Package com.avoka.fc.core.util
package com.avoka.fc.core.util
Provides common utility classes and exception objects.
ClassDescriptionProvides information around the anonymous user.Provides an email-related exception.Provides the base SmartForm Manager application exception.Provides an exception related to errors during electronic attachment upload.Provides methods to create attachment summary XML data.Provides build time server properties.Provides a DataSource implementation based on a byte array.Provide a runnable Cayenne task.Provide a runnable Cayenne timer task.Provides a comparator for Composer versionsProvides utility methods around submission content types.Provides a stream based parser for parsing delimited text data from a file or a stream.Provides utility methods for calculating data retention policies.Provides utility methods around submission and attachment delivery.Provides an exception indicating that a form instance was unexpectedly submitted multiple times.Provides utility methods around string encoding.Provides utility methods for handling ErrorLog Threshold.Provides utility methods for handling security through Fluent APIs.Provides utility methods around string formatting.Provides miscellaneous form related utility methods.Provides form XML data encryption and decryption functions.Provides a crypto exception.Provides GroovyTest Utility methods.Provides a Groovy Thread listener to setup execution context information for Groovy Scripts on a separate execution thread.Provides Apache HttpClient utility methods.Provides an exception indicating that an import archive could not be validated.Provides service methods around job property searchProvides a custom cell processor for licensing.A helper class used in licensing.Provides an in memory cache for frequently used values.Provides an error that is used during payment when the response from the payment server was unexpected or faulty.A utility class for assisting with the manipulation of flat PDF files.Provides utility methods related to portals.Provides PDF Receipt utility methods.Provides utility methods related to HTTP redirect.Provides a ReflectionToStringBuilder utility class.Provides information around the currently logged in user.Provides utility methods around SAML2 AttributesProvide a thread local Spring ApplicationContext.Provides a utils class for status functionality of a Space, Organisation, Form, or Template VersionDeprecated.Provides utility methods to create submission bean objects to be used for delivery.Provides a Submission Complete Processor Exception class.Provides a submission related exception storing the form and submitted data.Provides a formatter populating submission information into a pattern string.A simple bean class to pass around submission related data retention settings.Provides submission related utility methods.Provides a set of utilities around the environment SmartForm Manager is installed on.Provides a Cayenne Transaction Executor class, which will execute the specified function in a Cayenne Transaction.Provides a closure function to call in the transaction executor.Provides an exception indicating that an entity (such as a form) is not supported by this TM version.Provides utility methods around validation.Provides a specialized Velocity Resource loader which loads content from the portal_page and portal_resource tables.Provides a comparator for version numbers in the format a.b.c (e.g.Provides an XPath implementation that "flips" the standard way of doing Jaxen around - it allows you to define the element once, and then evaluate multiple xpath expressions against that node.
instead, orVersionComparator
for semantic version number comparison