
public class Webs extends AbstractService
Provides Webs SharePoint web service class.

Webs SharePoint Example Link icon

The Groovy script example below illustrates using the Webs service to get a Web object. In this example an absolute web URL parameter is specified by the webUrl String object.

 import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.SPClient
 import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.service.Webs
 import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.type.Web

 // Create a SharePoint client using the service parameters map with the configured connection details
 def spClient = new SPClient(serviceParameters)

 // Create a Webs web service
 def websService = spClient.getWebs()

 // Get a web object for the given url
 def web = websService.getWeb(url)

 // Get web properties ..
 def title = web.getTitle()
 def url = web.getUrl() 
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • Webs Link icon

      public Webs(SPConnection sharePointConnection)
      Instantiate the Webs Interface wrapper with SharePoint Connection context
      sharePointConnection - SharePoint connection context
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getServiceName Link icon

      public String getServiceName()
      Return the web service name.
      Specified by:
      getServiceName in class AbstractService
      the web service name
    • getWeb Link icon

      public Web getWeb(String webUrl) throws SPException
      Return a Site's Properties.

      Groovy Example Link icon

      The Groovy script example below illustrates using the Webs service to get a Web object. In this example an absolute web URL parameter is specified by the webUrl String object.

       import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.SPClient
       import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.service.Webs
       import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.type.Web
       // Create a SharePoint client using the service parameters map with the configured connection details
       def spClient = new SPClient(serviceParameters)
       // Create a Webs web service
       def websService = spClient.getWebs()
       // Get a web object for the given url
       def web = websService.getWeb(url)
       // Get web properties ..
       def webTitle = web.getTitle()
       def webUrl = web.getUrl() 

      Web Service Method Link icon

      The Microsoft SharePoint Web Service SOAP Method:


      webUrl - Absolute URL of the Site, or a period (".") to return information about the current site.
      Web object representing the Site's properties.
      SPException - in case of SharePoint error response
    • getWebCollection Link icon

      public Map<String,String> getWebCollection(String siteContext) throws SPException
      Retrieve the Title and URL's of all Sites beneath the specified Site.

      Groovy Example Link icon

      The Groovy script example below illustrates using the Webs service to get a Collection of Web Titles and URls. In this example an optional site context parameter is specified by the siteContext String object.

       import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.SPClient
       import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.service.Webs
       // Create a SharePoint client using the service parameters map with the configured connection details
       def spClient = new SPClient(serviceParameters)
       // Create a Webs web service
       def websService = spClient.getWebs()
       // Get map of web titles and urls
       def webCollection = websService.getWebCollection(siteContext)
       // Iterate through Sites
       Iterator webKeyIter = webCollection.keySet().iterator()
       while (webKeyIter.hasNext()) {
           def webTitle = (String)
           def webUrl = webCollection.get(webTitle)

      Web Service Method Link icon

      The Microsoft SharePoint Web Service SOAP Method:


      siteContext - (Optional) Provide SharePoint Site context if accessing a non-default site.
      Mapinvalid input: '<'String,String> representing the invalid input: '<'Title, URL> of each Site belonging to the specified Site.
      SPException - in case of SharePoint error response