CreditSense v1.0

This package provides capabilities that extend the Avoka Transact platform for users wishing to include Credit Sense services in their forms. Package capabilities include:

  1. Account Linking

    Linking financial data to transactions through Credit Sense.

  2. Financial Reports

    Retrieving financial reports from Credit Sense and attaching them to transactions


Clients must ensure they are appropriately licensed in order to use this package. Organisations who wish to use this package are required to establish a commercial relationship with Credit Sense directly.


This package has the following compatibility requirements:

Transact Manager5.0.2 or above
Transact Maestro5.0.14 or above

Installation Instructions

To install this package please walk through the following procedure:

  1. Unzip the package to a directory on your computer
  2. Import each zip archive found in the services folder to Transact Manager under the Services >> All Services menu item.
  3. Review the Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required adjustments to service parameters.
  4. Review the Service Connection requirements under the same Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required configurations to the Service Connection. Service Connections can be configured in Transact Manager under the Services >> Service Connections menu item.
  5. Import each archive found in the libraries folder to Maestro. Importing these into the Organisation level libraries folder is recommended as this will make the components available to all projects, however they can be imported at the Project level if required.

CSP Configuration

The Content Security Policy (CSP) response header helps you reduce XSS risks on modern browsers by declaring what dynamic resources are allowed to load via a HTTP Header, thereby protecting your solution from a range of vulnerability attacks.

The CreditSense integration loads a remote JavaScript library which is injected to the form, and this will get blocked if the form header includes strict Content Security Policy (CSP) settings. By default, Avoka Transact has strict CSP settings configured so these will likely need to be modified in order to enable the LinkedIn integration.

You can configure CSP settings in Transact Manager at a system wide level via the 'Form Submission Access Controller' service, or at an Organization level in the Security tab. The following Sample CSP demonstrates how to enable the CreditSense JavaScript integration:

script-src 'self'; object-src 'none';

The second URL is the CDN domain of the initial JavaScript file used by CreditSense. The subdomain contains a guid that is unique for that single file, so no other files will be permitted from the rackcdn server.

For more information see CSP on The Avoka Community

Usage Instructions

Credit Sense integration in this package comes in two flavours :

  1. Inline: The CreditSense UI appears in the main page.
  2. Dialog: The CreditSense UI appears in a floating modal dialog.
Configuring either option involves a very similar process:
  1. Add the CreditSense component to your form. If you are using the dialog you will need to add it to the Dialogs folder. The inline component should be added to a Page so that it can consume full width (i.e. don't add it inside a Section).
  2. Configure the CreditSense component properties including the iFrame height, the Client Code (specific code for your organization provided by CreditSense), and whether acceptance of T/Cs are captured in the form (or whether you want CreditSense to capture T/Cs acceptance).
  3. Add the Start Credit Sense button to your form and point it to the CreditSense component (by adding the Credit Sense Reference under the Configuration section on the Properties tab. If you are using the dialog version you will need to also reference the Dialog component in the Dialog Reference property.
  4. You can optionally hide the Start Credit Sense button and add a rule elsewhere in your form to fire the click rule of the button when required to initiate the CreditSense process.
  5. You may wish to add code to the On Success or On Failure rules on the CreditSense component to implement behaviour handlers for each condition.

Retrieving Reports

There are two methods for retrieving reports :

  1. Delivery Process

    Reports are attached to the transaction using the Credit Sense Delivery Process. Once this delivery process has been completed, the transaction will have its delivery channel updated to the Delivery Channel configured on its service parameter Final Delivery Channel. It is recommended that logic relating to the attached financial reports start from this delivery channel.

  2. Webhook

    Reports are attached to the transaction as soon as they become available using the Credit Sense - Report Webhook. Configuration of this service requires contact with Credit Sense to configure the callback. Credit Sense will also require credentials capable of calling the webhook.

    NOTE : This implementation may not be suitable for all TM deployments, as it requires the Credit Sense servers to able to reach TM.


In order to test the service you can enable test mode on the Credit Sense component in Maestro. You can find the Include Debug Banks checkbox in the Debug section of the Properties tab.

Once enabled, you will be able to select one of the dummy banks and use the test credentials below to run tests on the integration.

Static Date Test Accounts

Static date means that the transaction dates in the test data remain the same as when they were created.

For test accounts the username and password are identical:

  • testa
  • testb
  • testc
  • testd
  • teste
  • testf
  • testg

Variable Date Test Accounts

Variable date means the transaction dates in the test data will be updated so they appear as if the data was collected today. Be aware that this may result in transactions in reports taking place on days you wouldn’t expect them to (weekends, public holidays etc.).

For test accounts the username and password are identical:

  • testa1
  • testb1
  • testc1
  • testd1
  • teste1
  • testf1
  • testg1

NOTE : If there is no Username field, enter the username into the Catalog field.

Maestro Assets

Credit Sense Library: exchange.creditsense Category: Credit Sense

An iFrame for starting and displaying a Credit Sense session

Used In

Rule Templates

You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

  • On Success : A script to run when the the Frame receives a CreditSense process has completed successfully
  • On Failure : A script to run when the Frame receives a terminial error status callback request from the CreditSense iFrame
  • On Callback : A general script to run when the Frame receives a any callback request from the CreditSense iFrame, including success, failure and info events


Property Category Description Type Default
Height Configuration

The height of the iFrame displaying the credit sense session

integer 500
Client Code Configuration

The client code used by credit sense to identify your business

text TestClient
Already Agreed T/Cs Configuration

Set to true if the Credit Sense T/Cs are already integrated into your form

boolean false
Include Debug Banks Debug

Include debug banks for testing your CreditSense Integration

boolean false
Credit Sense Dialog Library: exchange.creditsense Category: Credit Sense

A dialog with pre-defined styles and buttons designed to host the Credit Sense application


Start Credit Sense Library: exchange.creditsense Category: Credit Sense

A button for starting a credit sense session


Property Category Description Type Default
Dialog Reference Configuration

Reference to a dialog containing a Credit Sense widget

Credit Sense Reference Configuration

Reference to the credit sense widget to open the session in



Credit Sense - Delivery Process v1
A delivery process for retrieving and linking financial reports from Credit Sense

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.2

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
Report Formats A comma separated list of formats to retrieve (valid values are html,xml,json,pdf) No html,xml,json,pdf
Supporting Documents A comma separated list of supporting documents (valid values are centrelink,ato,medicare) No
Report Template Id The id of the type of report template you would like to retrieve (if blank default configured template will be retrieved) No
Final Delivery Channel The name of the delivery channel to perform final delivery with No
Credit Sense - Report Status Poller v1
A scheduled service for polling credit sense to find complete reports

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0.2

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
Check Last Minutes The number of minutes in the past to check for completed credit sense applications Yes 10
Credit Sense - Report Webhook v1
Provides a Webhook for report results from CreditSense

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
REST Invoke Enabled No true

Service Connections

The following service connections are used by this package.

Credit Sense
Property Name Description Required
Type HTTP Endpoint Yes
Endpoint Should point to Credit Sense API endpoint Yes
Auth Key Should contain your API Key for interfacing with Credit Sense APIs Yes
Password Should contain your API Token for interacting with Credit Sense APIs Yes