Provides classes related to security and authentication.
ClassDescriptionProvides an exception used to denote that a user account is inactive.Provides an AccountUser UserDetails adaptor.Provides pre-authentication checks for a SmartForm Manager user record stored in the local database.Provides a service class to access user details.Provides a Fluent script based User Authentication Provider class.Provide a submission access controller service.Provides a Groovy script based UserDetails Authentication Provider class.Provides an Group GrantedAuthority adaptor.Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their AuthenticationProvider configuration.Provide a submission access controller service.The form access permission.The security access status to the submission.The JsApp security access status to the submission.Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their Portal.Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their SecurityManager.Provides a Security Manager service interface.Provides an interface to determine whether a user exists with the implementing AuthenticationProvider.Provides a configurable LDAP Local UserDetails Authentication Provider.Provides a Local User Account Authentication Provider.Extends Spring security to handle session timeout requests differently for AJAX.Provides a custom failure handler based on SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler that will increase failed login attempts, do locking, and finally redirect.Provides a listener that reacts to login events.Provides the permission names used in the TM management console.Provides an exception used to denote an authenticated user account is not associated with the portal.Provides an oAuth2 authenticator client that can be used by a transact security Manager to authenticate against an oAuth2 provider like Google.Deals with OpenSAML - initialization during start, etc.Initialize OpenSAML framework.Provides change password page utility methods.Provides an access path to the current SmartForm Manager portal.Provides a Spring Security Authentication Provider which integrates with TxM Security Manager.Provides the permission names used in the Web Portal.Provides a SAML2 (Security Assertion Markup Language) attribute parser helper class for SSO Filter authentication token scripts.Provides a Security Manager service which is associated with a Security Manager configuration entity.Provides a password encoder using Argon2 hashing algorithms.Provides an SSO Filter to perform pre-authentication processing.Provides an authentication token used for single-sign on (SSO) authentication.Provides a user details checker that checks additional authentication factors if configured.Provides parsing of a user bulk import file in XLS format.Provides methods around user bulk import.Provides a WS-Trust SAML2 Authenticator parser class for delegated user authentication.