Class PreparedStatementExecutor


public class PreparedStatementExecutor extends Object
Provide a utility to execute PreparedStatements.
  • Constructor Details

    • PreparedStatementExecutor

      public PreparedStatementExecutor()
      Create a PreparedStatementExecutor.
    • PreparedStatementExecutor

      public PreparedStatementExecutor(Connection connection)
      Create a PreparedStatementExecutor which will use the given connection. The provided connection will not be closed after the query has been executed.
      connection - the database connection to use
  • Method Details

    • executeQuery

      public void executeQuery(String sqlStatement, ResultSetProcessor resultSetProcessor)
      Execute the sql statement and the result is handled by the processor.
      sqlStatement - sql statement
      resultSetProcessor - the result set processor
    • executeQuery

      public void executeQuery(String sqlStatement, String[] args, ResultSetProcessor resultSetProcessor)
      Execute the sql statement with list of arguments and the result is handled by the processor.
      sqlStatement - sql statement
      args - arguments for the prepared statement
      resultSetProcessor - the result set processor
    • executeUpdate

      public int executeUpdate(String sqlStatement, Object[] args)
      Execute the sql statement with list of arguments and the result is handled by the processor.
      sqlStatement - sql statement (required)
      args - arguments for the prepared statement
      number of rows updated.