AuthenticID v1.1


AuthenticID provides automated real-time identity authentication and decisioning on mobile devices.

AuthenticID provides the following capabilities and benefits:

  1. Auto-fill capture of all identity information on ID document.
  2. Forensic authentication of government-issued ID documents for 192 countries.
  3. Biometric enrollment to bind various biometrics to authenticated identity for continual authenticated login use cases.
  4. Advanced patent-pending digital tamper detection.
  5. Market-leading face recognition selfie match against identification document photo.
  6. Patent-pending liveness detection to prevent selfie spoofing.

Package features include:

  1. Document verification
    1. You can use this package to scan and verify the applicant's passport or license in your application process.
    2. It supports selfie or liveness (taking both near and far selfie) check as extra security option.
    3. It provides prefill data extracted from the id document.
  2. Max attempt control
    1. Limit the number of calls an application can make, this will save you unnecessary costs. If the service has already provided a result from one device, there's no need to trigger it again and again. This feature will ensure you are paying a fair price/cost for each application using the AuthenticID service.
  3. Analytics Milestones and Segmentation
    1. This package includes Pre-built Segments and Milestones to assist you to evaluate the quality of the service.
    2. This feature helps to ensure the right business rules are set in AuthenticID. For example, if too many applications have been set "To Review" by AuthenticID, it may be related to a misconfiguration which can easily be fixed.
    3. When monitoring the application success using Segments and Milestones, Analytics gives you a clear view of the total of verified, reviewed and failed applications. It also shows you the percentage of the document type (Passport or License).
  4. Server and Client value objects
    1. This will help to use the results in an external service, for example, a decision service.
  5. Detailed data and system errors
    1. This can be particularly useful as the service will block unnecessary calls if anything is missing or wrong.
    2. It will also provide detailed messaging to help fix the problem, either for the applicant in case of missing information, or the form builder in case of misconfiguration.
  6. TAF + Maven support
  7. Exchange regression suite - automating over 50 scenarios
    1. This helps us improve turn around time in case of defects fixes.
    2. It also helps us makes release new enhancements faster.

This package is built on the Exchange Framework (TIF). It is used to develop integrations in Journey Manager in a more efficient, standardized and scalable manner to reduce the ongoing costs for upgrades and maintenance.


Clients must ensure they are appropriately licensed in order to use this package. Organisations who wish to use this package are required to establish a commercial relationship with the 3rd party vendor directly.


This package has the following compatibility requirements:

Journey Manager17.10.9 or above
Journey Maestro18.05.7 or above
Narration Controller1.4.3 or above
Narrator Componentlatest with support of form actions
TIF version1.6.1 or above
Configuration Service1.1.0 or above

Release Notes

Version 1.1 March 13, 2020

  • Configuration service support.
  • Added support for disabling milestone events optionally.

Version 1.0 Oct 31, 2019

  • Baseline release.


Exchange Installation

This package should be installed as a single archive via the Avoka Exchange. Once installed you should walk through the following procedure to ensure you complete any required configuration:

  1. Review the documentation below for each of the imported services and make any adjustments necessary to service parameters.
  2. Review the documentation below for any Service Connections and add your credentials as required.
  3. Review the Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required adjustments to service parameters.
  4. Review the Service Connection requirements under the same Help Doc tab for each of the imported services and make any required configurations to the Service Connection. Service Connections can be configured in Journey Manager under the Services >> Service Connections menu item.
  5. Installation of any included Maestro libraries requires you to login to you Maestro server and import them either into your organization (for global availability) or to your specific project.

Note: The default value of service parameters from this package, such as maxAttemptNumber will always override the value for existing service. After you reinstall or upgrade the package, make sure the service parameters value are suitable to your requirement.

Maven dependency

  • In your maven project, add the following dependencies in pom.xml as below in order to import and consume AuthenticID result through AuthenticID VO this package provides.

  • Note: Each service within this package must have Unified App Data enabled when building a form. Navigate to Forms > Form > Form Version and tick the Unified App Data checkbox.

    Form action in Narrator

    This package uses form action to trigger the AuthenticID fluent function. Please make sure you have configured the form action accordingly in your form narrative.

    Below is the example on how to create form actions in Form Narrative on the server.

        "name": "AuthenticID Example Application Narrative",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "pages": [
                "name": "GetStarted",
    			"preActions": [],
                "postActions": [],
                "formActions": [
                        "name": "AuthenticID - Document Verification",
                        "version": "1.0.0",
                        "params": {
                "nextPages": [

    Note: You need latest version of both Narration controller and Narrator Maestro library to support form action feature this package is relying on. Please contact Narrator team to get the correct version.

    High Level Diagram

    Below is the process flow diagram for AuthenticID Document Verification which gives an insight into the design of the Exchange components.

    Document Verification

    CSP configuration

    The Content Security Policy (CSP) response header helps you reduce XSS risks on modern browsers by declaring what dynamic resources are allowed to load via a HTTP Header, thereby protecting your solution from a range of vulnerability attacks.

    By default, Journey Manager has strict CSP settings configured so these will likely need to be modified in order to enable the AuthenticID JavaScript API integration.

    You can configure CSP settings in Journey Manager at a system wide level via the 'Form Submission Access Controller' service, or at an Organization level in the Security tab. The following Sample CSP demonstrates how to enable the AuthenticID JavaScript integration:

    script-src 'self' blob:; object-src 'none';

    For more information see CSP on The Avoka Community

    Usage Instructions

    Use the following procedure to configure the AuthenticID component in your form:

    • Make sure the exchange-authenticid-taf Maestro library has been added to your project. From your Maestro project libraries tab, select the library exchange-authenticid-taf and move it up to the top, using the Maestro Move Up button.
    • From the Maestro palette, add the AuthenticID Document Verification component onto your form.
    • The buttons Drivers License and Passport use Graphical Radio Button component. In Maestro version 19.05 the widget comes pre-selected with value in the property Button Selected Image which needs to be cleared. For both the Drivers License and Passport buttons go to the properties tab and under Image section clear this image.
    • The Drivers License and Passport buttons use the Graphical Radio Button component. Some templates may include more styles for the Graphical Radio Button component. For both the Drivers License and Passport buttons select the style tab and remove any style other than the Radio Graphical and Radio Border.
    • From the Maestro palette add the AuthenticID Dialog component onto your dialogs folder by double clicking on it.
    • Save and refresh your Maestro form. (This action allows the web icons to show correctly).
    • Select AuthenticID Document Verification component and on the Properties tab select the Options section. Choose the Liveness Option from the drop-down list to suit the business requirement.

    Please note that this component will be hidden upon a successful data prefill and confirmation. That means it will only work once if successful. Form designer should consider the form flow accordingly based on this fact. For example, If form has a button to open a dialog to perform the data prefill, that button should be hidden after data is prefilled and confirmed.

    Note: By default, the Maestro form will show an alert box when validation errors happened. Since AuthenticID component already has the build-in fields to display various data errors, you can add the following Javascript on Form Load in your form to suppress the alert box.

        Form.serverValidationErrorHandler = function() {};

    This component uses the widget svgImageToSrc to set image colour based on the template colour using CSS. For better loading time you can un-tick the flag Replace svg tag with svg src and upload the image with the right colour.

    Multiple Verification Sessions

    If you need to perform data prefill on multiple individuals in a single transaction you will need to add an instance of the AuthenticID Document Verification component for each individual and add an identifier to the beginning of the component ID for each instance. For example, if your form supports 2 applicants you would specify a component ID of Applicant1_authenticID_documentVerification and Applicant2_authenticID_documentVerification respectively. This will ensure that the sessions do not interfere with each other. You would only be required to provide one instance of the AuthenticID Dialog component.

    Max Verification Attempt

    The service within the package supports the Max Verification Attempts feature.

    This feature is meant to limit the cost involved in initiating calls to AuthenticID from a single transaction.


    1. Set the maxAttemptNumber to a positive number in the service parameter.
    2. If you don't want to put any restriction, set it to -1.
    3. If you want to alert the applicant on how many attempts are left, you can see the number of attempts left in both JSON result and Data Field: attemptsLeft in Maestro component.
    4. If you want to define specific behaviour in the form, capture the SYSTEM_ERROR. errorCode: EXCEEDED_NUMBER_OF_ATTEMPTS that is sent back when the max attempt is exceeded.

    Journey Analytics

    Milestone events

    Milestone events are automatically generated to show milestones on the User Journey view in Journey Analytics, the Journey platform analytics tool.

    AuthenticID StartOn receiving an initial AuthenticID request
    AuthenticID Document CompleteWhen document verification is executed successfully. (Waiting selfie)
    AuthenticID Liveness CompleteWhen match selfie is executed and the overall result is retrieved. (Verified/Review/Failed)

    Note: You can optionally turn off all milestones inside the Exchange services by setting the service parameter: disableMilestones to true if you prefer a simplified diagram in Journey Analytics.

    Segment events

    Segment events are automatically generated to show segments on the User Journey view in Journey Analytics, the Journey platform analytics tool.

    Note: Please make sure you've added the following segment name and valid values to Journey Analytics segment whitelist before using this component. For more information, please refer to Journey Analytics Preferences

    AuthenticID Document TypeLicenseWhen user choose to capture license.
    AuthenticID Document TypePassportWhen user choose to capture passport.
    AuthenticID Overall ResultVerifiedWhen AuthenticID overall result is verified.
    AuthenticID Overall ResultReviewWhen AuthenticID overall result is review.
    AuthenticID Overall ResultFailedWhen AuthenticID overall result is failed.

    Service Txn properties/ Server VO

    The table below describes AuthenticID Document Verification server VO fields stored in the Form XML Data and also stored in transaction properties.

    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.executionStatusThe status of the service execution with possible values: [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ]String
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.verifyStatusThe interpreted AuthenticID overall result with possible values: [ VERIFIED | REVIEW | FAILED | WAITING_SELFIE ] String
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.prefillDataPrefill data extracted from the documentStringThis could be used to cross check with the user data get submitted later
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.ApiVersionApiVersion from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.TransactionIdTransactionId from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.TransactionDateTransactionDate from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.DocumentIdDocumentId from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.DocumentTypeDocumentType from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.ActionCodesActionCodes from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.LocationCodeLocationCode from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.DocumentImageIntegrityAnalysisDocumentImageIntegrityAnalysis from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.DocumentClassificationDocumentClassification from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.DocumentAlertsDocumentAlerts from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.DocumentFieldsDocumentFields from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.DocumentRiskVectorDataDocumentRiskVectorData from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.DocumentRiskConditionsDocumentRiskConditions from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.SegmentNameSegmentName from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.ErrorCodesErrorCodes from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.actionCodeactionCode from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.MatchedSegmentAlgorithmsMatchedSegmentAlgorithms from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.errorCodeError code String When a DATA_ERROR or SYSTEM_ERROR is experienced, this value provides the error code.
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.errorMessageError MessageStringWhen a DATA_ERROR or SYSTEM_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error.
    AuthenticID.DocumentVerification.Result.rawResponseRaw responseStringOptional field controlled by the connection property flag recordResponseInTxnXML to store raw response in server VO

    The table below describes AuthenticID Match Selfie server VO fields stored in the Form XML Data and also stored in transaction properties.

    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.executionStatusThe status of the service execution with possible values: [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ]String
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.verifyStatusThe interpreted AuthenticID overall result with possible values: [ VERIFIED | REVIEW | FAILED | WAITING_SELFIE ] String
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.prefillDataPrefill data extracted from the documentStringThis could be used to cross check with the user data get submitted later
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.ApiVersionApiVersion from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.TransactionIdTransactionId from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.TransactionDateTransactionDate from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.ActionCodesActionCodes from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.SelfieRiskVectorAnalysisSelfieRiskVectorAnalysis from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.SelfieImageAnalysisSelfieImageAnalysis from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.SelfieScoresSelfieScores from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.LivenessSelfieScoresLivenessSelfieScores from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.SelfieImageIntegrityAnalysisSelfieImageIntegrityAnalysis from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.SelfieRiskVectorDataSelfieRiskVectorData from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.SelfieDemographicDataSelfieDemographicData from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.SelfieRiskConditionsSelfieRiskConditions from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.SegmentNameSegmentName from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.ErrorCodesErrorCodes from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.actionCodeactionCode from the responseString
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.errorCodeError code String When a DATA_ERROR or SYSTEM_ERROR is experienced, this value provides the error code.
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.errorMessageError MessageStringWhen a DATA_ERROR or SYSTEM_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error.
    AuthenticID.MatchSelfie.Result.rawResponseRaw responseStringOptional field controlled by the connection property flag recordResponseInTxnXML to store raw response in server VO

    The table below describes AuthenticID Far Selfie server VO fields stored in the Form XML Data and also stored in transaction properties.

    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.executionStatusThe status of the service execution with possible values: [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ]String
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.verifyStatusThe interpreted AuthenticID overall result with possible values: [ VERIFIED | REVIEW | FAILED | WAITING_SELFIE ] String
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.prefillDataPrefill data extracted from the documentStringThis could be used to cross check with the user data get submitted later
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.ApiVersionApiVersion from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.TransactionIdTransactionId from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.TransactionDateTransactionDate from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.ActionCodesActionCodes from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.SelfieRiskVectorAnalysisSelfieRiskVectorAnalysis from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.SelfieImageAnalysisSelfieImageAnalysis from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.SelfieScoresSelfieScores from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.LivenessSelfieScoresLivenessSelfieScores from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.SelfieImageIntegrityAnalysisSelfieImageIntegrityAnalysis from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.SelfieRiskVectorDataSelfieRiskVectorData from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.SelfieDemographicDataSelfieDemographicData from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.SelfieRiskConditionsSelfieRiskConditions from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.SegmentNameSegmentName from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.ErrorCodesErrorCodes from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.actionCodeactionCode from the responseString
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.errorCodeError code String When a DATA_ERROR or SYSTEM_ERROR is experienced, this value provides the error code.
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.errorMessageError MessageStringWhen a DATA_ERROR or SYSTEM_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error.
    AuthenticID.FarSelfie.Result.rawResponseRaw responseStringOptional field controlled by the connection property flag recordResponseInTxnXML to store raw response in server VO

    The table below describes AuthenticID Get Segment Result server VO fields stored in the Form XML Data and also stored in transaction properties.

    AuthenticID.GetSegmentResult.Result.executionStatusThe status of the service execution with possible values: [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ]String
    AuthenticID.GetSegmentResult.Result.verifyStatusThe interpreted AuthenticID overall result with possible values: [ VERIFIED | REVIEW | FAILED ]String
    AuthenticID.GetSegmentResult.Result.ActionCodesActionCodes from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.GetSegmentResult.Result.IDEThresholdIDEThreshold from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.GetSegmentResult.Result.SegmentNameSegmentName from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.GetSegmentResult.Result.OverallTransactionResultOverallTransactionResult from the responseStringThis value is directly from raw response
    AuthenticID.GetSegmentResult.Result.actionCodeactionCode from the responseStringThis value is used to determine overall verifyStatus
    AuthenticID.GetSegmentResult.Result.errorCodeError code String When a DATA_ERROR or SYSTEM_ERROR is experienced, this value provides the error code.
    AuthenticID.GetSegmentResult.Result.errorMessageError MessageStringWhen a DATA_ERROR or SYSTEM_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error.
    AuthenticID.GetSegmentResult.Result.rawResponseRaw responseStringOptional field controlled by the connection property flag recordResponseInTxnXML to store raw response in server VO

    Configuration Service Support

    This package supports the configuration service. Please make sure you follow the instruction below to setup your configuration service correctly.

    Create a service parameter keyMapping as below in your configuration service (service-def.json) if you haven't done so

          "name": "keyMapping",
          "type": "String",
          "filePath": "json/keyMapping.json",
          "bind": false,
          "required": false,
          "clearOnExport": false,
          "readOnly": false

    Note: You only need to create keyMapping service parameter once when you setup your first Exchange package. The rest of the Exchange package will just be keep adding content into the existing service parameter.

    Create or append the following content into json/keyMapping.json

      "authenticid": [
          "serviceKey": "dv",
          "serviceName": "AuthenticID - Document Verification",
          "serviceParamKeyMap": {
            "recResInXml": "recordResponseInTxnXML",
            "recResInProp": "recordResponseInTxnProperties"

    Copy the following service parameters definition in your configuration service (service-def.json) and set the proper values for your project.

          "name": "authenticid-dv|1.1.0-conn.endpoint",
          "description": "Service connection Endpoint for authenticid dv service",
          "value": "",
          "type": "String",
          "bind": false,
          "required": true,
          "clearOnExport": false,
          "readOnly": false
          "name": "authenticid-dv|1.1.0-conn.username",
          "description": "Service connection Username for authenticid dv service",
          "value": "",
          "type": "String",
          "bind": false,
          "required": true,
          "clearOnExport": false,
          "readOnly": false
          "name": "authenticid-dv|1.1.0-conn.password",
          "description": "Service connection password for authenticid dv service",
          "value": "",
          "type": "String",
          "bind": false,
          "required": true,
          "clearOnExport": false,
          "readOnly": false
          "name": "authenticid-dv|1.1.0-defaultAccountCode",
          "description": "",
          "value": "",
          "type": "String",
          "bind": false,
          "required": false,
          "clearOnExport": false,
          "readOnly": false
          "name": "authenticid-dv|1.1.0-maxAttemptNumber",
          "description": "",
          "value": "2",
          "type": "String",
          "bind": false,
          "required": false,
          "clearOnExport": false,
          "readOnly": false
          "name": "authenticid-dv|1.1.0-disableMilestones",
          "description": "Whether to disable Journey Analytics milestones for this service.",
          "value": "",
          "type": "Boolean",
          "bind": false,
          "required": false,
          "clearOnExport": false,
          "readOnly": false
          "name": "authenticid-dv|1.1.0-recResInProp",
          "description": "",
          "value": "true",
          "type": "Boolean",
          "bind": false,
          "required": false,
          "clearOnExport": false,
          "readOnly": false
          "name": "authenticid-dv|1.1.0-recResInXml",
          "description": "",
          "value": "true",
          "type": "Boolean",
          "bind": false,
          "required": false,
          "clearOnExport": false,
          "readOnly": false

    Note: Once you setup your application to use configuration service, all the service connection and service parameters data directly comes from the your configuration service. So there is no need to setup the original service connection or service parameter of the Exchange fluent function.

    Enable/Disable the configuration service

    In order to enable the configuration service in your application, please define the following organisation properties in your organisation ConfigServiceName This is to define which configuration service you would like to use in your organisation. For example, if you decide to trigger BankwestServiceConfiguration as the configuration service, set the following organisation property

    Note: Configuration service is an organisation level option. Once enabled, all Exchange services within the organisation will start retrieving the service connection and service parameters info from configuration service you specified above.

    You can simply delete the organisation property ConfigServiceName to disable the configuration service in your organisation.

    Maestro Assets

    AuthenticID Document Verification Library: exchange-authenticid-taf Category: AuthenticID

    This component uses the AuthenticID client SDK to scan the user driver license or passport. It calls a fluent function using narrator form action for pre-fill and document verification. It uses the AuthenticID Dialog for user instruction and workflow UI.


    Property Category Description Type Default
    AuthenticID dialogid Configuration

    The ID of the AuthenticID dialog.

    text authenticIDDialog
    Liveness Option Options

    Choose the liveness option. None means only document verification is performed. Selfie means only take one selfie, Liveness means to take two selfies (near and far).


    • none : None
    • selfie : Selfie
    • liveness : Liveness
    option liveness
    Overlay Color Camera Settings

    Overlay color. You can use HEX value like "#FF00FF" or color name like "yellow"

    color #FF0000
    Visible On Mobile Only Options

    Show this component only on mobile device and tablet.

    boolean false
    AuthenticID Dialog Library: exchange-authenticid-taf Category: AuthenticID

    This dialog opens from ‘AuthenticID Document Verification’ component and provides user instruction and workflow UI. It triggers the buttons on the ‘AuthenticID Document Verification’ component that provides the business logic to scan Driver license or passport.


    Rule Templates

    You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

    • Load : a script to run when the dialog loads

    Base Dialog Library: exchange-authenticid-taf Category: AuthenticID

    Base dialog is a simple dialog page.

    Used In

    Rule Templates

    You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

    • Load : a script to run when the dialog loads

    SvgImageToSrc Library: exchange-authenticid-taf Category: AuthenticID

    This widget display SVG image and if the flag toSrc is set, the HTML tag will be replaced in runtime with the SVG src content.

    Used In


    Property Category Description Type Default
    Select Image SvgImageToSrc

    Select from the available images resources, or upload a new one

    image {fileName=, width=, height=}
    Alternative Text SvgImageToSrc

    Type an alternative text for informative images, leave blank for decorative images.

    Tooltip Text SvgImageToSrc

    This text will be added to the title attribute of the image.

    Replace svg tag with svg src. SvgImageToSrc

    Replace svg image tag with src so it allows dynamic updates (colour change). Set this to false for better loading.

    boolean true
    Image Link URL SvgImageToSrc

    This url will be added as an anchor tag around the image. It will open a new tab.

    Workflow Progress Library: exchange-authenticid-taf Category: AuthenticID

    Workflow progress bar.

    Used In

    Rule Templates

    You may add your own logic to handle the following rule types triggered by this component:

    • On Load : a script to run on widget load


    Property Category Description Type Default
    Progress Label Workflow Progress

    The progress label

    Tile Active Colour Workflow Progress

    The tile active colour

    text #FE6405
    Tile Colour Workflow Progress

    The tile colour

    text rgba(254,100,5,0.3)
    Number Of Tiles Workflow Progress

    Set number of tiles

    integer 5
    Number Of Active Tiles Workflow Progress

    Set number of active tiles

    integer 0

    Shared Styles

    • AuthenticID Dialog Library: exchange-authenticid-taf
    • AuthenticID Document Verification Style Library: exchange-authenticid-taf
    • AuthenticID Icon Font Style Library: exchange-authenticid-taf
    • document-dialog-button Library: exchange-authenticid-taf
    • AuthenticID Dialog Library: exchange-authenticid-taf
    • success-tick-image Library: exchange-authenticid-taf


    AuthenticID - Document Verification v1.1.0
    Provides AuthenticID Document Verification service.

    Service Connection


    Module Compatibility
    Manager 17.10.9

    Service Parameters

    Name Description Required Default
    defaultAccountCode Default account code/location. If defined, will send to AuthenticID API. Input parameter of accountCode will override this value. No
    recordResponseInTxnProperties Record response as txn property. No false
    recordResponseInTxnXML Record response in FisIdvVO and persisted in Txn XML. No false
    maxAttemptNumber Max number allowed to initiate API calls in a single session for each applicant. -1 means no limit. Yes -1
    disableMilestones Whether to disable Journey Analytics milestones for this service. No false
    configServiceAppName AppName for configuration service. All exchange services use vendor code for AppName. Yes authenticid


    Name Description Required
    Task the task to perform (idv/selfie). idv means initial document verification task, selfie means match selfie task. Yes
    DocumentType The document type to verify (Passport/License). Required when in idv Task. Yes
    FrontImage Font image of the ID in based64 string format Yes
    BackImage Back Image of the ID in based64 string format (only required when DocumentType is License) No
    LivenessOption liveness option (none/selfie/liveness). none means Document verification only without matching selfie; selfie means match single selfie image only. liveness means match both near and far selfie images. If this value is not provided, it uses defaultLivenessOption value in service parameter. No
    SelfieImageNear Near selfie image in based64 string format. Required when in selfie Task Yes
    SelfieImageFar Far selfie image in based64 string format. Only required when LivenessOption is liveness. No
    AccountCode account code/location in AuthenticID system. If this value is not provided, it uses defaultAccountCode value in service parameter. this parameter is only applicable for idv task. (In selfie task, it will always use the accountCode value from the previous document verification call) No


    Name Description
    data.verifyStatus The status of the ID verification for this individual with possible values: [ WAITING_SELFIE | VERIFIED | FAILED | REVIEW]

    WAITING_SELFIE is not final state. It returns when initial authenticateDocument is passed (actionCode: 99) and LivenessOption is enabled (selfie or liveness). It indicates front end to take the selfie image.

    Final state is VERIFIED, FAILED or REVIEW

    data.executionStatus The status of the service execution [ SUCCESS | DATA_ERROR | SYSTEM_ERROR ].

    Successful execution will be denoted by a SUCCESS value. DATA_ERROR will indicate that there was an issue identified with the input data that may be resolved and potentially retried by the user. SYSTEM_ERROR indicates that there was an unrecoverable system fault and the form should fall-back gracefully to an alternative path.

    data.prefillData Prefill data extracted from the ID document.
    data.errorMessage When a DATA_ERROR is experienced, this value may provide more detail on the nature of the error.
    data.errorCode When a DATA_ERROR is experienced, this value provides the error code.
    formStatus Form status

    Service Connections

    The following service connections are used by this package.

    Property Name Description Required
    Type HTTP Endpoint Yes
    Endpoint AuthenticID web service end point.
    • Test:
    • Prod: Please ask the vendor.
    Make sure you change to the correct URL on production before using this service.
    Username AuthenticID Access key Yes
    Password AuthenticID Secret Token Yes