CoreLogic v1.2

This package provides capabilities that extend the Avoka Transact platform with integration to the CoreLogic suite of property services. Property Services provide the ability to search for property records and retrieve detailed property data, such as: attributes, images, valuations and features.

These include (login required):

  1. Australian address matcher service.
  2. Australian address suggestion list service.
  3. Australian property details service.

To support the search and retrieve of property data, this package provides the following Maestro components:

  1. CoreLogic Address Autocomplete
    This is a single field address lookup that allows users to retrieve suggestions and associated IDs for an address. Once retrieved the property id, it can be used to fetch the property details using the dynamic button CoreLogic Property Details.

    Please note - it's not mandatory to use CoreLogic address autocomplete. You might want to use another component like Google Address Autocomplete and provide the full address to the CoreLogic Property Details component.

  2. CoreLogic Property Details
    This dynamic button allows to obtain detailed property information for a single property, by passing the property id/full address.


Clients must ensure they are appropriately licenses in order to use this package. Organisations who wish to use this package are required to establish a commercial relationship with the 3rd party directly.


This package has the following compatibility requirements:

Transact Manager5.0 or above
Transact Maestro5.0.14 or above

Installation Instructions

To install this package please walk through the following proceedure:

  1. Unzip the package to a directory on your computer
  2. Import each zip archive found in the services folder to Transact Manager under the Services >> All Services menu item.
  3. Review the Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required adjustments to service parameters.
  4. Configure any required Service Connections. These requirements can be found at the bottom of this document or in the Help Doc for each of the imported services.

    Service Connections can be configured in Transact Manager under the Services >> Service Connections menu item.

  5. Import each archive found in the libraries folder to Maestro.

    Importing these into the Organisation level libraries folder is recommended as this will make the components available to all projects, however they can be imported at the Project level if required.

Usage Instructions

To configure the CoreLogic Address Autocomplete component, please walk through the following procedure:

  1. Open your form in Maestro and drag and drop the field called 'CoreLogic Address Autocomplete' from the Palette.
  2. On the Properties tab of the field under DDS Configuration section, map the input field of your search field and map the response propertyId field to the corresponding field in your form.
  3. If you use the CoreLogic Property Details button, you might want to hide the button, and fire the click rule when a list item is selected.
    To do so, add a new rule called 'On List Item Select' to your field and fire the click rule of the CoreLogic Property Details button.
    Example script: Form.fireRule("click", Form.items.corelogicPropertyDetails, data);

To configure the CoreLogic Property Details component, please walk through the following procedure:

  1. Open your form in Maestro and drag and drop the field called 'CoreLogic Property Details' from the Palette.
  2. On the Properties tab of the field under Configuration section, map the input fields of your search field and/or propertyId field. Also map the response fields to the corresponding fields in your form.
  3. Under Configuration section, tick/untick the fields you need to retrieve from CoreLogic.
  4. When using repeats components to dispaly data, update the On Success rule to fill the repeats components from the response.
    For example:
            if (!Util.isBlank(info.featureList)) {
                data.featureList = info.featureList;
            if (!Util.isBlank(info.propertyPhotoList)) {
                data.propertyPhotoList = info.propertyPhotoList;
  5. You might want to hide the button by updating the visibility rule.

Release Notes

Version 1.2 Aug 15, 2017

  • Resolved defect 'Organization not found' (Ref TPD-5558)

Version 1.1 Jun 22, 2017

  • Added support for Maestro 5.1 language translation features.

Version 1.0 May 4, 2017

  • Baseline release.

Maestro Assets

CoreLogic Address Autocomplete Library: exchange.corelogic Category: CoreLogic

Australian address autocomplete service using the CoreLogic APIs

Service Calls

Rule Templates

You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

  • On Success : a script to run on success of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response
  • On List Item Select : a script to run on the click of a result
  • On Extra Item Select : a script to run on the click of an extra item

CoreLogic Property Details Library: exchange.corelogic Category: CoreLogic

This dynamic button invokes the CoreLogic details property service.

Service Calls

Rule Templates

You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

  • On Success : a script to run on success of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response
  • On Failure : a script to run on failure of the dynamic data call, the parameter info contains the response


Property Category Description Type Default
Retrieve Address Details Configuration

Retrieve address details

boolean true
Retrieve Property Attributes Configuration

Retrieve property attributes (number of bedrooms, bathrooms, area ...)

boolean true
Retrieve Property Features Configuration

Retrieve property features (air conditioned, built in wardrobes ...)

boolean true
Retrieve Property Photos Configuration

Retrieve property photos

boolean true
Retrieve Property Coordinates Configuration

Retrieve property coordinates

boolean true
Retrieve Valuation List Configuration

Retrieve property valuation list

boolean true
Retrieve Property AVM Configuration

Retrieve property automated valuation model (AVM) that includes the valuation estimate, value range, confidence score and forecast standard deviation (FSD)

boolean true
Retrieve Rental AVM Configuration

Retrieve rental automated valuation model (RAVM) for residential property (Houses & Units) that includes the rental estimate, rental range, confidence score and forecast standard deviation (FSD).

boolean true
Extra Return Fields Configuration

Add extra return fields separated with comma, such as (currentOwnershipList, contactList, developmentApplicationList, externalReferenceList, forRentPropertyCampaignList, forSaleAgencyCampaignList, forSalePropertyCampaignList, legal, parcelList, saleList, site, title)



CoreLogic - Address Matcher v1
The service CoreLogic Address Matcher provides a simple way to locate a property and its corresponding CoreLogic identifier for use in subsequent calls to the API. The service takes a supplied address string and matches this to a valid CoreLogic property.

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0


Name Description Required
fullAddress The full address to lookup. In order to get the best chance for a match, it's recommended to provide the address in the following format: [unitNumber] / [streetNumber] [streetName] [streetType] [suburb] [stateCode] [postcode]
For example:
1A/10 Smith St Smithville QLD 4000; or
U 1 10 Smith St Smithville QLD 4000


Name Description
propertyId The CoreLogic property id.
matchType The match type it's a code letter that represent the type of the match.
  • E Exact match to property found
  • A Alias match to property found
  • P Partial match to property found
  • F Fuzzy match to property found
  • B Building level match found
  • S Street level match found
  • X Input address represents a postal record
  • D Duplicate record found
  • N Non-Match
matchRule The match rule is a more granular view of the match type and can be used to understand the exact rule that was used to identify the match.
executionStatus The status of the service execution [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ].

Successful execution will be denoted by a SUCCESS value. DATA_ERROR will indicate that there was an issue identified with the input data that may be resolved and potentially retried by the user. SYSTEM_ERROR indicates that there was an unrecoverable system fault and the form should fall-back gracefully to an alternative path.

errorMessage When a DATA_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error.
CoreLogic - Property Detail v1
The service CoreLogic property details allows users to obtain detailed property information for a single property. User can pass a Property ID and specify what information they would like returned. The user will be returned the property ID, property type and the requested property detail information. Certain data elements in the response of this service may be restricted.

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0


Name Description Required
fullAddress The full address to lookup. The user must provide property id or full address. No
propertyId The CoreLogic property id. The user must provide property id or full address. No
retrieveAddressDetails Request that results will include the address details [ true | false ] (default: true) No
retrievePropertyAttributes Request that results will include property attributes (number of bedrooms, bathrooms, area ...) [ true | false ] (default: true) No
retrievePropertyFeatures Request that results will include property features (air conditioned, built in wardrobes ...) [ true | false ] (default: true) No
retrievePropertyPhotos Request that results will include property photos [ true | false ] (default: true) No
retrievePropertyCoordinates Request that results will include property coordinates [ true | false ] (default: true) No
retrieveValuationList Request that results will include property valuation list [ true | false ] (default: true) No
retrievePropertyAvm Request that results will include a live automated valuation model (AVM) for a property that includes the valuation estimate, value range, confidence score and forecast standard deviation (FSD) [ true | false ] (default: true) No
retrieveRentalAvm Request that results will include rental automated valuation model (RAVM) for residential property (Houses & Units) that includes the rental estimate, rental range, confidence score and forecast standard deviation (FSD). [ true | false ] (default: true) No
extraReturnFields Specify extra fields to return with comma separated such as currentOwnershipList, contactList, developmentApplicationList, externalReferenceList, forRentPropertyCampaignList, forSaleAgencyCampaignList, forSalePropertyCampaignList, legal, parcelList, saleList, site, title. No


Name Description
propertyId The CoreLogic property id
propertyType The CoreLogic property type (HOUSE,UNIT ..)
  • fullAddress
  • councilArea
  • unitNumber
  • streetNumber
  • streetName
  • streetType
  • locality
  • postcode
  • state
Please note - these fields are provided only if the parameter 'retrieveAddressDetails' is set.

  • bathrooms
  • bedrooms
  • carSpaces
  • floorArea
  • landArea
  • lockUpGarages
  • roofMaterial
  • wallMaterial
  • yearBuilt
Please note - these fields are provided only if the parameter 'retrievePropertyAttributes' is set.

  • estimate
  • highEstimate
  • lowEstimate
  • score
  • valuationDate
Please note - the results are provided as a JSON array, so can be used with Maestro repeat component.
These fields are provided only if the parameter 'retrieveValuationList' is set.
  • latitude
  • longitude
Please note - these fields are provided only if the parameter 'retrievePropertyCoordinates' is set.

  • abbreviation
  • id
  • name
  • type
  • value
Please note - the results are provided as a JSON array, so can be used with Maestro repeat component.
These fields are provided only if the parameter 'retrievePropertyFeatures' is set.
  • isDefaultPhoto
  • largePhotoUrl
  • mediumPhotoUrl
  • scanDate
  • thumbnailPhotoUrl
Please note - the results are provided as a JSON array, so can be used with Maestro repeat component.
These fields are provided only if the parameter 'retrievePropertyPhotos' is set.
  • faresValueEstimate
  • faresValueHigh
  • faresValueLow
  • faresScore
  • faresFSDScore
Please note - these fields are provided only if the parameter 'retrievePropertyAvm' is set.

  • rentalAvmEstimate
  • rentalAvmEstimateHigh
  • rentalAvmEstimateLow
  • rentalAvmScore
  • rentalAvmEstimateFsdScore
  • rentalAvmYieldFsdScore
  • rentalAvmValuationDate
Please note - these fields are provided only if the parameter 'retrieveRentalAvm' is set.

executionStatus The status of the service execution [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ].

Successful execution will be denoted by a SUCCESS value. DATA_ERROR will indicate that there was an issue identified with the input data that may be resolved and potentially retried by the user. SYSTEM_ERROR indicates that there was an unrecoverable system fault and the form should fall-back gracefully to an alternative path.

errorMessage When a DATA_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error.
CoreLogic - Suggestion v1
The service CoreLogic suggestion allows users to retrieve suggestions and associated IDs for an address.

Service Connection


Module Compatibility
Manager 5.0

Service Parameters

Name Description Required Default
suggestionLimit Define the maximum number of suggestions return from the suggestion service (default 10). Must be between 1 and 20. Yes 10


Name Description Required
searchString The address search string. Yes


Name Description
[] The results are provided as a JSON array of objects with the following attributes:
[].label The value to display in the result list, will be the suggestion.
[].fullAddress The suggestion to display in the result list, will be full address.
[].propertyId The property id is the unique identifier for the matched suggestion address.
[].isUnit Is this unit property

Service Connections

The following service connections are used by this package.

CoreLogic - Property
Property Name Description Required
Type HTTP Endpoint Yes
Endpoint Must point to the CoreLogic API endpoint. For example:

Prod Endpoint:
Sandbox Endpoint:
UAT Endpoint:

Username Username The client id to access CoreLogic API. Yes
Password Password The client_secret to access CoreLogic API. Yes