passed. Yes


Name Description
executionStatus The status of the service execution [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ].

Successful execution will be denoted by a SUCCESS value. DATA_ERROR will indicate that there was an issue identified with the input data that may be resolved and potentially retried by the user. SYSTEM_ERROR indicates that there was an unrecoverable system fault and the form should fall-back gracefully to an alternative path.

errorMessage When a DATA_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error.
Danal StartPhoneIdentification v2
Danal Mobile Identification call made at start of interaction. Establishes a session via a returned Authentication Key.

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.0


Name Description
errorCode The status code for the execution. "0" represents success.
evUrl The URL that the client device should call to populate carrier information in the HTTP headers.
authenticationKey Danal's Authentication identifier, acting as an identifier for the mobile device for subsequent API calls.

Service Connections

The following service connections are used by this package.

Danal - MobileID
Property Name Description Required
Type HTTP Endpoint Yes
Endpoint{R} Should point to the Danal API URL. E.g.

  • Sandbox: https://api-sbox.dnlsrv.com/cigateway/cinfo
Username{R} This is a combined field of Merchant ID, Submerchant ID, and Salt, separated by spaces. These are provided by Danal. No
Data File This is the key file provided by Danal, used for encryption of data passed to and from the Danal API. Yes