Class GetRequest


public class GetRequest extends HttpRequest
Provides a GET Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations. This class provides an easier and safer interface for the Apache HTTP Components library.

The default connection timeout is 10 seconds and socket read timeout is 60 seconds. Socket connections will also apply any JVM proxy settings automatically.

By default the maximum response read size is 16 MB. If the response is larger than this an IOException will be thrown. To increase the maximum read limit use the HttpRequest.setReadLimit(int) method.

In RESTful services the GET method is used to retrieve resources specified by the URI.


The example below performs REST request and returns a JSON object

 import com.avoka.component.http.GetRequest

 def params = [:]
 def = request.getParameter('customerId')
 def params.account = request.getParameter('accountId')

 def username = serviceParameters.username
 def password = serviceParameters.password

 // execute GET request and return a HttpResponse object
 def response = new GetRequest('')
       .setBasicAuth(username, password)

 // check HttpResponse status code
 if (response.status == 200) {
     // get JSON object from the response
     def json = response.getJsonContent()

 } else if (response.status == 404) {
     // object not found

 } else {
     throw new RuntimeException(response.statusLine)
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GetRequest

      public GetRequest(String uri)
      Create a GET HTTP request object with the given URI.
      uri - the request URI (required)