Uses of Package
Packages that use com.avoka.fc.core.service
Provides Quartz job implementation classes.
Provides classes related to security and authentication.
Provides the SmartForm Manager service classes.
Provides the SmartForm Manager portal import and export service.
Provides the Composer HTML Form Archive Utils.
Provides the Email Client Services.
Provides the Fluent Groovy API services.
Provides classes for form services.
Provides the SmartForm Manager service class implementation.
Provides classes for iText PDF receipt rendering services.
Provides Collaboration Jobs Service classes.
Provides Collaboration Jobs service classes.
Provides payment related utility classes.
Provides classes for PhantomJS PDF receipt rendering services.
Provides property value related utility classes.
Provides reporting related utility classes.
Provides a SalesForce integration client.
Provides submission data storage service implementations.
Provides submission service implementations.
Provides web automated test services.
Provides execution thread request context utility class.
Provides common payment servlet classes.
Provides REST Service API servlet classes.
Provides common utility classes and exception objects.
Provides Fluent Function classes.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.job
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.outboxClassDescriptionProvides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.outbox.testClassDescriptionProvides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.securityClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides an plug-able Authentication service interface.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.serviceClassDescriptionProvides utility methods for submission abandonment.Provides an abstract PDF receipt rendering service for subclasses to implement.Provides service methods for the
entity.Provides user document service for managing uploaded file attachments.Provides an audit log service.Provides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides a client service which handles client creation and deletion.The delivery status values.Provides an SMTP Email Service for backwards compatibility.Provides a Embedded Attachment value object that can be serialised via the network.Provides an ErrorLog Service.Provides an ErrorLog Service.Provides event log service including error, warning and info events.Provides an event outbox service which handles event outbox entity creation and updating.Provides a service to create the form XML model to render with the form.Provides a Groovy Service Logging service.Provides an plug-able Authentication service interface.Provides a Composer HTML Form rendering service interface to render both the form and the associated HTML resources.Provides an Email Service interface.Provides a pluggable filter service than can perform access checks prior to the FormSubmissionAccessController being invokedProvides a groovy debug log interface which checks if production level groovy debug log restriction is disabled.Provides a service for import action objects.Provides IntegrityCheckerLog service.Provides an interface to render PDF receipt documents.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.Provides a Status Management service interface.Provides a submission completed processor service interface.Provides a submission data storage interface.Provides an interface for Submission delivery service.Provides a service that is called before a submission is stored.Provide an interface for the background submission PDF receipt service.Provides a submission service.Provides a services test suite to run a set of unit tests.Provides a unit test result class.Provides the interface for services who create transaction history records.Provides a transaction processor service interface.Provides a service to verify additional authentication factors (excluding the password) and enrol users for additional authentication factors securely via email.Provides a Unit Testable Service interfaceDefines the Job and Trigger object for quartz.Provides receipt data handling services.Provides a request log service.Provides a Scheduled Job History logging service.Provides a schedule service.Provides a service to confirm to Submission Authentication required status.Provides a holder for extracted form submission data from LiveCycle ES.Provides a service to modify submission data.Provides a submission service.Provides submission status service which is responsible for managing submission state changes.The submission status change.Provide service for creating Saved Submissions and Tasks.Provides a form task parameter object.Provides a review task parameter object.Provides an anonymous saved form parameter object.Provides a System Alerting service to notify administrators when significant errors occur.Provides a task service.Provides methods related to UserAuthEvent instances.Provides service methods involving UserAccount and related entities.Provides a VirusScanning exception. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.archiveClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.composerClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a Composer HTML Form rendering service interface to render both the form and the associated HTML resources.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.databaseIntegrityClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.emailClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides an Email Service interface.Provides a groovy debug log interface which checks if production level groovy debug log restriction is disabled.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.Provides a Unit Testable Service interface
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.fluentClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides a service to get the form pre-population data for the given form and request.Provides an plug-able Authentication service interface.Provides a service interface for the submission delivery process.Provides an Email Service interface.Provides a pluggable filter service than can perform access checks prior to the FormSubmissionAccessController being invokedProvides a groovy debug log interface which checks if production level groovy debug log restriction is disabled.Provide an interface to invoke arbitrary Groovy services.Provides an interface for scanning file attachments media type.Provides an interface to render PDF receipt documents.Provides a service definition interface which can be invoked by the ScheduledServiceJob.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.Provides a submission completed processor service interface.Provides a submission data validation service.Provides a service that is called before a submission is stored.The Interface ITaskExpiryProcessService.Provides a Transaction History Publisher service interface which is used to publish transaction history data to customer's data warehouse.Provides a Unit Testable Service interfaceProvides an interface for scanning file attachments.Provides a holder for extracted form submission data from LiveCycle ES.Provides a VirusScanning exception.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.formClassDescriptionProvides an abstract Groovy service which implement common properties.Provides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides a service to get the form pre-population data for the given form and request.Provides an plug-able Authentication service interface.Provides a groovy debug log interface which checks if production level groovy debug log restriction is disabled.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.Provides a Unit Testable Service interfaceProvides a holder for extracted form submission data from LiveCycle ES.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.implClassDescriptionProvides an abstract Groovy service which implement common properties.Provides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides an ErrorLog Service.Provides event log service including error, warning and info events.Provides an plug-able Authentication service interface.Provides an interface for submission data purge service.Provides a service interface for the submission delivery process.Provides an email queue service interface.Provides a form meta data rendering service.Provides a pluggable filter service than can perform access checks prior to the FormSubmissionAccessController being invokedProvides a groovy debug log interface which checks if production level groovy debug log restriction is disabled.Provide an interface to invoke arbitrary Groovy services.Provides an interface for scanning file attachments media type.Provides an interface for payment reminder service.Provides an interface to render PDF receipt documents.Provides a service definition interface which can be invoked by the ScheduledServiceJob.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.Provides an interface for Submission delivery service.Provide an interface for the background submission PDF receipt service.Provides the interface for services who create transaction history records.Provides a Transaction History Publisher service interface which is used to publish transaction history data to customer's data warehouse.Provides a Transaction History Publisher service interface which is used to publish transaction history data to customer's data warehouse.Provides a service to verify additional authentication factors (excluding the password) and enrol users for additional authentication factors securely via email.Provides a Unit Testable Service interfaceProvides an interface for scanning file attachments.Provides a meta data element bean.Provides a VirusScanning exception.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.itextClassDescriptionProvides an abstract PDF receipt rendering service for subclasses to implement.Provides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides an interface to render PDF receipt documents.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.jobClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.job.implClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides a groovy debug log interface which checks if production level groovy debug log restriction is disabled.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.pageClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.paymentClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.phantomjsClassDescriptionProvides an abstract PDF receipt rendering service for subclasses to implement.Provides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides an interface to render PDF receipt documents.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.Provides a receipt render service executing a local executable ( omJS, Chromium Puppeteer)
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.propertyClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.puppeteerClassDescriptionProvides an abstract PDF receipt rendering service for subclasses to implement.Provides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides an interface to render PDF receipt documents.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.Provides a receipt render service executing a local executable ( omJS, Chromium Puppeteer)
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.reportingClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.salesforceClassDescriptionProvides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.storageClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides an ErrorLog Service.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.Provides a submission data storage interface.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.submissionClassDescriptionProvides an abstract Groovy service which implement common properties.Provides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides a service interface for the submission delivery process.Provides a groovy debug log interface which checks if production level groovy debug log restriction is disabled.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.Provides a submission completed processor service interface.Provides a service to extract the XML data document from the form submission.Provides a submission data storage interface.Provides a submission data validation service.Provides a service that is called before a submission is stored.The Interface ITaskExpiryProcessService.Provides a Unit Testable Service interfaceProvides a holder for extracted form submission data from LiveCycle ES.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.testClassDescriptionProvides the base service for service classes to extend.Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.Provides an interface to render PDF receipt documents.Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.Provides a submission data storage interface.Provides a holder for extracted form submission data from LiveCycle ES.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.servletClassDescriptionProvides an ErrorLog Service.Provides a service to create the form XML model to render with the form.Provides an plug-able Authentication service interface.Provides a holder for extracted form submission data from LiveCycle ES.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.servlet.payment
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by com.avoka.fc.core.utilClassDescriptionProvides a holder for extracted form submission data from LiveCycle ES.Provides a submission service.
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.service used by an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.