Class PaymentResponseException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PaymentResponseException extends ApplicationException
Provides an error that is used during payment when the response from the payment server was unexpected or faulty.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PaymentResponseException

      public PaymentResponseException(String name, Throwable cause, String context, String userMessage, String solution)
      Create an PaymentResponseException object using the specified parameters
      name - a name identifying the exception
      cause - the Throwable causing the error
      context - a message describing the context in which the error occurred
      userMessage - a detail message about the error intended for the user
      solution - an optional message outlining a solution to the problem
      See Also:
    • PaymentResponseException

      public PaymentResponseException(String name, String context, String userMessage, String solution)
      Create an PaymentResponseException object using the specified parameters
      name - a name identifying the exception
      context - a message describing the context in which the error occurred
      userMessage - a detail message about the error intended for the user
      solution - an optional message outlining a solution to the problem
      See Also: