Uses of Package
Packages that use com.avoka.fc.core.entity Package Description com.avoka.fc.core.bean Provides bean classes used internally by SmartForm Provides custom Apache Click control Provides the Data Access Objects used by SmartForm Provides the SmartForm Manager entity Provides the SmartForm Manager entity base classes, which are being maintained by Provides Quartz job implementation Provides Cayenne listener classes that execute custom functionality on various Cayenne Provides Form Page Tracking Provides classes related to security and Provides the SmartForm Manager service Provides the SmartForm Manager portal import and export Provides the Composer HTML Form Archive Provides the Email Client Provides the Fluent Groovy API Provides classes for form Provides the SmartForm Manager service class Provides the Insighs integration Provides classes for iText PDF receipt rendering Provides Collaboration Jobs Service Provides Collaboration Jobs service Provides payment related utility Provides payment reconciliation related utility Provides classes for PhantomJS PDF receipt rendering Provides reporting related utility Provides a SalesForce integration Provides submission data storage service Provides submission service Provides web automated test Provides value objects to support service Provides execution thread request context utility Provides a CSV Property Provides REST Service API servlet com.avoka.fc.core.test.func Provides a Form Command Hander test Provides test classes used in Avoka Transact that use J-Unit4 Provides common utility classes and exception Provides common XML related utility Provides Fluent Function Provides Value Object persistent entity classes. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.bean Class Description Attachment Provides an attachment entity used to model supporting documentation for a submission. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.control Class Description Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.dao Class Description ApplicationForm Provides an entity describing a relationship between an application package and a form.ApplicationPackage Provides an entity containing information about applications (sets of related services and forms belonging to the same organization).ApplicationService Provides an association between an application package and a service definition.Attachment Provides an attachment entity used to model supporting documentation for a submission.AuditLog Provides an audit log entity used to track changes made to sensitive data.AuthenticationProvider Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration entity.Category Provides a category for form classification.Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.ClientKeystore Provides the ClientKeystore entity.ClientMetadataValue Provides a metadata value associated with a client.ClientPortal Provides an association between an organization and a portal.ClientProperty Provides a property value associated with a specific client.ClientReconciliationFile Provides an entity that holds payment reconciliation files received from payment gateway providers.ClientRefData The ClientRefData entity.ComposerImportAction Provides a Composer package import summary action.ComposerPackageQueue Provides an entity describing a form package created by SmartForm ComposerDbVersionUpdate Provides an entity describing an automated update operation on the SmartForm Manager database.DeliveryDetails Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.DeploymentProperty Provides an entity holding a deployment property.DocumentType Provides a document type entity on which attachments are based.EmailQueue Provides an email queue entry that can be queued and automatically retried.ErrorLog Provides an error log entry, including detailed information such as the stack trace.EventLog Provides an event log entry with a severity indicator and a message.FileUpload Provides an entity containing information about a file uploaded to SmartForm Manager.Folder Provides a folder entity used in Maestro to group form designs.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.FormDesign Provides a form design entity used in Maestro.FormDesignVersion Provides a version entity for form designs used in Maestro.FormDesignVersionProperty Provides a version property value entity for form design versions used in Maestro.FormPortal Provides an association between a form and a portal.FormReceiptSequence Provides a sequence used in receipt number generation.GroovyServiceLog Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.Group Provides a group entity that users can belong to.GroupAgentLock The Class GroupAgentLock.ImportAction Provides an entity describing an archive import action.Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.JobAction Provides a transaction job action entity.JobEventLog Provides a transaction job event entity.JobProperty Provides a property (name/value pair) entity for a job.JobStatusHistory Provides a history record of a job or job step status change.JobStep Provides a Collaboration Job Step entity.Library Provides a resource library entity used in Maestro.LibraryResource Provides a resource entity contained in Maestro libraries.LibraryResourceHistory Provides a form design library resource history item.MetadataListValue Provides a valid value of a metadata tag of type list or list hierarchy.MetadataTag Provides an entity defining a metadata tag.Notification Provides a notification message that is displayed to the users of a specific portal.NotificationType Provides a Notification type enum.PaymentLog Provides a record for a payment made using the SmartForm Manager payment module.Permission Provides an entity representing the privilege to access restricted content.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.PortalPage Provides a named portal page.PortalPageHistory Provides a page history for the portal pages.PortalProperty Provides a typed property for a portal.PortalResource Provides a portal resource, such as an image.PortalResourceHistory Provides a resource history for the portal resources.ProcessingStatus Provides an entity encapsulating a submission status set by the client.Project Provides a project entity containing folders and form designs used in Maestro.ProjectFormTag Provides an entity describing a tag of a project or form design version used in Maestro.PromotionLog Provides a record of a form being promoted to a certain status, such as "Ready For Production".PropertyPrefillMap Provides a property prefill mapping from a property (described by name and scope) to an XPath in a schema seed.PropertyType Provides a property type that can be assigned concrete values depending on its scope (client, form, user) and data type.ReleaseVersion Provides a release version used in Maestro.RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.RequiredAttachment Provides an entity representing a SmartForm Manager managed attachment that is presented to the user after submission.Role Provides a named collection of access privileges.RolePermission Provides an association between a role and a permission.ScheduledJobHistory Provides a ScheduledJobHistory entity.SchemaExtractMap Provides a data extract mapping, defining elements that are to be extracted from the submitted XML data and stored in the SmartForm Manager database.SchemaSeed Provides an entity containing a blank seed file for a form, as well as configuration such as prefill mappings.SecurityManager Provides an Security Manager configuration entity.SecurityManagerLog Provides an Security Manager Logging entity.ServerHealthStatusMetric The Class ServerHealthStatusMetric.ServerNode A persistent class mapped as "ServerNode" Cayenne entity.ServiceConnection Provides an entity describing connection details to an external service.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.ServiceParameter Provides a typed parameter used to configure a service.ServiceParameterHistory The Class ServiceParameterHistory.Status Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.SubmissionAsyncMsg Provides an submission asynchronous message entity.SubmissionDeliveryFunc Provides an submission delivery function entity.SubmissionHistory Provides a record of a particular version of a submission.SubmissionMilestone Provides an entity recording submission milestones.SubmissionProperty Provides the entity class to store submission properties.SubmissionServiceLog Provides an entity describing a service used by a submission.SystemHealth Provides an entity encapsulating a number of metrics describing system load and health.SystemInfo The Class SystemInfo.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.TemplateVersionData Provides an entity storing the file contents of a template version.TemplateVersionDeployment Provides an entity that records a template version change (either having occurred in the past or scheduled for the future).TPac Provides an entity modelling TPac packages.TransactionHistory Provides an entity containing lightweight historic data about a transaction.TransactionLookup Provides a Transaction Lookup entity.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager.UserAuthEvent Provides a user authentication event entity.UserProfile Provides a user profile containing a set of user properties and their values (e.g.UserProperty Provides a property value associated with a specific user.UserRole Provides an association between a user and a role.VersionAttachment Provides the definition of a required attachment associated with a form template version.VersionMetadataValue Provides a metadata value associated with a form template version.VersionPropertyValue Provides a property value associated with a form template version.XmlInputMap Provides an mapping from an XML prefill file into a schema seed. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.entity Class Description Auditable Provides a marker interface for entities which should be audited.AuthenticationProvider Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration entity.AuthProviderParameter Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration Parameter entity.Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.ClientPortal Provides an association between an organization and a portal.DeliveryDetails Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.DeploymentProperty.TxnUpdaterReturnBehavior FileUploadData Provides an entity storing the file contents of a file upload.FormPortal Provides an association between a form and a portal.ImportAction.ImportType Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.Job.StepActionsComparator Provides a Job Step Actions Comparator.JobAction Provides a transaction job action entity.JobProperty Provides a property (name/value pair) entity for a job.JobStep Provides a Collaboration Job Step entity.NotificationType Provides a Notification type enum.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.PortalProperty Provides a typed property for a portal.ReleaseVersion Provides a release version used in Maestro.RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.RequiredAttachment Provides an entity representing a SmartForm Manager managed attachment that is presented to the user after submission.SecurityManagerParameter Provides an Security Manager Parameter entity.ServerNode A persistent class mapped as "ServerNode" Cayenne entity.ServiceParameter Provides a typed parameter used to configure a service.Status Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.SubmissionData Provides an entity storing file contents associated with a submission.SubmissionHistoryData Provides an entity storing the file contents of a submission history entry.SubmissionProperty Provides the entity class to store submission properties.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager.UserProfile Provides a user profile containing a set of user properties and their values (e.g.VersionPropertyValue Provides a property value associated with a form template version. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by Class Description ApplicationClientProperty Provides an association between an application package and a client property.ApplicationConnection Provides an association between an application package and a service connection.ApplicationDelivery Provides an association between an application package and a delivery channel.ApplicationForm Provides an entity describing a relationship between an application package and a form.ApplicationPackage Provides an entity containing information about applications (sets of related services and forms belonging to the same organization).ApplicationService Provides an association between an application package and a service definition.Attachment Provides an attachment entity used to model supporting documentation for a submission.AuditLog Provides an audit log entity used to track changes made to sensitive data.AuthenticationProvider Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration entity.AuthProviderParameter Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration Parameter entity.Category Provides a category for form classification.Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.ClientKeystore Provides the ClientKeystore entity.ClientMetadataValue Provides a metadata value associated with a client.ClientPortal Provides an association between an organization and a portal.ClientProperty Provides a property value associated with a specific client.ClientReconciliationFile Provides an entity that holds payment reconciliation files received from payment gateway providers.ClientRefData The ClientRefData entity.ClientRefDataData ClientRefDataData entity child entity of the ClientRefData that holds the clob value.ClientUser Provides an entity defining a client user.ComposerImportAction Provides a Composer package import summary action.ComposerPackageData Provides an entity storing file contents associated with a composer package queue item.ComposerPackageQueue Provides an entity describing a form package created by SmartForm ComposerDeliveryDetails Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.DocumentType Provides a document type entity on which attachments are based.EmailQueue Provides an email queue entry that can be queued and automatically retried.EmailQueueData Provides an email queue compressed body data entity.ErrorLog Provides an error log entry, including detailed information such as the stack trace.ErrorLogData Provides an entity to encapsulate sensitive submission XML data related to an error log entry.EventLog Provides an event log entry with a severity indicator and a message.FileUpload Provides an entity containing information about a file uploaded to SmartForm Manager.FileUploadData Provides an entity storing the file contents of a file upload.Folder Provides a folder entity used in Maestro to group form designs.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.FormCategory Provides an association between a form version and a category.FormDesign Provides a form design entity used in Maestro.FormDesignVersion Provides a version entity for form designs used in Maestro.FormDesignVersionInclude Provides a join between a form design version and a library include used in Maestro.FormDesignVersionProperty Provides a version property value entity for form design versions used in Maestro.FormFunction Provides an form function entity.FormGroup Provides an entity defining a form group.FormPortal Provides an association between a form and a portal.FormReceiptSequence Provides a sequence used in receipt number generation.GroovyServiceLog Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.GroovyServiceLogData Provides a Groovy Service Logging data entity.Group Provides a group entity that users can belong to.ImportAction Provides an entity describing an archive import action.ImportActionData Provides an entity containing file data for an archive import action.ImportActionDetail Provides an entity containing a detail message about an archive import action.Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.JobAction Provides a transaction job action entity.JobComment Provides a job comment entity.JobEventLog Provides a transaction job event entity.JobGroup The JobGroup is a link table between the Job and the Group.JobHistory Provides a job history audit entity class.JobProperty Provides a property (name/value pair) entity for a job.JobStatusHistory Provides a history record of a job or job step status change.JobStep Provides a Collaboration Job Step entity.Library Provides a resource library entity used in Maestro.LibraryResource Provides a resource entity contained in Maestro libraries.LibraryResourceData Provides a library resource entity containing binary or text resource data used in Maestro.LibraryResourceHistory Provides a form design library resource history item.LibraryShare MetadataListValue Provides a valid value of a metadata tag of type list or list hierarchy.MetadataTag Provides an entity defining a metadata tag.Notification Provides a notification message that is displayed to the users of a specific portal.NotificationType Provides a Notification type enum.PaymentItem Provides an individual line item that is part of a payment made for a submission.PaymentLog Provides a record for a payment made using the SmartForm Manager payment module.Permission Provides an entity representing the privilege to access restricted content.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.PortalPage Provides a named portal page.PortalPageHistory Provides a page history for the portal pages.PortalProperty Provides a typed property for a portal.PortalResource Provides a portal resource, such as an image.PortalResourceHistory Provides a resource history for the portal resources.PortalUser Provides an association between a user account and a portal.PrefillParamXpathMap Provides an entity request parameter prefill to form data model XML XPath map.ProcessingStatus Provides an entity encapsulating a submission status set by the client.Project Provides a project entity containing folders and form designs used in Maestro.ProjectFormTag Provides an entity describing a tag of a project or form design version used in Maestro.ProjectFormTagData Provides an entity containing data associated with a tag in Maestro.ProjectInclude Provides a join between a project and a library include in Maestro.PromotionLog Provides a record of a form being promoted to a certain status, such as "Ready For Production".PropertyPrefillMap Provides a property prefill mapping from a property (described by name and scope) to an XPath in a schema seed.PropertyType Provides a property type that can be assigned concrete values depending on its scope (client, form, user) and data type.ReleaseVersion Provides a release version used in Maestro.RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.RequiredAttachment Provides an entity representing a SmartForm Manager managed attachment that is presented to the user after submission.Role Provides a named collection of access privileges.RolePermission Provides an association between a role and a permission.ScheduledJobHistory Provides a ScheduledJobHistory entity.SchemaExtractMap Provides a data extract mapping, defining elements that are to be extracted from the submitted XML data and stored in the SmartForm Manager database.SchemaSeed Provides an entity containing a blank seed file for a form, as well as configuration such as prefill mappings.SecurityManager Provides an Security Manager configuration entity.SecurityManagerLog Provides an Security Manager Logging entity.SecurityManagerLogData Provides an Security Manager Logging Data entity.SecurityManagerParameter Provides an Security Manager Parameter entity.ServerNode A persistent class mapped as "ServerNode" Cayenne entity.ServiceConnection Provides an entity describing connection details to an external service.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.ServiceParameter Provides a typed parameter used to configure a service.ServiceParameterHistory The Class ServiceParameterHistory.Status Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.SubmissionAsyncMsg Provides an submission asynchronous message entity.SubmissionAsyncMsgBody Provides an submission asynchronous message body entity.SubmissionAttribute Provides a submission attribute entity for storing large text attribute values (2000) characters associated with a submission record.SubmissionComment Provides a submission comments entity.SubmissionData Provides an entity storing file contents associated with a submission.SubmissionDeliveryCheckpoint Provides an submission delivery process checkpoint entity.SubmissionDeliveryFunc Provides an submission delivery function entity.SubmissionExtractData Deprecated.SubmissionExtractJson Provides a submission data extract map JSON record using aSchemaExtractMap
.SubmissionExtractSearch Provides a submission data extract search item hash value.SubmissionGroup Provides an submission group entity.SubmissionHistory Provides a record of a particular version of a submission.SubmissionHistoryData Provides an entity storing the file contents of a submission history entry.SubmissionMilestone Provides an entity recording submission milestones.SubmissionProperty Provides the entity class to store submission properties.SubmissionPropertySearch Provides a submission property search item hash value.SubmissionServiceLog Provides an entity describing a service used by a submission.SubmissionValidationError Provides a submission validation error entity.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.TemplateVersionData Provides an entity storing the file contents of a template version.TemplateVersionDeployment Provides an entity that records a template version change (either having occurred in the past or scheduled for the future).TPac Provides an entity modelling TPac packages.TPacData Provides an entity containing the binary package data for a TPac package.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager.UserAuthEvent Provides a user authentication event entity.UserGroup Provides an association between a user account and a group.UserPortalPref Provides a User Portal Preferences class.UserProfile Provides a user profile containing a set of user properties and their values (e.g.UserProperty Provides a property value associated with a specific user.UserRole Provides an association between a user and a role.VersionAttachment Provides the definition of a required attachment associated with a form template version.VersionMetadataValue Provides a metadata value associated with a form template version.VersionPropertyValue Provides a property value associated with a form template version.XmlInputMap Provides an mapping from an XML prefill file into a schema seed. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.job Class Description ErrorLog Provides an error log entry, including detailed information such as the stack trace.Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.JobStep Provides a Collaboration Job Step entity. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.listener Class Description FormDesign Provides a form design entity used in Maestro.Library Provides a resource library entity used in Maestro.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by Class Description Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by Class Description AuthenticationProvider Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration entity.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.SecurityManager Provides an Security Manager configuration entity.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service Class Description ApplicationPackage Provides an entity containing information about applications (sets of related services and forms belonging to the same organization).Attachment Provides an attachment entity used to model supporting documentation for a submission.AuthenticationProvider Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration entity.Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.DeliveryDetails Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.DocumentType Provides a document type entity on which attachments are based.EmailQueue Provides an email queue entry that can be queued and automatically retried.ErrorLog Provides an error log entry, including detailed information such as the stack trace.FileUpload Provides an entity containing information about a file uploaded to SmartForm Manager.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.GroovyServiceLog Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.Group Provides a group entity that users can belong to.ImportAction Provides an entity describing an archive import action.Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.JobAction Provides a transaction job action entity.MetadataListValue Provides a valid value of a metadata tag of type list or list hierarchy.MetadataTag Provides an entity defining a metadata tag.PaymentLog Provides a record for a payment made using the SmartForm Manager payment module.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.PropertyType Provides a property type that can be assigned concrete values depending on its scope (client, form, user) and data type.RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.RequiredAttachment Provides an entity representing a SmartForm Manager managed attachment that is presented to the user after submission.SchemaSeed Provides an entity containing a blank seed file for a form, as well as configuration such as prefill mappings.SecurityManager Provides an Security Manager configuration entity.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.SubmissionHistory Provides a record of a particular version of a submission.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager.XmlInputMap Provides an mapping from an XML prefill file into a schema seed. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.archive Class Description ApplicationPackage Provides an entity containing information about applications (sets of related services and forms belonging to the same organization).Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.ImportAction Provides an entity describing an archive import action.ImportAction.ImportType SchemaSeed Provides an entity containing a blank seed file for a form, as well as configuration such as prefill mappings.ServiceConnection Provides an entity describing connection details to an external service.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.composer Class Description Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.SchemaExtractMap Provides a data extract mapping, defining elements that are to be extracted from the submitted XML data and stored in the SmartForm Manager database.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by Class Description Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.EmailQueue Provides an email queue entry that can be queued and automatically retried.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.GroovyServiceLog Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.PaymentLog Provides a record for a payment made using the SmartForm Manager payment module.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.fluent Class Description Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.DeliveryDetails Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.GroovyServiceLog Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.JobAction Provides a transaction job action entity.RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.form Class Description Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.SchemaSeed Provides an entity containing a blank seed file for a form, as well as configuration such as prefill mappings.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.TemplateVersionDeployment Provides an entity that records a template version change (either having occurred in the past or scheduled for the future).UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.impl Class Description Attachment Provides an attachment entity used to model supporting documentation for a submission.Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.DeliveryDetails Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.EmailQueue Provides an email queue entry that can be queued and automatically retried.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.Group Provides a group entity that users can belong to.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager.VersionMetadataValue Provides a metadata value associated with a form template version. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.insights Class Description Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.JobAction Provides a transaction job action entity.JobStep Provides a Collaboration Job Step entity.RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.itext Class Description RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.job Class Description Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.JobAction Provides a transaction job action entity.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.job.impl Class Description Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.DeliveryDetails Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.JobAction Provides a transaction job action entity.JobStep Provides a Collaboration Job Step entity.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.payment Class Description Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.PaymentLog Provides a record for a payment made using the SmartForm Manager payment module.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.payment.reconciliation Class Description Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.PaymentLog Provides a record for a payment made using the SmartForm Manager payment module. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.phantomjs Class Description RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.reporting Class Description SystemHealth Provides an entity encapsulating a number of metrics describing system load and health. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.salesforce Class Description ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by Class Description Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.FileUpload Provides an entity containing information about a file uploaded to SmartForm Manager.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.SubmissionHistory Provides a record of a particular version of a submission. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.submission Class Description DeliveryDetails Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.SubmissionAsyncMsg Provides an submission asynchronous message entity.SubmissionProperty Provides the entity class to store submission properties.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.test Class Description ApplicationPackage Provides an entity containing information about applications (sets of related services and forms belonging to the same organization).Attachment Provides an attachment entity used to model supporting documentation for a submission.Category Provides a category for form classification.Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.ClientPortal Provides an association between an organization and a portal.ClientProperty Provides a property value associated with a specific client.ClientUser Provides an entity defining a client user.DeliveryDetails Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.DeploymentProperty Provides an entity holding a deployment property.EmailQueue Provides an email queue entry that can be queued and automatically retried.ErrorLog Provides an error log entry, including detailed information such as the stack trace.EventLog Provides an event log entry with a severity indicator and a message.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.FormCategory Provides an association between a form version and a category.FormPortal Provides an association between a form and a portal.GroovyServiceLog Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.Group Provides a group entity that users can belong to.Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.PaymentLog Provides a record for a payment made using the SmartForm Manager payment module.Permission Provides an entity representing the privilege to access restricted content.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.PortalPage Provides a named portal page.PortalProperty Provides a typed property for a portal.PortalUser Provides an association between a user account and a portal.Project Provides a project entity containing folders and form designs used in Maestro.PropertyType Provides a property type that can be assigned concrete values depending on its scope (client, form, user) and data type.RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.Role Provides a named collection of access privileges.SchemaExtractMap Provides a data extract mapping, defining elements that are to be extracted from the submitted XML data and stored in the SmartForm Manager database.SchemaSeed Provides an entity containing a blank seed file for a form, as well as configuration such as prefill mappings.SecurityManager Provides an Security Manager configuration entity.ServerNode A persistent class mapped as "ServerNode" Cayenne entity.ServiceConnection Provides an entity describing connection details to an external service.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.ServiceParameter Provides a typed parameter used to configure a service.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.SubmissionGroup Provides an submission group entity.SubmissionProperty Provides the entity class to store submission properties.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.TPac Provides an entity modelling TPac packages.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager.UserGroup Provides an association between a user account and a group.UserProfile Provides a user profile containing a set of user properties and their values (e.g.UserProperty Provides a property value associated with a specific user.UserRole Provides an association between a user and a role.VersionPropertyValue Provides a property value associated with a form template version. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.service.vo Class Description PrefillParamXpathMap Provides an entity request parameter prefill to form data model XML XPath map.PropertyPrefillMap Provides a property prefill mapping from a property (described by name and scope) to an XPath in a schema seed.SchemaExtractMap Provides a data extract mapping, defining elements that are to be extracted from the submitted XML data and stored in the SmartForm Manager database.SchemaSeed Provides an entity containing a blank seed file for a form, as well as configuration such as prefill mappings.XmlInputMap Provides an mapping from an XML prefill file into a schema seed. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.servlet Class Description ErrorLog Provides an error log entry, including detailed information such as the stack trace.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.servlet.dd.reference Class Description ClientRefData The ClientRefData entity. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by Class Description Group Provides a group entity that users can belong to.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.sysevent Class Description AuditLog Provides an audit log entity used to track changes made to sensitive data.ErrorLog Provides an error log entry, including detailed information such as the stack trace.EventLog Provides an event log entry with a severity indicator and a message.GroovyServiceLog Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.SubmissionMilestone Provides an entity recording submission milestones.SubmissionProperty Provides the entity class to store submission properties.SystemHealth Provides an entity encapsulating a number of metrics describing system load and health.UserAuthEvent Provides a user authentication event entity. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.test.func Class Description Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.test.junit4 Class Description Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.util Class Description Attachment Provides an attachment entity used to model supporting documentation for a submission.Client Provides a client (or organization) entity.DeliveryDetails Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.ErrorLog Provides an error log entry, including detailed information such as the stack trace.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.GroovyServiceLog Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.PrefillParamXpathMap Provides an entity request parameter prefill to form data model XML XPath map.PropertyPrefillMap Provides a property prefill mapping from a property (described by name and scope) to an XPath in a schema seed.RequestLog Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.SchemaExtractMap Provides a data extract mapping, defining elements that are to be extracted from the submitted XML data and stored in the SmartForm Manager database.Status Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager.XmlInputMap Provides an mapping from an XML prefill file into a schema seed. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by com.avoka.fc.core.util.xml Class Description TemplateVersion Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by Class Description GroovyServiceLog Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager. -
Classes in com.avoka.fc.core.entity used by Class Description Attachment Provides an attachment entity used to model supporting documentation for a submission.Form Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.Group Provides a group entity that users can belong to.Job Provides a Collaboration Job entity.JobAction Provides a transaction job action entity.JobComment Provides a job comment entity.JobStep Provides a Collaboration Job Step entity.PaymentLog Provides a record for a payment made using the SmartForm Manager payment module.Portal Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.Role Provides a named collection of access privileges.SecurityManager Provides an Security Manager configuration entity.ServiceConnection Provides an entity describing connection details to an external service.ServiceDefinition Provides an entity describing a service definition.Submission Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.SubmissionComment Provides a submission comments entity.SubmissionDeliveryFunc Provides an submission delivery function entity.UserAccount Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager.