Class PaymentLog


public class PaymentLog extends Object
Provide a Payment Log value object class.
  • Field Details


      public static final String PAYMENT_COMPLETED
      Indicates that the payment has been completed successfully
      See Also:

      public static final String PAYMENT_ERROR
      Indicates that an error has occurred during payment
      See Also:

      public static final String PAYMENT_CANCELLED
      Indicates that the payment was cancelled while in the payment gateway
      See Also:

      public static final String PAYMENT_PENDING
      Indicates that the payment is pending a result from the payment gateway
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PaymentLog

      public PaymentLog()
    • PaymentLog

      public PaymentLog(PaymentLog paymentLog)
      Create a PaymentLog value object with the given parameters.
      paymentLog -
    • PaymentLog

      public PaymentLog(Map fields)
      Create a unit testing PaymentLog value object with the given fields.
      fields - the payment log entity fields (required)
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
      a string representation of the object.
    • getId

      public Long getId()
      The payment log id (PK).
    • getAntiFraudCode

      public String getAntiFraudCode()
      The anti fraud code.
    • getAntiFraudResponse

      public String getAntiFraudResponse()
      The ant fraud response.
    • getClientCode

      public String getClientCode()
      The organization code.
    • getDoAmount

      public Integer getDoAmount()
      The digital order amount.
    • getDoMerchant

      public String getDoMerchant()
      The digital order merchant.
    • getDoMerchTxnRef

      public String getDoMerchTxnRef()
      The digital order merchant txn ref.
    • getDoTimestamp

      public Date getDoTimestamp()
      The digital order timestamp.
    • getDoVersion

      public String getDoVersion()
      The digital order version.
    • getDrAcqResponseCode

      public String getDrAcqResponseCode()
      The digital response response code.
    • getDrAmount

      public Integer getDrAmount()
      The digital response amount.
    • getDrBatchNo

      public Integer getDrBatchNo()
      The digital response batch number.
    • getDrCustomParam1

      public String getDrCustomParam1()
      The digital response custom param 1.
    • getDrCustomParam2

      public String getDrCustomParam2()
      The digital response custom param 2.
    • getDrCustomParam3

      public String getDrCustomParam3()
      The digital response custom param 3.
    • getDrCustomParam4

      public String getDrCustomParam4()
      The digital response custom param 4.
    • getDrCustomParam5

      public String getDrCustomParam5()
      The digital response custom param 5.
    • getDrMerchTxnRef

      public String getDrMerchTxnRef()
      The digital response merch txn ref.
    • getDrMessage

      public String getDrMessage()
      The digital response message.
    • getDrReceiptNo

      public String getDrReceiptNo()
      The digital response receipt number.
    • getDrTaxAmount

      public Integer getDrTaxAmount()
      The digital response tax amount.
    • getDrTimestamp

      public Date getDrTimestamp()
      The digital response timestamp.
    • getDrTransactionNo

      public Long getDrTransactionNo()
      The digital response transaction no.
    • getDrTxnResponseCode

      public String getDrTxnResponseCode()
      The digital response txn response code.
    • getDrTxnResponseMsg

      public String getDrTxnResponseMsg()
      The digital response txn response message.
    • getOrgId

      public Long getOrgId()
      The organization id (PK).
    • getOrgName

      public String getOrgName()
      The organization name.
    • getPaymentServiceCode

      public String getPaymentServiceCode()
      The payment service code.
    • getPaymentLogKey

      public String getPaymentLogKey()
      The payment log key.
    • getPaymentStatus

      public String getPaymentStatus()
      The payment status.
    • getTxnId

      public Long getTxnId()
      The transaction id.
    • getUserIpAddress

      public String getUserIpAddress()
      The user ip address.