Class SalesForceClient

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SalesForceClient extends Object
Provides a SalesForce service client class

See the REST API Developer's Guide for online resources.

Groovy Example

The example below illustrates how to create a SalesForceClient object using service parameters for configuration.

 import com.avoka.component.salesforce.SalesForceClient
 import com.avoka.component.salesforce.service.Query

 def username = serviceParameters["SalesForce Username"]
 def passwordToken = serviceParameters["SalesForce Password Security Token"]
 def clientId = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Id"]
 def clientSecret = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Secret"]
 def loginServerUrl = serviceParameters["SalesForce Login Server URL"]

 // Create a SalesForce client using the service params with the configured connection details
 def salesForceClient = new SalesForceClient(username, passwordToken, clientId, clientSecret, loginServerUrl)

 // Use the client to query SalesForce using a pre-configured SQL Query
 def query = salesForceClient.getQuery()

 def selectQuery = serviceParameters["SalesForce Select Query"]

 def queryResult = query.getOperation(selectQuery) 
  • Constructor Details

    • SalesForceClient

      public SalesForceClient(String username, String passwordSecurityToken, String consumerKey, String consumerSecret, String loginServerURL) throws SalesForceException
      Create a SalesForce client with the provided connection details.
      username - the SalesForce login username (required)
      passwordSecurityToken - the SalesForce password security token, appended together (required)
      consumerKey - the SalesForce consumer key (required)
      consumerSecret - the SharePoint consumer secret (required)
      loginServerURL - the SalesForce login server URL (required)
      SalesForceException - in case of SalesForce error response during authentication
    • SalesForceClient

      public SalesForceClient()
      Create a SalesForceClient object without a SalesForceConnection.
  • Method Details

    • getSalesForceConnection

      public SalesForceConnection getSalesForceConnection()
      Return the SalesForce Connection.
      the SalesForce Connection
    • setSalesForceConnection

      public void setSalesForceConnection(SalesForceConnection salesForceConnection)
      Set the SalesForce Connection.
      salesForceConnection - the SalesForce Connection
    • getSObject

      public SObject getSObject()
      Return a SObject SalesForce service. The SObject service can perform operations on a given Object in the SalesForce system

      Groovy Example

      The Groovy script example below illustrates using the SalesForceClient object to create an SObject SalesForce service object. In this example configuration Service Parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters array.

       import com.avoka.component.salesforce.SalesForceClient
       import com.avoka.component.salesforce.service.SObject
       def username = serviceParameters["SalesForce Username"]
       def passwordToken = serviceParameters["SalesForce Password Security Token"]
       def clientId = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Id"]
       def clientSecret = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Secret"]
       def loginServerUrl = serviceParameters["SalesForce Login Server URL"]
       def contactId = serviceParameters["Contact ID"]
       // Create a SalesForce client using the service params with the configured connection details
       def salesForceClient = new SalesForceClient(username, passwordToken, clientId, clientSecret, loginServerUrl)
       // Create a SObject service
       def sObject = salesForceClient.getSObject()
       // Get a contact from SalesForce returned as a JSON string - The contact ID must be known
       def jsonData = sObject.getOperation("Contact", contactId) 
      a SObject SalesForce service.
    • getQuery

      public Query getQuery()
      Return a Query SalesForce service. The Query service can perform data lookups using the SalesForce SOQL query language

      Groovy Example

      The Groovy script example below illustrates using the SalesForceClient object to create a Query SalesForce service object. In this example configuration Service Parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters array.

       import com.avoka.component.salesforce.SalesForceClient
       import com.avoka.component.salesforce.service.Query
       def username = serviceParameters["SalesForce Username"]
       def passwordToken = serviceParameters["SalesForce Password Security Token"]
       def clientId = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Id"]
       def clientSecret = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Secret"]
       def loginServerUrl = serviceParameters["SalesForce Login Server URL"]
       // Create a SalesForce client using the service params with the configured connection details
       def salesForceClient = new SalesForceClient(username, passwordToken, clientId, clientSecret, loginServerUrl)
       // Create a Query service
       def query = salesForceClient.getQuery()
       // Get a contact with Account details from SalesForce returned as a JSON string - The contact email address is used for the lookup
       def jsonData = query.getOperation("SELECT id,firstname,lastname,phone,email,,a.industry FROM contact c, c.account a WHERE'[email protected]'") 
      a Query SalesForce service.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Return a string representation of the object.
      toString in class Object
      a string representation of the object