Package com.avoka.component.http

package com.avoka.component.http

Provides a Fluent HTTP client library using Apache HTTP Components.

The example below performs REST request and returns a JSON object.

import com.avoka.component.http.GetRequest

def params = [:]

def = request.getParameter('customerId')

def params.account = request.getParameter('accountId')

def username = serviceParameters.username

def password = serviceParameters.password

// execute GET request and return a HttpResponse object 

def response = new GetRequest('')


      .setBasicAuth(username, password)


if (response.status == 200) {

    // get JSON object from the response

    def json = response.getJsonContent()



} else if (response.status == 404) {

    // object not found



} else {

    throw new RuntimeException(response.statusLine)


The example below performs POST request and converts the response into a JSON document.

import com.avoka.component.http.PostRequest

def message = '{ "name":"John Doe", "email":"[email protected]", "age":42 }'

def username = serviceParameters.username

def password = serviceParameters.password

// execute POST request and return a HttpResponse object

def response = new PostRequest('')


      .setBasicAuth(username, password)


// check HttpResponse status code

if (response.status != 200) {

    throw new RuntimeException(response.statusLine)


// get JSON object from the response

def json = response.getJsonContent() 

  • Class
    Provides a DELETE Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.
    Provides a GET Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.
    Provides factory methods for creating Apache HttpClient objects with system property configurations.
    Provides an abstract HttpRequest class enabling simpler use of the Apache HTTP Components library.
    The HTTP Methods
    Provides a HttpResponse value object class.
    Provides a POST Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.
    Provides a PUT Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.