Plugin Documentation

This report describes goals, parameters details, requirements and sample usage of this plugin.


Goals available for this plugin:

Goal Description
tm-sdk:app-delete MOJO class providing "app-delete" goal
It will delete an application package on a Transact Manager server.
tm-sdk:app-deploy MOJO class providing "app-deploy" goal
It will deploy an application package archive ZIP to a Transact Manager server.
tm-sdk:app-get MOJO class providing "app-get" goal
It will download an application package from a Transact Manager server.
tm-sdk:app-package MOJO class providing "app-package" goal
It will create an application package archive ZIP for the given project.
tm-sdk:app-scaffold MOJO class providing "app-scaffold" goal
It will create a new application package project.
tm-sdk:app-scaffold-connect MOJO class providing "app-scaffold-connect" goal
It will create a new application package service connection.
tm-sdk:app-scaffold-form MOJO class providing "app-scaffold-form" goal
It will create a new application package form.
tm-sdk:app-scaffold-func MOJO class providing "app-scaffold-func" goal
It will create a new application package function.
tm-sdk:app-svc-test MOJO class providing "app-svc-test" goal
It will run automated service tests for given application package ZIP.
tm-sdk:app-test MOJO class providing "app-test" goal
It will run automated integration tests given application package ZIP.
tm-sdk:archive-deploy MOJO class providing "archive-deploy" goal
It will deploy a supported archive ZIP to a Transact Manager server.
tm-sdk:configuration-service-archive-deploy MOJO class providing "configuration-service-archive-deploy" goal
It will deploy a supported configuration service archive JSON/zip to a Transact Manager server.
tm-sdk:gen-vo MOJO class providing "gen-vo" goal
It will generate Groovy value object source files from form seed XML files.
tm-sdk:lib-export MOJO class providing "lib-export" goal
It will export Maestro Organization or Project Library.
tm-sdk:lib-import MOJO class providing "lib-import" goal
It will import Maestro Organization or Project Library.
tm-sdk:scm-clone MOJO class providing "scm-clone" goal
It will clone a Maestro Design.
tm-sdk:scm-diff MOJO class providing "scm-diff" goal
It will show differences between locally cloned and remote instances of a Maestro Design.
tm-sdk:scm-project-add MOJO class providing "scm-project-add" goal
It will add a Maestro Project to remote Maestro server.
tm-sdk:scm-project-clone MOJO class providing "scm-project-clone" goal
It will clone a Maestro Project.
tm-sdk:scm-project-diff MOJO class providing "scm-project-diff" goal
It will show differences between locally cloned and remote instances of a Maestro Project.
tm-sdk:scm-project-pull MOJO class providing "scm-project-pull" goal
It will pull all the different files locally from remote instances of a Maestro Project.
tm-sdk:scm-project-push MOJO class providing "scm-project-push" goal
It will push locally changed files of a Maestro Project to the remote Maestro instance.
tm-sdk:scm-project-status MOJO class providing "scm-project-status" goal
It will display paths that have differences between the local project files and Maestro project, paths in the working tree that are not tracked by Maestro project or missing in the local working tree.
tm-sdk:scm-pull MOJO class providing "scm-pull" goal
It will pull all the different files locally from remote instances of a Maestro Design.
tm-sdk:scm-push MOJO class providing "scm-push" goal
It will push locally changed files of a Maestro Design to the remote Maestro instance.
tm-sdk:svc-clone MOJO class providing "svc-clone" goal
It will clone the specified service definition from the remote Transact Manager server.
tm-sdk:svc-delete MOJO class providing "svc-delete" goal
It will delete the specified service definition on the remote Transact Manager server.
tm-sdk:svc-deploy MOJO class providing "svc-deploy" goal
It will upload service archive ZIP to a Transact Manager server.
tm-sdk:svc-imports MOJO class providing "svc-imports" goal
It will scan the specified service definitions' scripts and fill some of the file includes automatically.
tm-sdk:svc-package MOJO class providing "svc-package" goal
It will create a service archive ZIP for the given service project.
tm-sdk:svc-scaffold MOJO class providing "svc-scaffold" goal
It will create a new Fluent Groovy service.
tm-sdk:svc-scaffold-legacy MOJO class providing "svc-scaffold-legacy" goal
The svc-scaffold-legacy provides a scaffolding task to create a new Legacy Groovy service.
Please note developers should not be creating new Legacy Groovy services as they have a weaker security model.
tm-sdk:svc-test MOJO class providing "svc-test" goal
It will run the services unit test locally.
tm-sdk:svc-test-remote MOJO class providing "svc-test-remote" goal
It will run the services unit test on the remote Transact Manager server.
tm-sdk:svc-typecheck MOJO class providing "svc-typecheck" goal
It will perform script type checking for the given service project.
tm-sdk:tpac-deploy MOJO class providing "tpac-deploy" goal
It will deploy an exchange TPac archive ZIP to a Transact Manager server.

System Requirements

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin:

Maven 3.6.1
JDK 21


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:

    <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
    <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->

For more information, see "Guide to Configuring Plug-ins"