Interface Auditable

All Known Implementing Classes:
ApplicationPackage, AuthenticationProvider, AuthProviderParameter, Category, Client, ClientProperty, DeliveryDetails, DeploymentProperty, DocumentType, Form, FormDesign, FormDesignVersion, FormDesignVersionProperty, ImportAction, Library, MetadataTag, Portal, PortalProperty, Project, PropertyType, Role, SchemaSeed, SecurityManager, SecurityManagerParameter, ServerNode, ServiceConnection, ServiceDefinition, ServiceParameter, TemplateVersion, TPac, UserAccount, UserGroup, UserProperty, UserRole, VersionMetadataValue, VersionPropertyValue

public interface Auditable
Provides a marker interface for entities which should be audited.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the object id.
    Return a map of the entity properties.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      Long getId()
      Return the object id.
      the object id
    • getValuesMap

      Map getValuesMap()
      Return a map of the entity properties.
      a map of the entity properties